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A few MP5K questions


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Old August 15th, 2005, 11:27   #1
A few MP5K questions

so my SR16 is boring me
and i wanna learn from its downfalls

I need a gun for field play
its gotta be
not V1 or V2
able to take large battery

I like the MP5, but I hate V2 internals
and the only MP5 with a V3 is the K version.
but its so damm small
and I hate V2 internals but I love to upgrade the shit outta my guns.
Is there a way to put a full stock on it to fit a large battery?

I thought that if I could take a MP5K, add a full stock and a silencer(for an extended tightbore) that Id be good to, its cheap. Basically, anyway to fit a large battery.

its either that or a G36....i like the 36 for feel and performance, but I hate the look.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 11:43   #2
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You could always get the MP5k PDW and do the built-in battery stock mod. Can't remember exactly but I think there's a guide at unconventional airsoft's site.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 11:50   #3
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Give this link a good reading:

Im in the midst of doing exactly what you described to my MP5K right now. :lol:

Your only real battery options are these: 9.6v 1100mah stick battery, battery pouch or a pdw stock mod like the one in the posted link. If you really wanted, you could get a RIS & an AN/PEQ but they look very out of proportion (sp?) to the gun.

Just what type of playing conditions are you planning on using a modded MP5K in? With that info I can probaly help ya out a bit more.
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Old August 15th, 2005, 12:20   #4
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Another option is to buy an AEG that you like and replace the internals with a G36 mech box, like this one
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Old August 15th, 2005, 13:41   #5
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You could always do the M4 stock mod on a K, then use a crane stock to put a large battery in...just run the connector wire through the current battery well in the body, back to the crane stock battery compartment through the stock tube.

Bingo, v.3 mechbox with a large battery.

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Old August 15th, 2005, 15:04   #6
Originally Posted by fly_boy
Another option is to buy an AEG that you like and replace the internals with a G36 mech box, like this one

G36 mechbox wont fit in a M4

I gotta say, I do like the MP5K Simply for size and stability
From what I understamnd, they are small and solid.

was considering

I spotted it on WGC

I dont do much CQB, and most of my fighting is considerably long range. Im a big guy, but I find my SR16 gets bulky and is akward in dense bush.

I figured I could run the MP5K PDW at 400fps from a large 9.6v 3300mah battery(from the sling) and use a +-200mm silencer to cover up a M4 tightbore. Range and performance would be on par with any other upgraded AEG, but at a considerable smaller weapon around 830mm with the stock and 500mm or so with the stock down.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 13:29   #7
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this could work =)

ive been wanting to try this for all my AEGs except for the ones with full stock battery housing.
try it.

i love my mp5k so i just keep it stock with the stick battery for cqb use + the custom m4 slither stock (done by tru) for better stability.

my original plan was to use an ops silencer with a silencer adaptor and increase the innerbarrel to an m4 length, then upgrade the internals to hit 350-380fps


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Old August 20th, 2005, 13:36   #8
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oh and dont bother getting the ca mp5k metal body =) (its not even heavy)
it makes it much harder to get to your mechbox and do tuneups.. lots of headaches.

its a straight fit but i would recommend staying with the abs plastic body =) its solid enough and cheaper to replace =p
good luck on your aeg choice.

if u want to use hicaps get the shorty hicap that holds 250 rounds with the fake bullets. they feed way better than the long hicaps. or you could just use all low caps

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