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City police ask public force to register replica firearms



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Old February 2nd, 2011, 14:09   #46
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I have a deal for the police.

I will register and pay a yearly bribe/fee of 50.00 for a license

In turn for that license i am allowed to import for my own use airsoft guns from ehobby. Redwolf or wherever i want.

Rhino Living
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 14:10   #47
AKA ExtraExtra
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I agree with Blackthorne and multi. Youre in the privacy of your own home. What the hell is this passerby doing anyway? If I happen to be holding something that may have appeared to this loser as a gun, then how embarrased the police would be and this loser to come in and find out its a f***ng mop! NEWS FLASH!! - Cops raid suspected homeowner with gun and finds a mop!

In terms of registering, its a waste of time. The police will still go ahead and press as long as someone complained.

Last edited by SteelToe; February 2nd, 2011 at 14:18..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 14:41   #48
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
See bold... The lawyers can argue about it after the fact... and do
But they are going to need to arrest me, before they can just force their way in. That part after the fact will not go well in their favour.

Honestly, its usually that people say ok that allows the police into their houses. When they come to your door, talk to them outside your house. If they ask if you mind them coming in say "yes". Its your right! They will usually try to make you feel guilty and may even suggest that you will get in trouble, but they still need you to say yes. Otherwise they risk anything that they find being thrown out in court because of illegal search and seizure! That is a great tactic used by lawyers!

Make then work to get into your house. Know the law. If you have a friend that is a lawyer ask them. Ask a friend who is a police officer if they are allowed to just walk into your house if they feel they have reason.

There is a long Youtube video by a law professor on this, and even the police officer (retired) who talks afterwards says don't talk to them, don't let them in your house.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 14:42   #49
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Geeezus fuck I can't believe the stupidity of some of the people here.
You idiots who think this is a good idea need to pull your fucking heads out of your asses.
People(firearms owners) are fighting to get the registry abolished for REAL FIREARMS, and you fuckwits are going against the flow by having an attitude it's OK for them to start registering TOY GUNS. It is people like you who are as big a problem as the fucking soccer moms. You all need to have your heads collectively smashed together.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 14:48   #50
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
But they are going to need to arrest me, before they can just force their way in. That part after the fact will not go well in their favour.
If they believe you have an assault rifle in your home then they will be forcing their way in to arrest/detain you until proven otherwise.

Note, im not mentioning pistols or other legal firearms, i mentioned "assault rifle" for a reason.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 14:50   #51
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Schlyder: Thanks for the intellectual discourse. It's VERY productive and progressive! ;P
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 15:02   #52
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And yes....
....if you are fondling your new RealSword AK in front of your living room window, and your neighbor sees you, and phones the cops saying he saw you holding a baby killing evil AK47 machine gun, and that you had a big scary smile on.... expect to see the SWAT team show up. No warrant needed.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 15:05   #53
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Originally Posted by TDH View Post
Schlyder: Thanks for the intellectual discourse. It's VERY productive and progressive! ;P
And I agree with it 100% of the way.

But, the opinions expressed on ASC usually originate from two-dimensional thinkers, and the socially re-engineered... So it is what it is.

It's like still believing that corporations don't run the Government. LOL
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 15:36   #54
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Originally Posted by TDH View Post
Schlyder: Thanks for the intellectual discourse. It's VERY productive and progressive! ;P
Sorry.... had to dumb it down for the tards.

It would appear that those mentally challenged followers, of the "Progressive" attitude that firearms need to be registered, or locked up,or kept out of the hands of law abiding citizens of a free society, need to use the brains in their heads to do more than keep their ears from slamming together.

How is that???? More attentive to the tender feelings of the latte sipping man-boys?
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 15:40   #55
a.k.a. flamethis
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I'm not going to try to change your minds, if I've learned anything since joining ASC it's that nobody on here is ever wrong and I'm apparently a sheep.

My last words on this is just that we all hope that the government will ease up on the import rules for airsoft, but nobody is willing to step up with a show of good faith and register the fact that we have airsoft in our homes. Maybe if the government saw how many 18+ people across the country actually use airsoft they'd get their shit together and change the importation rules. Look at it from their side, more individual importers means more taxes in their pocket..

I do like T-Hell's idea.. but we know that's not happening..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 15:43   #56
uMadd, Padd?
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post


Am I supposed to close all my blinds and live like a fucking hermit when I take my guns out of my safe? FUCK THAT.

If I have a gun in my house and walk by a window and some fucking retard calls the cops, I'd fucking sue him in civil court.

I'd tell the cops to politely FUCK RIGHT OFF when they showed up. This is another prefect example of sheep-like behavior that is running rampant, especially in the younger generation represented here on this board.

The cops should never have been fucking called. End of discussion.
Anyone that thinks this is a good idea is an idiot, and should just have their AV revoked. By agreeing with this, you're agreeing with the police being able to take your shit if they so much as smell green gas outside your home, so what's the difference if we take them or the cops take them? The ONLY upside to this is that it MIGHT curb the kidiots buying up shitsoft from Canadian Tire(and that's wishful thinking). It will not end well, it will only end up with cops having new toys to play with on our dime when on a break at the station.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 15:50   #57
AKA ExtraExtra
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My last words on this is just that we all hope that the government will ease up on the import rules for airsoft, but nobody is willing to step up with a show of good faith and register the fact that we have airsoft in our homes. Maybe if the government saw how many 18+ people across the country actually use airsoft they'd get their shit together and change the importation rules. Look at it from their side, more individual importers means more taxes in their pocket..
I understand your point completely. The gov however have larger fish to fry like gun registration as pointed out by schlyder. If they make this happen, and probably not, the rest falls into place.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 15:50   #58
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What is the point of a registry only people who use there airsoft guns legitimately will register, it's the same debacle(A sudden and ignominious failure) as the long gun registry. No one with intent to break the law with an airsoft gun or real steel firearm is going to register it. Soooo what is the real reason they are asking us to register them?, thats my question. I live in frederiction and this issue is only a big deal here to those of us who play and own airsoft guns no one else is talking about this aside from the media and cops!
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 16:07   #59
Armed Infidel
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post

You're not alone. I see the merit in complying, and am prepared to do just that when I move into Fredericton.

I know I'll get flamed for this, but I don't see any harm in being legit and informing the local police about my weapons. If people are afraid of losing their guns, why play the sport? So many posts on this board have been about legalizing airsoft or making it a legit sport.. my question is how can we do this if we continually run like scared mice when the light gets put on us?

If you can't "afford" to have your gun taken, you're in the wrong sport and may wish to consider clearsoft....

Let the flaming begin.....

If you know anything about law enforcement, you know that they do use the gun registry at every call they go to. Knowing if a gun is present in the house prepares them for a possible conflict...

and no, I'm not pro-registry.... but I'm also not afraid to comply with the law either.
It's a real slippery slope to tyranny and it's well oiled with good intentions of law abiders who think they are being civic minded and don't see the slow erosion of their individual rights.

Next thing you know it will be a crime to offend somebody...oh wait!! already it is in this country(its an entire industry compiments of those kangaroo courts called Human Rights Commissions)

Tell me Kurgan...where would you draw the line on this assault on individual freedoms?
The Left both ways

Last edited by Armed Infidel; February 2nd, 2011 at 16:12..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 16:16   #60
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
But they are going to need to arrest me, before they can just force their way in. That part after the fact will not go well in their favour.

Honestly, its usually that people say ok that allows the police into their houses. When they come to your door, talk to them outside your house. If they ask if you mind them coming in say "yes". Its your right! They will usually try to make you feel guilty and may even suggest that you will get in trouble, but they still need you to say yes. Otherwise they risk anything that they find being thrown out in court because of illegal search and seizure! That is a great tactic used by lawyers!

Make then work to get into your house. Know the law. If you have a friend that is a lawyer ask them. Ask a friend who is a police officer if they are allowed to just walk into your house if they feel they have reason.

There is a long Youtube video by a law professor on this, and even the police officer (retired) who talks afterwards says don't talk to them, don't let them in your house.
Ok let's get things straight here.

If Im in my window holding my Bushmaster and someone sees me the RCMP will most likely come knocking on my door and not break it down. That's not saying some might not, especially if that eye witness stated you were pointing said gun out the window at people which is a federal crime.

Now if you're pointing a "firearm" at people Police can believe the public is in danger so that gives Police the right to enter your home without a warrant.

The Police will need a warrant to search your home (although they can still search only with their eyes while conducting their duties).
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