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See through guns and the death of "airsoft"



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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:51   #241
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Correction, we were all NEWBIES at some point. Most of us are not NOOBS.

Newbie = new to the sport.
Noob = person who doesn't learn anything and can't do anything for themselves
YES I concur!

I've always used that terminology finally someone else who knows what I mean
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:52   #242
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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can of krylon is $5, anyone can afford that, and it shows a little effort at least

Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Correction, we were all NEWBIES at some point. Most of us are not NOOBS.

Newbie = new to the sport.
Noob = person who doesn't learn anything and can't do anything for themselves
oh god yes, the type that posts a new thread for every fucking random thought that pops into their heads, the type that would rather post a new thread instead of using google or the asc search function, gahh i hate those ones
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Old August 9th, 2009, 22:05   #243
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I usually don't mind noob who ask question but there is one who ask me some question by PM. I answer all his question but before I answer them, I just said that you don't do enough research and I feel good today.

I try my best to answer his question and so far so good, he reply back with common word fuck yeah ! fuck yes ! fuck what. It's really piss me off. I didn't include any word of in my reply PM so why should I get back those word.

So far, I reply fuck you asshole, try to educate yourself and learn to use polite world to person who answer your question.

So because of I'm kind enough to answer them I got back 1 page full of shiT reply back to me that because of me, the sport will be ruin down, blah blah. He said he is old enough blah blah to use his own shiT to buy his shiT, not like me use my parents money, blah blah said to me fuck head, your gears suck that's why your team ask you to change gears.

I just like WTF ! that's what I got from answer people's question.

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Old August 9th, 2009, 22:06   #244
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im not in dier need to figure life out i could be dead tomorrow i have time to have fun i always wanted to join the miltary and couldn't no education this is the next best. thing i don't consider this a hobby. model cars,carving wood things,collecting cions,stamps to me those are hobbys. before airsoft even came out i used to go out and play with my buddies and we used pellet guns i used to play with pipefitter316 we are old friends
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Old August 9th, 2009, 22:07   #245
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So you shot each others with... pellet guns?
Annoyingly good with numbers

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Old August 9th, 2009, 22:08   #246
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(to KND's post)

Wow...that's a shame. I've been PM'd with plenty of questions out of the blue as well...but have never received that kind of crap back.

Post his name/ASC I can be sure to never have anything to do with that person ever. PM if you want...
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Old August 9th, 2009, 22:10   #247
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that's all well and good, but we DO consider it a hobby, that's where the problem lies with the new players vs the "elitist snob" vets
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Old August 9th, 2009, 22:26   #248
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i recently started coming back onto airsoft canada hadn't been here since 2007 nice to see the prics are still around maybe its a hobby to some people but to me its not i just like the military atmosphere the guns weather there clearsoft airsoft or what ever
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Old August 9th, 2009, 22:49   #249
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
(to KND's post)

Wow...that's a shame. I've been PM'd with plenty of questions out of the blue as well...but have never received that kind of crap back.

Post his name/ASC I can be sure to never have anything to do with that person ever. PM if you want...
As you request, Here is the ASC call-sign of the guy ApacheDragonFly

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Old August 10th, 2009, 01:05   #250
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I'm not even 18 yet and can't wait to turn 18 so I can get age verified and get some actually decent guns from here. Until then, I'll refrain from games and stay inside my house. I have all the blinds down and practice shooting my spray-painted springer pistols going through thousands of rounds a month. I don't have access to anything higher and I am now quite responsible about my was-clearsoft pistols. I don't wave them around in public, and don't take them out of the house at all. Even if I did have an AEG-clearsoft from Canadian tire and got permission from my parents to attend a game, I don't think I would exactly be welcomed either. Of course I wouldn't show up with a baseball cap, sneakers and a pair of jeans. I'd go to an army surplus store and get myself some military fatigues, my cadet books and maybe webbings. I'd have a feeling that I'd still be looked down upon even if I krylon'ed my clearsoft. Looking at some of the posts here guarantee that and I don't think I'd want to be around some of the people here. I think I am a rather responsible clearsoft/were-clearsoft owner but I don't have the type of money to be throwing around $1000 on a gun (not toy) when I am still in high school.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 01:07   #251
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Before the stomping of ApacheDragonFly goes any further I would just like to add that any communication that I have had with him via PM has always beenpleasant and he was never rude. His posts were always well written and he was always very polite.

As for the main topic of this thread, I have nothing I wish to comment on at this point.

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Old August 10th, 2009, 01:09   #252
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Originally Posted by knightoice View Post
I'm not even 18 yet and can't wait to turn 18 so I can get age verified

Even if I did have an AEG-clearsoft from Canadian tire and got permission from my parents to attend a game, I don't think I would exactly be welcomed either.

Welcomed or not, it's policy for most fields (at least in Ontario) that it's no under 18s.

Also. Dude. For the the rest of the post... Really?

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Old August 10th, 2009, 01:18   #253
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Welcomed or not, it's policy for most fields (at least in Ontario) that it's no under 18s.

Also. Dude. For the the rest of the post... Really?
I have the feeling I'm about to be flamed
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Old August 10th, 2009, 01:32   #254
The Saint
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Lets try not to degrade this thread further, please and thank you.
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Old August 10th, 2009, 01:56   #255
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Originally Posted by knightoice View Post
I'm not even 18 yet and can't wait to turn 18 so I can get age verified and get some actually decent guns from here. Until then, I'll refrain from games and stay inside my house. I have all the blinds down and practice shooting my spray-painted springer pistols going through thousands of rounds a month. I don't have access to anything higher and I am now quite responsible about my was-clearsoft pistols. I don't wave them around in public, and don't take them out of the house at all. Even if I did have an AEG-clearsoft from Canadian tire and got permission from my parents to attend a game, I don't think I would exactly be welcomed either. Of course I wouldn't show up with a baseball cap, sneakers and a pair of jeans. I'd go to an army surplus store and get myself some military fatigues, my cadet books and maybe webbings. I'd have a feeling that I'd still be looked down upon even if I krylon'ed my clearsoft. Looking at some of the posts here guarantee that and I don't think I'd want to be around some of the people here. I think I am a rather responsible clearsoft/were-clearsoft owner but I don't have the type of money to be throwing around $1000 on a gun (not toy) when I am still in high school.
I say good on you. /hat tip

Sounds like you'll turn into a good, responsible airsofter.

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