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SG 552 or SCAR


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Old March 19th, 2009, 15:37   #16
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The guys at AATV did a good SCAR V. SCAR V SCAR review. They are REALLY picky about every little detail. I got the impression they didnt like the VFC SCAR all that much OR they seem to get an odd number of lemons for review.
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old March 19th, 2009, 15:40   #17
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ive seen equally bad reviews on the vfc scar on uk forums, most quote the bodys as being very good but let down by dodgy quality internals
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Old March 19th, 2009, 15:45   #18
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I'd most likely be playing at Defcon because its closest.

I've never been there so you guys (whoever's been there) would have to tell me which would be best suited.

But Roko brought up a good point. i may just go for the SCAR because of that.

and im thinking of going for the Star SCAR b/c of the grenade launcher, unless there's som internal issues that make the VFC version significantly better.

Let me know

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Old March 19th, 2009, 15:46   #19
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just got ur post after i posted Screwdriver

So are you saying the Star version would be better?
(the CA version would just be way too expensive here)
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Old March 19th, 2009, 16:12   #20
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Star SCAR has spring quick change - Airsoft Canada

A good read on STAR vs. VFC. Good points on both so you need to pick what goes well with you and you can find to buy.

Other random thoughts. VFC case boyz, see the little cutouts in the lid? Good put the blocks of hard foam that comes with in the cutouts to line up with the AEG. Yep there's float, that means you can case it short or long barrel, vert grip on, optic still on, or stock pushed in or slithered all the way out. Still with room for a bunch of mags, an EGLM,and some bits and pieces.

The only UK site I hang out on is Arnies, but I haven't seen any winging there, maybe I'm not looking hard enough.

The VFC battery wiring is awful. I've got a picture in one of the SCAR threads on how to clean it up.
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Old March 19th, 2009, 16:31   #21
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Originally Posted by Roko View Post
Problem, though, is that things such as magazines, are very hard to get. 5 of the realistic 43rd magazines with fake rounds in them will cost me about $250 and some change at my doorstep, opposed to buying, in your case, full-metal M4 magazines. Believe full-metal M4 magazines sell for like 90$ at your doorstep for 5? Correct me if I'm wrong, please, don't want to mislead the man, heh.

The only way you're going to get a top rail as well, is if you mount one yourself manually, or you dump the cash for a HurricanE 552, although worth the money, it is quite the expendature.

Motor's can also be a bit of a pain if you ever plan to upgrade one. As far as I know, the motor a SiG 552 takes only fits other SiG series guns, and the PSG-1. A lot of places I've visited don't even market a medium sized motor, so it usually requires an oversea's order, which I guess isn't too bad if you plan to do overseas orders. Tune up kits can also be a pain, as there isn't a big variety for the SiG. I've only found one on WGC, and it's not the type I'm even looking for (I'm going high-speed build). Result being you have to order the parts separately, which sometimes costs a little bit more.
Ordering from Asia isn't that bad, I order all my mags including mags with dummy rounds from overseas. Fake plastic dummy rounds are not illegal as far as I know, only "deactivated ammunition" is but of course there is still a risk, higher than a normal parts order. Twice now I have had the box covered with the yellow customs tape and the P90/AUG mags with dummy rounds are out of the packages and strewn around the box but never missing. I dislike the look of the short mags and I used the MAG midcaps when I had mine. A 5 pack of King Arms metal armalite mags would probably be less than $90 shipped, probably closer to $70.

TM and several other companies make top rails for the 552, have for MANY years. Very easy to install, no modification necessary.

SystemA makes medium type motors in both Turbo and Magnum and then of course there are stock TM motors. Both are commonly available overseas and don't cost any more than a standard short or long motor.

I VERY much dislike full tune up kits, I find there is always something in there that will cause a problem as no company makes the best of every part. Other than the nozzle everything else is standard ver.3 so ordering
parts to upgrade it is dead easy. Ver.3 guns have a standard tappet for all models of gun (I like Guarder), standard cylinder (Modify), same cylinder head as I believe an AUG (Modify), 6mm bushings (King Arms) or bearings, snag some SystemA all helical highspeed gears, Prometheus piston, ventilated piston head (Modify), SystemA magnum motor (higher torque AND speed than the turbo, SystemA admitted this in a PDF press release about the revolution mechbox.)
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Old March 19th, 2009, 16:57   #22
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I will say that ICS metal SIG looks tempting (but only after the VFC EGLM is mine).
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Old March 19th, 2009, 17:03   #23
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Ok guys, i'm kinda stressed with school and my thinking processes are kinda focused only on school.

So if you were me, what would you get:

the VFC SCAR or the Star SCAR

and someone was recommending get a good China copy of one, watcha all think?

(552 is probably off, b/c i dont really like the hole in the stock, if they had a solid stock type like the SCAR then sure! i'd go for it. And also finding the mags, i dont want to deal with spending extra time finding mags for it, such a pain, sorry sig lovers!!)
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Old March 19th, 2009, 17:05   #24
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I'd vote the VFC unless you play at a bunch of places with widely varying FPS limits. Then the quick change spring in the STAR would come into it's own.
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Old March 19th, 2009, 17:10   #25
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well as i said, Defcon is the place i'll be playing, do you feel that the VFC is suited for that environment? (i've never been there)

and how much would I be looking at for a VFC SCAR?
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Old March 19th, 2009, 17:49   #26
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
Ordering from Asia isn't that bad, I order all my mags including mags with dummy rounds from overseas. Fake plastic dummy rounds are not illegal as far as I know, only "deactivated ammunition" is but of course there is still a risk, higher than a normal parts order. Twice now I have had the box covered with the yellow customs tape and the P90/AUG mags with dummy rounds are out of the packages and strewn around the box but never missing. I dislike the look of the short mags and I used the MAG midcaps when I had mine. A 5 pack of King Arms metal armalite mags would probably be less than $90 shipped, probably closer to $70.

TM and several other companies make top rails for the 552, have for MANY years. Very easy to install, no modification necessary.

SystemA makes medium type motors in both Turbo and Magnum and then of course there are stock TM motors. Both are commonly available overseas and don't cost any more than a standard short or long motor.

I VERY much dislike full tune up kits, I find there is always something in there that will cause a problem as no company makes the best of every part. Other than the nozzle everything else is standard ver.3 so ordering
parts to upgrade it is dead easy. Ver.3 guns have a standard tappet for all models of gun (I like Guarder), standard cylinder (Modify), same cylinder head as I believe an AUG (Modify), 6mm bushings (King Arms) or bearings, snag some SystemA all helical highspeed gears, Prometheus piston, ventilated piston head (Modify), SystemA magnum motor (higher torque AND speed than the turbo, SystemA admitted this in a PDF press release about the revolution mechbox.)
Oh no. I know that the mags usually make their way across. Just the problem that the real-cap and real-style mags for the SiG 552/P90/AUG sometimes suffer the consequence of price for obvious reasons. Customs probably won't give a crab since it's just shiney plastic fake rounds inside, I believe. I use the MAG SiG Series 100rd magazines right now just because they are cost effective for now (I don't want to pay $250 for 5 real-cap mags ). My basis of metal magazines is just based off what I've seen/heard. We shipped 5 KA full-metal AK47 magazines here, and I think it was about 70-90 dollars at the doorstep.

The only few top-rails I've seen usually require you to tap the reciever to set them in, unless there are others. Given, tapping a plastic reciever isn't hard, some people may screw it up and have a slightly off-set top rail, if even by 4 degrees. 4 degrees 200 feet out can be a problem, heh.

SystemA makes the motors, yes, I'll give you that. Just depending on who you generally deal with, they may not even have them in stock, and overseas orders just simply take longer which sometimes brings a frown to some people's faces. Think it took 3 weeks for me to get my M-M-HS motor. Price-wise, yea, their counterpart short and long motors are the same.

As far as tune-up kits, I can agree. A lot of parts aren't the best for the job and there are better thing, but if you're a starter person or just play casually they usually do the job. But for a high-torque or high-speed tune up for a SiG, you're basically frankensteining your own, which can be a very good thing since you get referals from people regarding which parts are the best for the situation at hand

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Old March 19th, 2009, 19:25   #27
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
I VERY much dislike full tune up kits, I find there is always something in there that will cause a problem as no company makes the best of every part. Other than the nozzle everything else is standard ver.3 so ordering
parts to upgrade it is dead easy. Ver.3 guns have a standard tappet for all models of gun (I like Guarder), standard cylinder (Modify), same cylinder head as I believe an AUG (Modify), 6mm bushings (King Arms) or bearings, snag some SystemA all helical highspeed gears, Prometheus piston, ventilated piston head (Modify), SystemA magnum motor (higher torque AND speed than the turbo, SystemA admitted this in a PDF press release about the revolution mechbox.)
Different V3 guns have different nozzles and and I thought cylinder heads too?

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Old March 19th, 2009, 19:58   #28
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SCAR for it's mag compatibility and reliability

SG 552 for it's V3 gear box and awesome looks mags are a bitch to get though.
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Old March 19th, 2009, 21:14   #29
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Different V3 guns have different nozzles and and I thought cylinder heads too?
I said that. The Sig and AUG use the same cylinder head and the 552 has its own specific nozzle.

Originally Posted by LUTNIT
I VERY much dislike full tune up kits, I find there is always something in there that will cause a problem as no company makes the best of every part. Other than the nozzle everything else is standard ver.3 so ordering parts to upgrade it is dead easy. Ver.3 guns have a standard tappet for all models of gun (I like Guarder), standard cylinder (Modify), same cylinder head as I believe an AUG (Modify), 6mm bushings (King Arms) or bearings, snag some SystemA all helical highspeed gears, Prometheus piston, ventilated piston head (Modify), SystemA magnum motor (higher torque AND speed than the turbo, SystemA admitted this in a PDF press release about the revolution mechbox.)
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Old March 19th, 2009, 21:28   #30
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
I said that. The Sig and AUG use the same cylinder head and the 552 has its own specific nozzle.
Thought the AUG had it's own specific one, but the SiG one was just a normal V3 one? V3 cylinder heads usually say "(except AUG)" underneath, nothing regarding the SiG though.

Could be wrong, though.

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