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See through guns and the death of "airsoft"



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Old August 8th, 2009, 23:42   #181
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Originally Posted by Mudder View Post
I'm a 36 year member of the RCL with the card to prove it and Bloodsport, if he had issues should have only touched the upper part of the sig, not
my endorsement of the magazine...that went too far.

So don't preach to me on respecting veterans.

As for the rest of your post I dismiss it.
I deleted your sig, not him nor by request by him. Want to be an idiot, I'll clean it all out over and over. Play nice here, I'm sick of the BS.

Who cares if you have a card or not. Whoopee.
I ran into burning buildings for 5 years to put out fires as a Volunteer. Quess what no card, no pay, lots of thanks and a plaque on my wall. In the long run who cares. It a part of life.

As I've told a few people today who bitch via PM, you can still reply to people nicely, turn the blind eye and be the "bigger man". If more peope would do that here, I'd have a lot less headaches when I visit the boards and might actually get to read some of the reviews and posts instead of dealing with complaints. So play nice here, and I will not delete your sigs or slap out the infractions.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old August 8th, 2009, 23:48   #182
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by HGI View Post
Brian McIlmoyle, why are you so worked up about new young people starting? Fuck if someone wants to use a $60 gun let them, it's huge advantage to you since your $1000+ gun hopefully shoots better.

I have a feeling your upset that you spent a lot of money to play army barbie and go up extra early to organize all your gear twice and put on make-up when some dude showed up in jeans/hoddy and lit you up with a $60 clear gun.

Sound about right?
You could not be more wrong... I don't actually get to play that much , I run an indoor space and also have a field where I host games...

I have said.. I think 3 times now.. that the gun does not make the player.... I have seen this ... One of the best shooters I have trained runs a half broken G26.. and wears a hoodie... and Owns most he meets. And he earns nothing but my respect.

My concerns come from direct observation and games I have hosted and games that I have gone to .. and the fact that I read every AAR from every game posted on this forum.

Its from feedback from players.. from listening and reading and making observations.

As for new people starting... I am certain that there are very few people who have facilitated or fostered more new people into this activity than me.... Three last night alone. and about that many each and every week ... My doors are wide open to new players.. and I could care less what you are toting for a gun.. as long as it shoots under 350fps with .20 bbs its welcome.

But.. its my house my rules... so I don't have many issues.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; August 9th, 2009 at 00:51..
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Old August 9th, 2009, 00:40   #183
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Has anyone actually witnessed somebody wearing shorts, runners and a t shirt at an airsoft game playing with a Crosman Cantiresoft or a Walsoft gun?

And has that player been reckless (ie firing in the safe zone, head shot happy and whatnot)?

I figure a game host would just politely say that those guns are not allowed.

To me that'sno different than going up to bat at a slow pitch game with a hollow plastic bat that a toddler plays with in the backyard.

Just curious.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 00:43   #184
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Has anyone actually witnessed somebody wearing shorts, runners and a t shirt at an airsoft game playing with a Crosman Cantiresoft or a Walsoft gun?

And has that player been reckless (ie firing in the safe zone, head shot happy and whatnot)?

I figure a game host would just politely say that those guns are not allowed.

To me that'sno different than going up to bat at a slow pitch game with a hollow plastic bat that a toddler plays with in the backyard.

Just curious.
That person would be removed from the game for their behavior, not their dress code / weapon.

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Old August 9th, 2009, 00:49   #185
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Are you 100% certain about that?

Regardless, letme take out the behaviour and just deal with the gun and dress issue.

If a 19 year old total stranger came to a local skirmish he read on ASC with a Walsoft gun wearing runners, shorts and a tee he'd be allowed to play?
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Old August 9th, 2009, 00:54   #186
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Are you 100% certain about that?

Regardless, letme take out the behaviour and just deal with the gun and dress issue.

If a 19 year old total stranger came to a local skirmish he read on ASC with a Walsoft gun wearing runners, shorts and a tee he'd be allowed to play?
I would suspect not. Firstly for the issue of attire, it is also a safety device. He's likely have to be carried off the field when he twists his ankle or cuts open his leg on a twig.

How many guys though are going to dump $150 on boots and attire when they have a WalMart shottie?
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:00   #187
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Has anyone actually witnessed somebody wearing shorts, runners and a t shirt at an airsoft game playing with a Crosman Cantiresoft or a Walsoft gun?

And has that player been reckless (ie firing in the safe zone, head shot happy and whatnot)?

I figure a game host would just politely say that those guns are not allowed.

To me that'sno different than going up to bat at a slow pitch game with a hollow plastic bat that a toddler plays with in the backyard.

Just curious.
Has anyone seen somebody show up like this at a game posted on ASC?
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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:19   #188
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Nobody wears shorts
New players in the GTA are smarter to not wear shorts. Most of them are paintball transfers to Airsoft, so they usually just come in jeans and hoody and some boots. T-shirts yes but not often. Shorts never

Canadian Tire-Crapsoft at some GTA games? - Yes Indeed but very rare

- Eventually one of the vet players just let the crapsofter use their gun, the crapsofter was not a dumbass so it was okay, he still plays
- One even sports a Crosman R76 but after us telling him don't use crap, he hides it his bag and only occasionally use it if his Cyma AK dies, he still plays
- Krakens were common before G&G and ICS, they still play

Strange Attire

- Heck my first Airsoft game at Area51 paintball the place had sludges of paintballs lying around so I sported my old Paintball paints and wore black top and black vest. I was still allowed to play
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:27   #189
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I think all hosts should just put some kind of camo requirement in their game threads, this could include civilian dress depending on the scenario of course, even all black is fine for some games, but the 6 t-shirt and jeans + 4 cadpat players VS 10 non-digi players is BS
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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:30   #190
Captain Sunshine
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Has anyone seen somebody show up like this at a game posted on ASC?
Ironically, didn't Carl (madmax, who loves airsoft so much he's made it his profession) go to a game at Sgt. Splatters with sandals and shorts years ago?
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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:37   #191
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Ya but he has Godly powers. Probably just waves his hand like neo and the bb's drop to the floor.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:38   #192
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Has anyone seen somebody show up like this at a game posted on ASC?
Buddy of mine showed up to his first Canadian airsoft game in civies and my borrowed 1911 springer, and owned half the other team, all day.

Behaviour trumps Kool-Aid.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:42   #193
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Has anyone seen somebody show up like this at a game posted on ASC?
I remember a game at extreme tactics here in Winnipeg. Some guy showed up (pretty sure he was baked) wearing a T-shirt shorts and sandles. I can guarantee he will never do that again. He learned his lesson the hard way.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 01:44   #194
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Has anyone seen somebody show up like this at a game posted on ASC?

Still missing the Point... this is NOT about dress, or guns.. its about "attitude"

The dress and guns are just possible indicators of that attitude.

However... to answer your question.... I have witnessed players who signed up for a milsim type game ... when asked to contribute towards the capture of an objective .. basically say "F**K you.. I"m going to go find something to shoot"

I've been to games where the SAME GUY walked out into the safe zone with a loaded gun EVERY TIME he came out of the hot area... When its pointed out.. he always say's "what? it's not loaded.. or .. it's a high cap.. and it's not wound" or some other BS but continued to do it.

The Host was too WEAK or INEXPERIENCED to do anything other than say... "hey, come on guys try to unload your guns before you go into the safe zone" .. and be ignored

I can't count how many times I have had to show people how to clear and make safe their guns.. because they HAD NO IDEA how to do it because they never had before... some of these people had been playing for MONTHS..

I have been shot in the ass on a cold range.."by accident" by someone who was not paying attention enough to see that EVERYONE ELSE was standing around goggles off.

The list is endless... and growing

Why... because people have an unfounded expectation that people have a clue... but A LOT of them don't... They purchased their gun last week from a stranger.. they know no one ... and they show up at a game with no idea of the expectations...

They have had NO indoctrination ... they don't know what is expected ... and because they don't want to look like a "NOOB" they don't ask.

I think we have a responsibility to indoctrinate new players in a manner that sets them off in the right direction.. and preserves the integrity of the rules and standards of behavior at a baseline that is achievable for most people.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 9th, 2009, 02:11   #195
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