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Old April 15th, 2008, 19:42   #9
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by max.power View Post
Yeah, I don't know what type of toy comes in a 12x7x2" box and weighs 5lbs. I'll just go with "computer parts" I think. Thanks for the advice all.
ok now, that's just blatantly misleading. toy is more acceptable since it is considered a toy in some respects. I have some electric trains engines that are quite heavy and would easily fit 2 or 3 in that box size and weigh the same or more than 5 lbs.

What if the box becomes damaged along the way and someone does happen to open it? How are you going to explain computer parts then? Stick with toy. It is such a broad term that it is much better to use than 'computer parts'.
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