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converting a Maruzen MP5K to a SD


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Old December 28th, 2006, 13:04   #1
Tactically Casual
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converting a Maruzen MP5K to a SD

I just got bought a Maruzen MP5K. I realized that with some modifications it can be converted to a SD variant. Ive been told by some people that have done it that you need ICS parts to do it. What other things would I need to complete this project?

I basically want it to go

from this:

to this

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Old December 28th, 2006, 14:32   #2
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Sell me your foregrip if you're going to do it.

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Old December 28th, 2006, 17:58   #3
Tactically Casual
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If I can get more info on what I'd need for the conversion Id be mpre than happy to.
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Old December 28th, 2006, 23:52   #4
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Its not impossible, but not really plausible. The thing is that the bodies out there for the MP5SD are mostly for AEG's, I did a quick search, and didn't find one for a GBB gun. Anyway, just cross comparing the bodies of the AEGs, its not really that easy either. See the MP5K has the V.3 mechbox into it. Also the body on the K is also solid, there is no mid point between the cocking tube and the receiver its all one piece. That being said, you'd have to get the entire body and then you'd have to fit it to the internals of the GBB Marauzen MP5K.

Somehow, still not having seen the internals of the MP5K in question here, I don't think its going to be a cake walk. But, simply put, you'd need to pic up front to back the parts for the SD. The Stock, the receiver, the SD front end, and then work them to fit the Marazen internals.

That is going to be a risk you'll have to take to see if it works.

EDIT: Also, but the time you've tracked down all the parts and then factor in the time it takes you to mod that one gun. Why not just put the money to a new MP5SD5? You'll have two guns to tote, and less the headache.

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Old December 29th, 2006, 01:38   #5
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Not to mention it's almost impossible to get 50 round mags for the Maruzen gun. I've been on every retailers site looking for three years and they are always "sold out" or "out of stock". Been on every watch list as well and never got a reply,
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Old August 19th, 2007, 18:08   #6
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sorry to dig this up again.


What about turning a standard MP5 into a MP5SD?

I bought an MP5 for my girlfriend as a surprize gift but now she tells me she really thinks MP5SD are way cooler. (stupid OFP black op missions we played recently) It's already on the way so it's too late to buy something else.

I've been considering fabricating something. (home hardware suppressors!) Finding the ribbed grip would be difficult though.
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Old August 19th, 2007, 18:47   #7
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Originally Posted by Moz View Post
sorry to dig this up again.


What about turning a standard MP5 into a MP5SD?

I bought an MP5 for my girlfriend as a surprize gift but now she tells me she really thinks MP5SD are way cooler. (stupid OFP black op missions we played recently) It's already on the way so it's too late to buy something else.

I've been considering fabricating something. (home hardware suppressors!) Finding the ribbed grip would be difficult though.
Sounds like your girlfriend and I would get along famously.

There are a few routes to take. The most obivous one being that once you put everything into transforming the A into an SD you could have just bought an SD and kept the A for yourself. But where's the love there?

You could always just search for a quick attach suppressor (the kind that twists over the 3 knobs on the flash hider), or a threaded barrel (get a tight bore while your at it?) and a threaded suppressor.

As you can see, a front end kit is available through 007: (9th down)
SD Metal Cocking Tube
MP5 SD Handguard
Metal Front Sight
Metal Silencer
Metal Cocking Handle
However, it's full metal and CA...Hence it's $300. (It's probably not compatible with ICS or TM without a dremel at hand, but you never know)

Taking a quick look over WGC, they have the SD front ends for TMs aswell, $80US. They are instock, so Ken could grab one for you.

Basically, unless you can find the foregrip for sale somewhere (and then you can make your own suppressor), the only way to get it is with the rest of the front end.

Edit - I forgot about this thing:
Although I'm not sure whether it totally replaces the foregrip or whether it just slips over it. (I believe it's also listed on redwolf somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look that up)

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Last edited by Nik12; August 19th, 2007 at 18:54..
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Old August 19th, 2007, 19:26   #8
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Originally Posted by Nik12 View Post
Sounds like your girlfriend and I would get along famously.
I hate you but only because I care for her love of the koch's short and jubby I'll read the rest of your post.

I've looked into those solutions but they are on the pricy side. I've read on arnies that people have just taken a crapsoft LPEG SD and swapped the frontends. O course the cost of importing crapsoft since it can't be found locally.

Making the suppressor itself shouldn't be too difficult, some PVC piping, sheet plastic etc. It's getting the hand grip with that ripped pattern. I don't know where I would find something like that.

The length of the upper reciever is the same from a standard MP5 and a MP5SD, right? So I wouldn't need a new cocking tube.

edit: how big do those computer cable tubes get?
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Old August 19th, 2007, 20:19   #9
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Originally Posted by Moz View Post
I hate you but only because I care for her love of the koch's short and jubby I'll read the rest of your post.

I've looked into those solutions but they are on the pricy side. I've read on arnies that people have just taken a crapsoft LPEG SD and swapped the frontends. O course the cost of importing crapsoft since it can't be found locally.

Making the suppressor itself shouldn't be too difficult, some PVC piping, sheet plastic etc. It's getting the hand grip with that ripped pattern. I don't know where I would find something like that.

The length of the upper reciever is the same from a standard MP5 and a MP5SD, right? So I wouldn't need a new cocking tube.

edit: how big do those computer cable tubes get?
Haha, I was only implying that we share the opinion that SD > A

As far as I know the cocking tube is the same length. I think I've seen white hosing somewhere that has a similar ribbing to the foregrip on the SD. Maybe pool supplies? It's not really rigid though. You could forget the ribbing altogether and just get some PVC piping and some silicone cocking. Apply the cocking in fancy fashions all artistically to the PVC. It'll provide grip and add character to it.....wait, fuck that, I'm going to do that....

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Old August 19th, 2007, 20:51   #10
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my idea was to put the ribbed tubing over PVC (glue) screw in a smaller one for the chubby and then dremel it to fit. (plus a cap on the end)
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Old August 19th, 2007, 21:44   #11
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That's not a half bad idea.

Here's the hose stuff I was talking about:
I just searched google for pool hose.
It's a similar ribbed pattern (it's clearly much more coarse, but unless you're looking to do some I'm not sure about different diameters though, you'd have to check with a pool store or something.

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Old August 20th, 2007, 16:44   #12
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need to get dimensions.

Can any MP5SD owners measure out the length and diameter of their integral suppressor and grip?

So from the tip to the grip, and the grip to the receiver. Plus the diameter of the two pieces?

Also, do you think I'm treading on some dangerous ice if I were to put this on the inside of it?

It'd would just be for the "cool" factor but it might classify it as a real suppressor.


my estimations for the grip put it at 4cm in diameter and 16.5cm long

the chubby from my guess is 12 long and 3.5cm wide.

Last edited by Moz; August 20th, 2007 at 17:07..
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Old August 20th, 2007, 17:31   #13
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I has an idea: sell the origional MP5 with a slight mark down (if necessary).

Then buy SD series. Done.


Originally Posted by femina View Post
Okay, I recently went to art show. One of exhibit had huge panoramic canvas pictures of landscape photos taken with a digital camera. These pictures were nice and huge. The canvas was attached to a wooden stretcher frame for direct hanging on a wall without need for a frame. Do you know any more on this subject? Where can I go for additional information on this subject?
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Old August 20th, 2007, 18:01   #14
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Originally Posted by Cheesevillage View Post
I has an idea: sell the origional MP5 with a slight mark down (if necessary).

Then buy SD series. Done.

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Old August 20th, 2007, 18:03   #15
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He's putting more love into it this way.

Originally Posted by Moz View Post
need to get dimensions.

Can any MP5SD owners measure out the length and diameter of their integral suppressor and grip?

So from the tip to the grip, and the grip to the receiver. Plus the diameter of the two pieces?

Also, do you think I'm treading on some dangerous ice if I were to put this on the inside of it?

It'd would just be for the "cool" factor but it might classify it as a real suppressor.


my estimations for the grip put it at 4cm in diameter and 16.5cm long

the chubby from my guess is 12 long and 3.5cm wide.
If you have the time to wait until Ken finally gets my SD2 to me (Probably next week), I can give you dimensions out the wazoo.

If it's the internals of the real suppressor, it would indeed be dangerous ice. That's because your replica suppressor would instantly become a real suppressor.

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