Originally Posted by White_knight
so what if someone wants a halo br or mals pistol from firefly.
I'd totally field Mal's pistol!... Or better yet, Vera
And I did have an idea regarding those Jaffa Staff weapons... the bottom end is conveniently huge [insert ass joke here] and you could probably fit some sort of internals in that part... maybe a battery (somehow make a 'ball' battery like those little Goa'uld teleball dealies they use...), some sort of M14 like motor in the shaft [insert shaft\motor related joke here], three or four barrels to simulate the slightly larger 'projectile' (energy blast).
The grip/trigger button is also larger than the general staff, more possible internal room...
I'm sure they are doable....
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien