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Old October 26th, 2013, 17:15   #46
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
What trade in the Army?
It was not in Canada so not sure how it is called here. Basically we had to guard a government facility. My job in particular was to make sure all the electronic detection devices were in working order and go on patrols.
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Old October 26th, 2013, 17:54   #47
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Because 13 year olds are incapable of shooting and killing people? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

You're getting hung up on the kid's age and shifting the blame to the cops that thought they were facing a real threat and made a judgement call

The "whole system" yes the system is fucked but this isn't an example of where it failed, I'm not some pig apologist, ask anyone in off-topic, but in this case the cops actually did what they were supposed to do with tragic results.

Sounds like they really thought there was a legitimate threat.

Stupid parents should have got the kid a bag for his toy

I vote for AV revocation, stupids shouldn't have access to Airsoft lol
Stupid? If I see you on a field, there will be a BB ready for you with your name on it!
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Old October 26th, 2013, 18:07   #48
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Hehehe get in line
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Old October 26th, 2013, 18:11   #49
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Originally Posted by volteco View Post
It was not in Canada so not sure how it is called here. Basically we had to guard a government facility. My job in particular was to make sure all the electronic detection devices were in working order and go on patrols.
So you were a conscript somewhere.

So that particular 2 year career isn't really worth putting on the table when its time to ante up and speak from your experience.

Unless of course you received a special qualification badge for "shooting people in the extremities to stop them from doing what they're doing"; if that's the case then carry on dispensing your wisdom. I'll take notes.
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Old October 26th, 2013, 18:13   #50
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
the root cause of this was the kid was walking around with what looked like an AK: did that make him a bad person, did he deserve to die for doing that?
Yes he did not deserve to die. But he deserved to been shot by police. He may as well to be alive if officer missed [vital organs]. But unfortunately for the dumb kid he got no luck. Sounds fair?
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Old October 26th, 2013, 18:21   #51
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Originally Posted by hollywood... View Post
it looks like a REAL firearm!

......and it gets you shot when you point it at a Police Officer!
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Old October 26th, 2013, 20:10   #52
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The cops a trigger happy idiot with a major lack of commonsense and self control and should not be trusted with a firearm.

Not sure if i asked this hear....

but if i did...

to those defending this trigger happy moron has any one replied to my "Would you say the same crap to defend a local Concealed Carry holder doing the same thing???"
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

Voting liberal or NDP and signing a petition to ban airsoft is the same thing.
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Old October 26th, 2013, 20:42   #53
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A private citizen CCW holder isn't a cop, it isn't his job to confront potential threats unless they are directed at him/his family etc. , nice try tho
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Old October 26th, 2013, 21:12   #54
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
A private citizen CCW holder isn't a cop, it isn't his job to confront potential threats unless they are directed at him/his family etc. , nice try tho
Well in the same situation so the same kid was pointing the same AK47 at him... Same situation... Get it right before you BS you way out of it.

nice try...

Cop was in the wrong... Nice trying thanks for playing...

FYI... why did the other cops not shoot to if it was such justified force?

It scares me that your Old enough to vote....
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

Voting liberal or NDP and signing a petition to ban airsoft is the same thing.
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Old October 26th, 2013, 21:25   #55
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my 10 and 6 year old have been taught that if they see what looks like a gun weather or not it is they do not touch it. rule 1. they have been taught that if they are handed a " could be a gun" that they first ask if it is loaded and to have the person verify the unload, clear, they then know that it is only pointed at what is to be destroyed, ... that's right not wounded not warned not .... what ever. destroyed removed from this planet never to come back dead so sad to bad. they know what is to be considered a safe point . at the age of 3 my children understood that police are our friends they will help us when we need them and they are to always be listened to. if i was a negligent parent who let my children do what ever came into their small developing heads and didn't teach them safe and unsafe right and wrong, then i would be that parent that stands in the middle of my Ontario housing complex parking lot( yup i was a poor kid one of many from a real ruff neighborhood) crying "why did they shot my kids, they was just playin. why kill my babies you bad cop" but im not a shite parent. I respect the real and dangerous job of the police whom many have family's in the community as well. im sure as i breath that they don't get up in the morning and think wheres my coffee and gun i gotta kill me somthin today. i do believe that if someone any were any time pointed a gun or a looks like it real good gun at me as a cop i would shoot to stop the forward motion of attack, if this offends im sorry but get a badge i have a couple of neighborhoods for you to patrol, the belief that all cops are crooks is a imported system of thought from lands that have systemic blatant corruption from police to government, not so much is sad that the boy died with a pistol in his belt and an ak in his hand , i my come off as a jerk or worse but where was mom or dad , where was the gun bag, why was it not treated like a real loaded gun with the respect it is due.
just my 3 cents
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Old October 26th, 2013, 21:26   #56
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Citizens do not have the same training as officers with regard to dealing with armed threats. The other cops didn't shoot as well because it'd be over kill.
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Old October 26th, 2013, 22:04   #57
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
Well in the same situation so the same kid was pointing the same AK47 at him... Same situation... Get it right before you BS you way out of it.

nice try...

Cop was in the wrong... Nice trying thanks for playing...

FYI... why did the other cops not shoot to if it was such justified force?

It scares me that your Old enough to vote....

Again, that's not his job it cannot be the same thing, if he wants to play hero and patrol the neighborhood for kids running around with AK's that's on him.

A private citizen being confronted by a kid wielding a gun that may or may not be real, if he has a reasonable fear for his life he'd be justified in shooting.

Lol if that's all it takes to scare you maybe you shouldn't be around Airsoft lol
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Old October 26th, 2013, 23:49   #58
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Originally Posted by yaric View Post
We will find a way.

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Old October 29th, 2013, 20:04   #59
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So By your exact logic The cop was unjustified.

since other options existed That would not of ended the kids life.

Wrong call he's an over panniced coward who needlessly ended a kids life

thanks for proving my point.

Because a cop with back up in body armour was in far less danger then a private citizen.

No reports of shots fired?
No reported gun shot wounds in the area.

cop with an overly itchy trigger finger or racial hate for Mexicans Blows the kid away.

Sound proper call.

Cops enforce the law they are not above it.
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

Voting liberal or NDP and signing a petition to ban airsoft is the same thing.

Last edited by BloodDrinker; October 29th, 2013 at 20:04.. Reason: missed a few spelling erroros
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Old October 29th, 2013, 20:39   #60
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
So By your exact logic The cop was unjustified.

since other options existed That would not of ended the kids life.

Wrong call he's an over panniced coward who needlessly ended a kids life

thanks for proving my point.

Because a cop with back up in body armour was in far less danger then a private citizen.

No reports of shots fired?
No reported gun shot wounds in the area.

cop with an overly itchy trigger finger or racial hate for Mexicans Blows the kid away.

Sound proper call.

Cops enforce the law they are not above it.
First you sound like a troll using absolutes.

If the cop suspected an assault rifle, which is what an AK looks like, that can punch through standard body armor plates, plus a car body with a chance of penetration into a person.

If the calling was in a bad neighborhood where gangs are common it most likely could be real.

Cop probably over reacted, but if you are called into a suspected firearm case, you treat that as a real firearm until otherwise, as even if a bullet doesn't kill you it hurts like the dickens and could get you killed on a lucky hit.

Looking at a use of force chart, the perception of grievous bodily harm which is an assault rifle can be responded with lethal force, skipping the previous communication,physical control,intermediate force sections.

Also 13 doesn't mean anything, he could be a big mature 13 for all we know, that looks older.
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