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High $ should mean cheaper guns!!!



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Old May 4th, 2006, 15:31   #16
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Originally Posted by Tankdude
Grim sells the M700 for 310$
Canadian Airsoft sells it for 500$.

Grim sold the ruger thingy for 150$?
007 sells it for 375$

Grim was getting the Star M249 for 730$
Rangers sell it for 895$


Either Grim is a rich millionaire and can take a hit on each order OR the other retailers are getting ripped off by their brokers, OR they charge more cause they hold a monopoly on the supply and sales of airsoft in canada.

If Grim ever becomes a supplier of TM the other retailers are screwed.

Grim did that order at little or no profit to himself.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old May 4th, 2006, 16:11   #17
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Originally Posted by firemachine69
Originally Posted by Tankdude
Grim sells the M700 for 310$
Canadian Airsoft sells it for 500$.

Grim sold the ruger thingy for 150$?
007 sells it for 375$

Grim was getting the Star M249 for 730$
Rangers sell it for 895$


Either Grim is a rich millionaire and can take a hit on each order OR the other retailers are getting ripped off by their brokers, OR they charge more cause they hold a monopoly on the supply and sales of airsoft in canada.

If Grim ever becomes a supplier of TM the other retailers are screwed.

Grim did that order at little or no profit to himself.
Grim has good deals for sure. I ask retailers what the best price they can give me and then buy at the lowest (reputable) dealer. I have a big sense of fairness (I know, dam commie) and while I will pay whatever the market says I want the best deal I can get, kinda like gettin a reach around while gettin screwed.

Grim didn't give me a reach around but he didn't screw me either.

I also notice that many retailers sell different products cheaper. So a 500 buck ak at one place may also sell an M4 say at less than other retailers. Shop around people.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 16:13   #18
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Don't forget - our dollar is worth more compared to the US dollar not because the canadian dollar is strengthening in the international market so much as because the US dollar is weakening. At least that's how I understand it. Therefore the exchange between CDN dollars and japanese yen (or HKD, or whatever) hasn't actually changed.

So it's a great time to buy american products for us canucks, but in terms of buying ftrom the rest of the world things really haven't changed nearly as dramatically as they have compared to USD.

Not that I know, I'm just specualting based on my understanding of why the CDN-US exxchange rate is improving for us.
Sgt Spleen
Salamander Army

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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 16:15   #19
actually the Canadian dollar IS going up
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Old May 4th, 2006, 16:15   #20
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What a fucking bullshit thread.

It costs the same to make an AEG today IN JAPAN as it did yesterday - any fucking clown who busts out about our 'high' dollar exchange rate (yeah what a novelty eh?) and a direct relation of how much goods would cost to import should be thrown into the ocean.

First do a little trend analysis - our dollar only hit this mark in the past few DAYS. DAYS buddy, not YEARS. DAYS. The world economics don't radically change in DAYS. OH NOES! OMFG! TeH KaNUCK dollahz is teh highz - there goes our shirts...jump out of window!

Secondly - retailers put a huge effort into getting these things into Canada, dealing with customers, and running a BUSINESS. First objective for a business in order to THRIVE and maintain CONTINUITY - make a fucking profit! When did this airsoft community in Canada get so self serving? Pigs and dogs attitudes.

The Airsoft sky doesn't fall often enough to remind us how fortunate we are to manouver this sport in a thin grey line for as long as we have...

K, K! I'm done! No more carrying on with myself!
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Old May 4th, 2006, 16:20   #21
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If you look at it that way we should be seeing price drops on EVERYTHING, so if you want to rag on airsoft retailers for keeping any extra profit, so be it. However, you should be looking at all retailers in genereal.

You haven't seen Ford, Chrysler, or GM products dropping by 10% have you? Or grocers dropping the price on their US produce.

We take "it" with a smile all around, that's the nature of business.

Originally Posted by lt_poncho
What a fucking bullshit thread.
Alright Poncho, put it more directly than I did. Poncho's THE MAN.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 16:29   #22
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Over the last two years the Canadian dollar has gained 17 cents on the US dollar and about 19.5 cents versus the Yen.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 16:46   #23
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The strengthening CAD is making a mess of my US adaptor sales. When I started, I got around 1.32CAD for a USD. Down to 1.1 now. I'm going to have to adjust my online USD prices because my adaptor costs have actually gone up since I launched goofy 4 piece Version 1.

While there has been a gradual trend in the increasing value of the CAD relative to JPY, the fixed costs of importations have not similarly changed. The currency costs of: shipping and brokerage comprise a significant proportion of the landed costs of airsoft and are not subject to currency fluctuations. This dilutes the effect improvements in the exchange rate as does the relatively constant labour input to organize shipments and service orders. Furthermore the varying costs of rent and shipping have gone up due to (uh rent/property tax increases) and rising fuel prices which counter forex improvements.

On the whole, airsoft prices are slowly decreasing, but not at the pure rate of forex rates because of the contributions of constant or even rising costs. There is also a significant lag for retaillers to run out slow moving inventory bought at previous forex rates.

Looking at CAD vs JPY is still an incomplete factor on the effect of forex on Canadian airsoft. More to the point is the commodity price of materials used to make airsoft. Bulk material prices have been on a steady rise since China switched on it's manufacturing engine. I find myself paying more for barstock brass because of increased competition with China to buy barstock (no bs really, my barstock prices are going up). Similarly commodity prices of plastics are going up. While the JPY is losing value relative to CAD, the costs of materials are going up in both currencies so they're really rising to the Japanese manufacturers.

Unless your buying sacks of physical greenbacks with loonies, you won't be seeing the same rate of forex changes between the USD vs. CAD. Physical goods have inputs which contribute to their costs of acquisition in addition to a collective psychological value attributed to the bits of paper with numbers written onto them used to acquire stuff.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 20:12   #24
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High Dollar = More profit. Short Term.

I import shit from Japan. Just cuz the dollar fluctuated in my favor isn't going to motivate me to call all my clients and give them 10%, just so I have to jack it back up next week. Fuck that.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 20:23   #25
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I vote that the people who are unhappy about the prices simply do what I suggested and put their money where their mouth is; import stuff yourself instead of complaining.

End of problem.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 20:44   #26
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
I vote that the people who are unhappy about the prices simply do what I suggested and put their money where their mouth is; import stuff yourself instead of complaining.

End of problem.
Or, buy from the cheapest most reputable airsoft dealer you can find. If free enterprise capitalism works in a well-informed competitive market, f/x and other macroeconomic forces will endeavour to provide consumers with better prices.

Of course, unless there is collusion / price-fixing or a monopoly in the market space.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 22:48   #27
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Anyone see where this is slowly starting to seem like the prices of Gas?... Fluxing? Imagine having to refine the website every 15 minutes to change the price on EVERY item instock on the website?... Be just like those signs gas stations got... -.-
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Old May 4th, 2006, 23:04   #28
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I will say they don't make that much ! I checked the price on upgrade kit from Trumat and my friend's price in Taiwan. Not much difference ! plus he shipped from Canada to Canada.

You can always buy 2nd hand gun ! some are pretty nice. check your local.

I know it sounds quite expensive when u purchase ur AEG. However, with all those sh@ts dealers have to go though. Ain't that bad. The market is not big enough.

( but as a consumer I would like to see lower price ! 8) after all I am a consumer, a cheap one too )
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Old May 4th, 2006, 23:16   #29
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Originally Posted by GraveTech
Over the last two years the Canadian dollar has gained 17 cents on the US dollar and about 19.5 cents versus the Yen.
I stand way corrected!
Sgt Spleen
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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 00:56   #30
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
Anyone see where this is slowly starting to seem like the prices of Gas?... Fluxing? Imagine having to refine the website every 15 minutes to change the price on EVERY item instock on the website?... Be just like those signs gas stations got... -.-

Oh fuck! Look! AK's are at 447.5 at Brimley and Steeles! Leeeeerrrooooyyyy Jeeennkkkinnnnsss!!!
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