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Full Pencott Loadout


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Old April 19th, 2016, 12:36   #1
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Full Pencott Loadout

Being a total gear noob, I humbly come before you, the second line kit gurus, hoping to attain some wisdom.

Here is my story..

So after 7 years of airsofting and shamefully neglecting my gear in favor of shinny and sexy guns, I'm now looking to upgrade my 50$ condor chest rig and 8 year old set of Rothco woodland bdus.

I've always liked the pencott pattern, and until recently its been prohibitively expensive. I'm still unsure on whenever to go with greenzone or badlands. Badlands seems a bit more versatile, as it would work great in the fall and in pine forests. However, it would be extremely annoyed not being able to use it at a big milsim due to color restrictions.

Key Facts:

Budget: 500 to 700 cad

Gear Required (all in pencott) :

1. Chest rig or plate carrier (something small, since im around 168cm)
2. Combat pants pants with integrated knee-pads (those who know me have seen my DIY kneepads lol)
3. Shirt, unsure if I want a combat shirt or a traditional top (elbow pads an asset).

Gear wanted if possible (hopefully in pencott too):

1. combat belt for mags and stuff
2. Hydro carrier

So far, Ive only found two manufacturers within my budget, and not located in europe. Rasputin from ebairsoft and UR tactical.


Rigs (roughly same price):

UR tactical OPS


Rasputing JPC 2 knock off (heard its good quality)


UR tactical OPS


Rasputin G3 copies

The only top ive found is this one, also from rasputin:

Any insight would be appreciated !

Thanks !!!!


Last edited by SuperCriollo; April 19th, 2016 at 12:41..
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Old April 19th, 2016, 14:26   #2
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Go UR-Tac all the way, no question. Get the easy plate in large (large plates), otherwise it's like a tactical sports bra.

I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; April 19th, 2016 at 14:29..
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Old April 19th, 2016, 21:28   #3
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Hey SuperCriollo!

I was looking at doing the same, only a few years in the future from now (school tuition takes precedence... -_-).

I was hoping actually to ask around to see if Badlands would be allowed as a tan uniform colour, but figured there wasn't any point to it at this time as I can't purchase any new gear right now anyways. If you're mainly a Canadian milsim player, ask the various organizers to see if they'd allow Badlands as a tan uniform (I think most will clear Greenzone as a green pattern, Badlands is kinda iffy).

Widowmaker Industries in Peterborough stocks the Rasputin stuff (which I've heard isn't bad as well) if you're looking local. I think the UR Tac Ops stuff will be better though (I'm saving up for these ones). You can also hit all of the rest of the items on your list at URTactical (they've got all the Pencott gear you'd need).

If you're running a PC, go for the combat shirt; it's lighter, closer fitting, and more breathable. The field jacket is okay, but I find you can overheat in those too fast.

Good luck, and pics of loadout once you're done assembling it! All that Pencott goodness
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Old April 19th, 2016, 22:17   #4
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if you're looking for Pencott look over at Europe thats where it originates from.
Talk to Dave from Shrike Airsoft he had a few suppliers from out there that stock Pencott Greenzone and badlands
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Old April 20th, 2016, 09:47   #5
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Thanks for the input guys !
UR tactical it is. I might have to get the Rasputin combat shirt though, ad UR is out of stock in my size. I also found the battle belt, and other few things at alien express.

Hey Datawraith, I had found Widomaker as well, but most of their stuff is out off stock.

After looking at European prices, it is out off the question. 100 euro for a battle belt, plus shipping. No thanks xP

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Old April 20th, 2016, 15:16   #6
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Just remembered the name of the company Shrike deals with
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Old April 21st, 2016, 00:24   #7
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Just checked their site, and sadly they've got nothing in pencott.

So it turns out that UR tactical and Ebairsoft are both out off stock of combat shirts in greenzone on my size (small reg). So I think I'm gonna get the advanced fast response pants and easy plate carrier off UR.

For the shirt I have found two options.

1st UF pro Striker Combat Shirt from seals ation gear in alberta $142 plus taxes and shipping

2nd Rasputin one from Evike at like 90 bucks after exchange rate or so (considering that shipping will be cheaper since my dad in on miami and could bring it here as luggage)

There is a substantial price difference, so Im trying to decide whenever its worth to spend the extra on uf pro set or not.

Thanks !

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Old April 21st, 2016, 10:12   #8
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Seals is a good store that doesn't carry crap, repro, airsoft, or replica, solid recommend buying from them and spending the extra. The UR Tac stuff is high quality, so why cheap out on the shirt?
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old April 25th, 2016, 13:37   #9
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Here is an update.

I ordered the pants, PC, fast helmet cover and hydro pouch off UR tactical.
I also ordered the UF pro shirt. After reading some stellar reviews, I decided to go for it. Sadly the elbow pads weren't included.

So far I've spent 600 cad.

Biggest problem, I'm having is finding a molle belt in pencott, and open top single mag pouches. Only pouches I've found are made by TMC, but they have flaps. I might just cut the flaps off, remove the front Velcro and add kidex inserts.

As for the belt, I'll likely get something off airsoft depot in OD green, until UR tactical has them back in stock.

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Old April 25th, 2016, 14:38   #10
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Check out Husar Systems. Very small company out of Poland but very good looking stuff.
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Old April 25th, 2016, 14:41   #11
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
Here is an update.

I ordered the pants, PC, fast helmet cover and hydro pouch off UR tactical.
I also ordered the UF pro shirt. After reading some stellar reviews, I decided to go for it. Sadly the elbow pads weren't included.

So far I've spent 600 cad.

Biggest problem, I'm having is finding a molle belt in pencott, and open top single mag pouches. Only pouches I've found are made by TMC, but they have flaps. I might just cut the flaps off, remove the front Velcro and add kidex inserts.

As for the belt, I'll likely get something off airsoft depot in OD green, until UR tactical has them back in stock.

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Old April 25th, 2016, 18:10   #12
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Lulz, more like 7 years of barely spending on gear finally catching up with me. Hell, the only thing holding my cheapy condor chest-rig together is an old hoodie's string. My pants have been sown half a dozen times and have makeshift knee pad retainer, cuz they kept falling lol

Sadly, I still need to get a helmet, cuz my real PSGT is a neck breaker! haha

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Old April 25th, 2016, 19:16   #13
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For the pouches, if you want to spare no expense, buy some of the fabric and see if you can commission a custom job from Perroz Designs or some other custom gear maker. (Tell them to make em Taco style :P) See how much it is for them to make a belt too.
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Old April 26th, 2016, 15:51   #14
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I'm gonna use the pouches with the flaps for now, and probably make some pouches out of kydex myself later :P

These guys have the right idea:

I also found out that Tactical Tailor makes open top pouches in Pencott... but Im gonna hold off a bit, as I'm already over budget lol

I finally found a battle belt..... but the site looks kinda sketchy....

Has anyone herd off TB Airsoft ?

Thanks !

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Old May 15th, 2016, 18:16   #15
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Ive got the Rasputin stuff (bought from Widowmaker) and for the price its pretty a decent product. I haven't had any issues (a number of my friends run it as well).

If you need pouches check out Gear Dynamic in Alberta. They were working on a mag pouch design when I last checked in December.
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