Just a quick intro...
SPS put me on to this lifestyle and now I am addicted. (jerk). Funny how 1 day and a trip to Richmond BC can change your life.
Bought my first gun yesterday and is a Bell EG723 full metal... It was sold to me as a Beretta but from what I read (and the markings on this piece) the Beretta is a 9mm and the Bell EG723 has .45 all over it... Is this a Colt 1911, Colt .45 or a Beretta 1911? What's the dealio?
Does anyone have this gun or have any reviews on it? So far I am pretty damn happy with it. Just need to get a 2nd one so I can make my dual back holster and finish off the look ( I know... I know, this isn't the same gun but I am a leathersmith and I want to make this holster
