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Hi, new airsofter, looking for advice.


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old August 10th, 2005, 02:02   #1
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: New York
Hi, new airsofter, looking for advice.

Hey, my names vincent, and Iv'e been interested in airsoft for quite a while, and recently iv'e had my eye on 2 pistols Im taking about purchasing, this forum seemed like the right place to post and figured id post here in search of pros and cons and any type of upgrades that'd need to be made?

The pistols are:
the SPKA51CH
and the full metal KJ WORKS-M9

Not sure which one was the better buy, but Im thinking about purchasing both, the m9 has a 280 stock fps, which is a definite plus, still unsure. Sorry if this is in the wrong section or anything. Also, was wondering if anyone has information on the actual "sport" of airsoft, a site or something where I can read up about teams and things of the like, maybe actually join a team after a little work (okay alot lol).

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Old August 10th, 2005, 02:08   #2
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Go for the M9

Originally Posted by NaS
or something where I can read up about teams and things of the like, maybe actually join a team after a little work (okay alot lol).
As for the team thing. Majority of the people on this forum are from Canada, thus the name airsoftcanada. If you are looking to join a team, I suggest checking out an american airsoft forum.
Originally Posted by Sadiztix
Give Her Duster And She'll Love You Long Time
(The Gun, Not My Girlfriend)
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Old August 10th, 2005, 02:08   #3
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KJ M9.

NEVER heard of whatever the hell that other one is.

KJ M9 will run no problem on propane aka on green gas out of the box.

Heh ya ASC is a good place to ask questions, I've noticed American & other countries forums are kinda useless. :lol:

As for info on airsoft itself. Go here >

Welcome to ASC.
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Old August 10th, 2005, 02:40   #4
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Originally Posted by BC_K
KJ M9.

NEVER heard of whatever the hell that other one is.

KJ M9 will run no problem on propane aka on green gas out of the box.

Heh ya ASC is a good place to ask questions, I've noticed American & other countries forums are kinda useless. :lol:

As for info on airsoft itself. Go here >

Welcome to ASC.
Yea, although I live in America, seems like most of the sites are clueless, and those that sell airsoft guns from the U.S. sell cheap quality pistols. I did some research on the M9 after posting this, and found out that I can use propane gas and should avoid green gas even though its essentially propane, I can run into problems with it? And if I can use propane, are we talking about regular propane as in a tank of propane for multiple uses (other than airsoft of course). If so, how would I go about filling the mag with the tank? Or is there some kind of hose?

BTW, I will most likley be purchasing the berette tomorow, well its 2:39 am, so in a few hours, when I recieve it depending on shiping time, ill post the rest of my questions here if it isnt a problem for you guys. Im also willing to travel to participate in airsoft events because it seems pretty fun andmight be something i'll actually enjoy sticking to, which is why i was looking for details on it, thanks again.

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Old August 10th, 2005, 02:45   #5
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Not sure if this helps -

Is where I plan on purchasing the gun from, sais Metal, im pretty sure it's full metal but im probably going to give them a call and make sure as i dont want to be disapointed. Can anyone give me an idea on some important updates that would be needed to increas the stock 280 fps?
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Old August 10th, 2005, 02:49   #6
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Yes, Propane, like camping stove & bbq propane. Common usage is the little green Coleman brand camping tanks.

You need these to use it.

Willing to travel? Not across the border with your airsoft, that is NOT legally allowed.

Green gas is only scented camping stove propane with silicone lubricant in it.

EDIT: The stock FPS is 280fps with 134, Propane expands to a greater volume and will make the fps even higher. You could purchase a "high flow" valve but for a first pistol I'd highly suggest just leave it as it is.
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Old August 10th, 2005, 02:57   #7
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Location: New York
Originally Posted by BC_K
Yes, Propane, like camping stove & bbq propane. Common usage is the little green Coleman brand camping tanks.

You need these to use it.

Willing to travel? Not across the border with your airsoft, that is NOT legally allowed.

Green gas is only scented camping stove propane with silicone lubricant in it.

EDIT: The stock FPS is 280fps with 134, Propane expands to a greater volume and will make the fps even higher. You could purchase a "high flow" valve but for a first pistol I'd highly suggest just leave it as it is.
Oh, thanks about the whole legal thing, wasn't aware of that. I take it by using regular propane I will be saving a ton of money?
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Old August 10th, 2005, 03:08   #8
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You'll save TONS of cash. Why pay $25 CAD for a can of green gas when you can buy a 3 pack of propane tanks for $6 CAD or so.
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Old August 10th, 2005, 03:15   #9
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Originally Posted by BC_K
You'll save TONS of cash. Why pay $25 CAD for a can of green gas when you can buy a 3 pack of propane tanks for $6 CAD or so.
Yea, that really makes sence Thanks alot. I will be ordering everything soon, was wondering about that $5 bottle of silicon lube, it sais put 2 drops in the piece (the little "injector" that connects to the propane tank) every 8 mags, how does this inturn benefit for the gun?
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Old August 10th, 2005, 03:25   #10
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when you inject the propane mixed with silicone into the mag it will lubricate it and helps to maintain it.
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Old August 10th, 2005, 09:19   #11
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It keeps the rubber O-rings from drying out and cracking. It will help maintain a good seal.
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Old August 10th, 2005, 09:40   #12
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Isn't their a law saying that you cant own a replica firearm in NY?
Airsoft (and ownership) is illegal in Connecticut, New Jersy and New York. This situation is fluid, so be sure to keep up on any state and local Airsoft legislation.
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Old August 10th, 2005, 11:04   #13
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Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
Isn't their a law saying that you cant own a replica firearm in NY?
Airsoft (and ownership) is illegal in Connecticut, New Jersy and New York. This situation is fluid, so be sure to keep up on any state and local Airsoft legislation.
From what I have read on ot6her forums, it is just the actual city of New York that airsoft is illegal within.
So are BB guns and sling shots IIRC.
Do you have any MP5 accessories that you're looking to get rid of just let me know.
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Old August 10th, 2005, 12:11   #14
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Yes, it's illegal downhere unless you have some kind of license and your fire harm is tipped in orange paint (from what iv'e heared im not too sure on the law) im moving virginia this year anyways so if anything goes wrong, i'll mail it there (thats where my mom lives now) thanks for the information, i'll look up on it
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Old August 10th, 2005, 12:53   #15
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Location: New York
Hey, iv'e ran into a slight problem. On one site, the gun is selling for 300$, on several others it's selling for 125-150$, they look like the exact same gun by the description and pictures, but I really don't want to be disapointed, anyone have a website they know I can for sure purchase this gun from for a nice price? thanks
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