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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old August 13th, 2014, 01:40   #16
Join Date: Nov 2010
Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
we wouldn't be allowed to tell you if we did, since you are a non verified member.
So the age-verification rules are still in place, even if I know the place I'll be ordering it from? I'm only asking if you've had problems shipping from them (simple yes/no and a quick explanation as to why). I messaged the age-verifier near my location twice over the past week and a half to two weeks and haven't heard from him unfortunately. Thus I searched myself using the almighty google to find my answer, since I know that if I were to ask on here where to find the rifle I would not get an answer.

I sorry, but I don't quite understand how telling me if you've had problems with shipping from APS Canada off the website falls under the age-verification rules. Would you be able to explain why it is? I've read over the age verification rules and it only mentions on not having access to the classifieds, understandably so.
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Old August 13th, 2014, 02:06   #17
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Originally Posted by DarkAura View Post
So the age-verification rules are still in place, even if I know the place I'll be ordering it from? I'm only asking if you've had problems shipping from them (simple yes/no and a quick explanation as to why). I messaged the age-verifier near my location twice over the past week and a half to two weeks and haven't heard from him unfortunately. Thus I searched myself using the almighty google to find my answer, since I know that if I were to ask on here where to find the rifle I would not get an answer.

I sorry, but I don't quite understand how telling me if you've had problems with shipping from APS Canada off the website falls under the age-verification rules. Would you be able to explain why it is? I've read over the age verification rules and it only mentions on not having access to the classifieds, understandably so.
its just assurance on our behalf, just to prove that you are 18, not 15 or something like that, i find that kids buy cheap and unusual guns and cry about it when it breaks
the people that does age verification has life of their own, and their lives takes precedent over you, best calm your jets before something takes a turn for worse
read this:
read rule number 8
Love and Tolerance
Coffee, what purpose does these serve?
А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
За Родину!
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Old August 13th, 2014, 03:03   #18
Join Date: Nov 2010
Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
its just assurance on our behalf, just to prove that you are 18, not 15 or something like that, i find that kids buy cheap and unusual guns and cry about it when it breaks
the people that does age verification has life of their own, and their lives takes precedent over you, best calm your jets before something takes a turn for worse
read this:
read rule number 8
No, I completely understand why the age-verification system is in place. I'm just confused as to why I can't get stories about positive or negative shipping experiences with the company.

Yes the UAR is a cheaper gun, and it is unusual. Unfortunately my wanton for bullpup rifles limits my choices, as does my limited budget. My other problem is that I'm a lefty, and most bullpup airsoft rifles are meant for righty shooters. The UAR is ambi, truly, and thus gets a higher spot on the choice ladder. I've also looked at the G&G F2000.

I also understand that the age verifiers are people who have personal lives and may be busy. My jets are perfectly calm, thank you.
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Old August 13th, 2014, 03:53   #19
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Because discussing the shipping of guns falls under the banner of assisting with procurement of guns to a non-av'd user, connect the fucking dots brah
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Old August 13th, 2014, 05:10   #20
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: oshawa
Originally Posted by DarkAura View Post
No, I completely understand why the age-verification system is in place. I'm just confused as to why I can't get stories about positive or negative shipping experiences with the company.

Yes the UAR is a cheaper gun, and it is unusual. Unfortunately my wanton for bullpup rifles limits my choices, as does my limited budget. My other problem is that I'm a lefty, and most bullpup airsoft rifles are meant for righty shooters. The UAR is ambi, truly, and thus gets a higher spot on the choice ladder. I've also looked at the G&G F2000.

I also understand that the age verifiers are people who have personal lives and may be busy. My jets are perfectly calm, thank you.
A side note Comming from handing them where i used to work

TAR21 Is Also Lefty friendly It's one of the only side ejecting bull pups that is Ambi. (not that the ejection port maters) The location of the Mag release is very nice and it's good if your you are used to Reloading with retention.

there are some down sides some ways the older S&T Versions Seamed to have a rather flimsy cocking handle. Another Flaw would be the Sight rail and lack of accessory rails.

They have Good ergos to But In some ways the Full length rail Might be better for you.

If you get past being the only guy at a game with a gun that has no real fictional counterpart? they are not bad Bull pups work great in airsoft as well Because with out a trigger linkage You can solve the issues with long and some times gritty trigger pulls.

While i haven't played with one I can't see Any issues specially if they worked the bugs out that others have mentioned. But if the UAR does it for you i say pull the trigger.

Save for polar star or similar HPA kits... An Aeg really is an Aeg the UAR uses common gear box so parts shouldn't be hard to get ad i don't think there is any thing proprietary about it.
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

Voting liberal or NDP and signing a petition to ban airsoft is the same thing.
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Old August 14th, 2014, 14:13   #21
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Originally Posted by DarkAura View Post
So the age-verification rules are still in place, even if I know the place I'll be ordering it from? I'm only asking if you've had problems shipping from them (simple yes/no and a quick explanation as to why). I messaged the age-verifier near my location twice over the past week and a half to two weeks and haven't heard from him unfortunately. Thus I searched myself using the almighty google to find my answer, since I know that if I were to ask on here where to find the rifle I would not get an answer.

I sorry, but I don't quite understand how telling me if you've had problems with shipping from APS Canada off the website falls under the age-verification rules. Would you be able to explain why it is? I've read over the age verification rules and it only mentions on not having access to the classifieds, understandably so.

Think of it this way:

We participate in an activity (some call it sport) that requires we follow a specific set of rules to maintain integrity in the activity. If we don't follow rules, be it a safety thing ie blind firing, or an honor thing (not calling a hit) we would be breaking the rules of the game and our own honor and integrity comes into question.

This community, ASC specifically, is built on this principle. Prove to the community that you are 18 through the community representatives to participate in the discussions you are wanting. These are the hoops you have to jump through if you want all of your questions answered here. They're the community rules, and while I personally don't agree with them all the time, this community has its price to be paid to be part of it, and that means following the rules.

Even if there have been people who have ordered from the site, they're not obligated to tell you since that would also confirm or deny the existence of a site that sells the guns, and the rules are that members can not openly discuss where a non verified person can go shopping. That's the rule, and even though people have danced around it in order to answer some of your questions, it remains the line that people aren't allowed to cross.

You're lucky an admin hasn't edited your posts to remove your links or banned you outright for posting the links, which has been done before. The scope of the retail scene has changed a lot in canada in the last few years, but members of this specific community are governed by those rules, so unless the rules here change, we still have to play by them.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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