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Old October 29th, 2013, 21:11   #61
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Location: Coquitlam, BC
If you're deployed in afghanistan, and a kid points a rifle at you, would you risk yourself being shot? I wouldn't.

The FACTS about this story are:
1.) no one knew it was a fake gun, aside from the boy
2.) there was a shooting a day ago killing a couple students and a teacher. Keep this in mind.
3.) a bystander urged the boy to drop the airsoft gun.
4.) the airsoft gun looks real from afar
5.) according to witness statements, the boy turned towards the sheriff and it looked like he was going to raise the rifle at the officer.

Now if you were the officer, would you be more concerned with getting a kid to drop a rifle, or if he looks like he's about to shoot you are you going to protect yourself? Nevermind the "be a hero" mentality. I will bet money that most people would rather shoot the kid than risk the rifle being real and being riddled with 7.62.

You guys are too black and white. The fault is in both parties. I dont know why the boy didn't drop the gun when he was warned by a civilian AND police, and he should have known better to not go outside with anything that looks like a gun. When I was in grade 1 we had a police officer come to our class and teach us these things. Don't do things that would prompt a police officer to use deadly just isn't common sense. The officer is at fault for shooting the kid but I really don't blame him. I would do the same thing if I were in that situation.

you guys have to consider the context of the whole situation. I think the biggest factor leading up to the shooting is the fact there was an ACTUAL shooting a day ago.
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Old October 29th, 2013, 21:23   #62
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
So By your exact logic The cop was unjustified.

since other options existed That would not of ended the kids life.

Wrong call he's an over panniced coward who needlessly ended a kids life

thanks for proving my point.

Because a cop with back up in body armour was in far less danger then a private citizen.

No reports of shots fired?
No reported gun shot wounds in the area.

cop with an overly itchy trigger finger or racial hate for Mexicans Blows the kid away.

Sound proper call.

Cops enforce the law they are not above it.
hehehehe way to twist words to prove your own shitty point

Nowhere did I say the cop was unjustified, I said if the private citizen thought his life was in danger then he would be justified.

The cop also likely thought his life was in danger, lol it took you that long to come back with such a shitty rebuttal?

Itchy trigger finger? Racial hatred, lol where are you getting these ideas from?

Are you Travon Martin come back to haunt the internet from beyond the grave?
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Old October 29th, 2013, 23:38   #63
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
So By your exact logic The cop was unjustified.

since other options existed That would not of ended the kids life.

Wrong call he's an over panniced coward who needlessly ended a kids life

thanks for proving my point.

Because a cop with back up in body armour was in far less danger then a private citizen.

No reports of shots fired?
No reported gun shot wounds in the area.

cop with an overly itchy trigger finger or racial hate for Mexicans Blows the kid away.

Sound proper call.

Cops enforce the law they are not above it.
you need to get out more!
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Old October 29th, 2013, 23:40   #64
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Each take down is different. Better trained officers are not trigger happy, like shooting 9 times then a tazer.

But the incident in Calif, would have ended the same anywhere because the orange tip was not present.

This one happened in BC involving a paintball gun, and appears to be well handled even with a lot of watchers.
Paintball Gun Police Take Down at gun point Coquitlam Copyright Bcnewsvideo - YouTube

Last edited by SuperHog; October 29th, 2013 at 23:58..
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Old October 30th, 2013, 22:27   #65
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Old October 30th, 2013, 23:18   #66
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Originally Posted by hollywood... View Post
you need to get out more!
No i just dealt with to many cops who don't deserve badges....

Several other officers did not shoot the poor kid...

It happened this time cause 1 cop with an itchy trigger finger over reacted.

not the right Call Manslaughter and excessive force.

Cops are issued reduced leathality systems for a reason.
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

Voting liberal or NDP and signing a petition to ban airsoft is the same thing.
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Old October 30th, 2013, 23:51   #67
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I bet they shot the kid cuz he was making them late for their weekly klan meeting, because they were obviously rayciss, right tray tray?
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Old October 31st, 2013, 00:19   #68
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Police in Cali don't f*ck around with automatic weapons for a number of reasons. For those old enough to remember this, it's reason enough; 1997 North Hollywood Shootout pt.1 - YouTube
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Old October 31st, 2013, 07:25   #69
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
Several other officers did not shoot the poor kid...
And what if he was the only one with a shot? What if he was the only one in the direct path of that rifle barrel? Or what if he didn't have as good cover as the rest of the officers.

How many officers responded to the scene? What side of the car did he get out of? Was his partner all the way on the other side with good cover to feel less threatened?

We don't know. We weren't there. If you were, please enlighten us with the exact details.

Sent from my universe to yours
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Old November 5th, 2013, 23:47   #70
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
... for the pig lovers...
Thanks for letting your true cop hater feelings be known up front. It paints a pretty good picture of who you are and what you represent. As for everyone else, don't waste your time... no matter what rational you present it will not get past the fact that he is a cop hater and he has no interest in what you say.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 01:12   #71
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
So By your exact logic The cop was unjustified.

since other options existed That would not of ended the kids life.

Wrong call he's an over panniced coward who needlessly ended a kids life

thanks for proving my point.

Because a cop with back up in body armour was in far less danger then a private citizen.

No reports of shots fired?
No reported gun shot wounds in the area.

cop with an overly itchy trigger finger or racial hate for Mexicans Blows the kid away.

Sound proper call.

Cops enforce the law they are not above it.
AK47 Open Carry: Stopped by the Cops - YouTube

I"d just like to point out that California is an open carry state, (unloaded),
So under the law, walking around with an ak-47 may indeed be legal,
and the us supreme count has ruled that carrying a gun, even an ak-47,
Is not reason for the police to detain, or search in anyway. I believe they
Are able to do a check to ensure you gun is unloaded tho (Cali)

And lately due to obamas big gun control push, Starbucks, etc open carry marches, demonstrations or just normal law abiding citizens, strapping a firearm
To themselves in plain view of the public, and going about the day enjoying a big dose of freedom is a common and every day occurrence for the police, and the public, California more so....

So without any gun shots, etc etc I do question abit on why guns were pulled on the kid as he was not breaking any law.

There's a new thing the gun control crowd in the us are doing, which is dialing 911 everytime they see a person carrying openly and claiming to the 911 operator the person is carrying a gun around acting crazy, threatening, etc
Just blatantly lying so that police will arrive in force, with guns drawn and
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Old November 6th, 2013, 01:24   #72
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
AK47 Open Carry: Stopped by the Cops - YouTube

I"d just like to point out that California is an open carry state, (unloaded),
So under the law, walking around with an ak-47 may indeed be legal,
and the us supreme count has ruled that carrying a gun, even an ak-47,
Is not reason for the police to detain, or search in anyway. I believe they
Are able to do a check to ensure you gun is unloaded tho (Cali)

And lately due to obamas big gun control push, Starbucks, etc open carry marches, demonstrations or just normal law abiding citizens, strapping a firearm
To themselves in plain view of the public, and going about the day enjoying a big dose of freedom is a common and every day occurrence for the police, and the public, California more so....

So without any gun shots, etc etc I do question abit on why guns were pulled on the kid as he was not breaking any law.

There's a new thing the gun control crowd in the us are doing, which is dialing 911 everytime they see a person carrying openly and claiming to the 911 operator the person is carrying a gun around acting crazy, threatening, etc
Just blatantly lying so that police will arrive in force, with guns drawn and
Are you sure of your facts?

Are you sure it is legal to Open Carry an AK in California?

Do you think having a mag inserted counts as unloaded?

Are you sure?
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 02:04   #73
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Originally Posted by godheadx View Post
AK47 Open Carry: Stopped by the Cops - YouTube

I"d just like to point out that California is an open carry state, (unloaded),
So under the law, walking around with an ak-47 may indeed be legal,
and the us supreme count has ruled that carrying a gun, even an ak-47,
Is not reason for the police to detain, or search in anyway. I believe they
Are able to do a check to ensure you gun is unloaded tho (Cali)

And lately due to obamas big gun control push, Starbucks, etc open carry marches, demonstrations or just normal law abiding citizens, strapping a firearm
To themselves in plain view of the public, and going about the day enjoying a big dose of freedom is a common and every day occurrence for the police, and the public, California more so....

So without any gun shots, etc etc I do question abit on why guns were pulled on the kid as he was not breaking any law.

There's a new thing the gun control crowd in the us are doing, which is dialing 911 everytime they see a person carrying openly and claiming to the 911 operator the person is carrying a gun around acting crazy, threatening, etc
Just blatantly lying so that police will arrive in force, with guns drawn and
Go to California and carry around an AK with a mag in it. Let's see what happens.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 09:16   #74
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California is "not" an open carry state. In most states that are open carry, it is pistols "only", in California you can carry say a hunting rifle to and from your vehicle to your house, a gun range, etc.

Merely having an orange tip or the like on an airsoft gun, does not guarantee it is a toy. No officer anywhere is going to accept that, or should except that as there have been cases in the past where criminals have altered or painted firearms.

If the officer asked him to place the guns on the ground, and he was refused, ignored, given attitude, or the gun was shifted in even a mediocrely threatening manner, then his actions to "shoot to kill" were and are justified.

It is the parents that should be investigated.
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Old November 6th, 2013, 10:19   #75
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I think A lot of you are missing the crux here....we're talking about the States dude. Cops don't F$ck about down south. Specially after 9/11....its open season on anyone not doing what Law Enforcement tells them to do (I mean that in the most genral breath before you react).

That said, cops are people too, and if anyone thinks for a second that the officer who shot the kid is sleeping easy....however justified, your dreamin' in technicolor my friend.

Walking around with a AK 47 assault rifle not uncommon on the streets in Cali let alone most of the US, is tantamount to asking for it...literally. Remember, California LEO's probably come across more assault weapons in a day than any cop in Canada would in a year....even in T.O. or way they're taking a chance it ain't way. And right after that shooting...yeah what was it? Darwinism...hard to argue with that one.
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