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Tokyo Marui M.E.U. Pistol


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Old August 22nd, 2008, 15:08   #31
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I'd like to see someone take apart the blowback chamber to see exactly what's the enhancement on the design. I am wondering if it is just the added weight or if they changed some of the design....AFAIK, some parts are different now in terms of material. The MSH and the thumb safeties are no-longer metal, and supposedly the recoil spring/guide mechanism are better supported now.

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Old August 22nd, 2008, 15:59   #32
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
If I remember correctly, there's going to be a MEU in winnipeg within the next month or so.
Toronto as well... *shifts eyes...*
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 17:22   #33
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don't call those "combat sights" if they're on the 1911A1, the gun was designed as a cavalry pistol
The MEU SOC has combat sights
It'd be better if they had dots though, then you could add those cheap night sights to them without having to change them out
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 19:11   #34
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
If I remember correctly, there's going to be a MEU in winnipeg within the next month or so.
Just remember "WHO" it's for...

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Old August 23rd, 2008, 01:36   #35
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Originally Posted by John_234 View Post
don't call those "combat sights" if they're on the 1911A1, the gun was designed as a cavalry pistol
The MEU SOC has combat sights
It'd be better if they had dots though, then you could add those cheap night sights to them without having to change them out
I see, I'll keep that in mind. What would be the actual name for those stock sights on the Marui 1911?
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Old August 23rd, 2008, 04:09   #36
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All we need is some one to make a good copy of the Surefire 310r/610r.
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Old August 24th, 2008, 03:16   #37
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Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty View Post
I see, I'll keep that in mind. What would be the actual name for those stock sights on the Marui 1911?
Well, it was a half joke, but I'd call them afterthoughts
The original pistol was designed for cavalry or hurried close quarters shooting
sights weren't really of practical use for the purpose
they are sights technically, just not good ones :\
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Old August 25th, 2008, 22:57   #38
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Originally Posted by John_234 View Post
Well, it was a half joke, but I'd call them afterthoughts
The original pistol was designed for cavalry or hurried close quarters shooting
sights weren't really of practical use for the purpose
they are sights technically, just not good ones :\
I see... and yeah, I'd agree that they aren't very practical. Well it could also be that I am just not very proficient in their use.

I prefer the Novak sights similar to the one on the Hi-Capa 4.3, but any options allowing me to keep my full size 1911 and having Novak sights is definitely a plus (aside from Nova Metal Frame and Slide kits which would not be obtainable on my own). So I figured the M.E.U. would be a good option, though purchasing one might prove difficult at this point. We shall see I guess.
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Old August 26th, 2008, 00:07   #39
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the only thing is that the MEU SOC doesn't have dots on the sights
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Last edited by John_234; August 26th, 2008 at 00:08.. Reason: spelling
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Old August 26th, 2008, 00:16   #40
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The more and more I look at the MEU the more and more disappointed I am. When I first read about it, I had the impression that it was going to be a 2011 variant only the frame re-designed to be single stack, kinda going backward in the design stages there some. I was really intrigued by that because of how many hicapa aftermarket parts are already avail. and if this was going to be a hicapa slide on a new frame that was two piece like the 2011 frame I was stoked because of the level of customization that it gives.

Still its a very sleek pistol that has its own finesse to it that I DO like; I guess its just the let down of thinking this was going to be something completely different.

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Old August 26th, 2008, 00:31   #41
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Well I'd have to say your initial impression was way off, as this was basically a non-branded replica of a MEUSOC 1911 that Force Recon uses, and that in real steel term is basically a 1911 with modern features to it to make it more user friendly. Never meant to be like an 2011 style gun by any means...

It will still take a lot of parts for Hi-Capa, I'd imagine any of the blowback parts and hammer and trigger parts will be interchangable(minus the sear as the design is different on that between 1911 and Hi-Capa). The slides and barrels are interchangable to start with(with proper spacer). But because it is a 1911 it'll suffer from 1911's problem, lower gas capacity, and plastic stock frame vs Hi-Capa's pot metal mid-frame. It does make a full metal project (if you want to do that) that much more expensive, well in Canada it'll be expensive either way...

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Old August 26th, 2008, 00:37   #42
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Oh I know RacingManiac, I was just basically voicing what my disappointment was. I don't remember where it was exactly I first saw the MEU, but I remember it supposed to be like the 2011 only single stack, which WOULD be a sweet idea. Only gripe with the Hicapa is the bloody big mags.

But alas, the MEU is still very pretty, can't wait to see what they're costing in country and maybe seeing what it costs to get em FMU and all decked out to be super slick.

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Old August 26th, 2008, 00:48   #43
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I was dissappointed in that they made some parts that were metal on the regular 1911A1 plastic on the MEU...which means it has less value now as a parts gun....Buying a metal MSH and metal Thumb safety from Nova would cost probably 75% of what this cost retail.....This could've been such a good starting point for a modern 1911 build, but now its really not that different from getting a 1911A1 to start if you plan to make a big project out of it...

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Old August 26th, 2008, 00:59   #44
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That's a good point RacingManiac. I feel a bit better now, especially since I have little to no chance of getting one at this moment. I will just go with my backup plan of waiting for aftermarket metal slides made for the MEU with the cut for the Novak sight.
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Old August 26th, 2008, 01:10   #45
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sadly, you will probably never see a single stack 2011.
Guns designed solely for open competition such as the 2011 will never be single stack
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