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What IS the best AEG?


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Old May 12th, 2006, 12:39   #46
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Originally Posted by mcguyver
I bought an Intellect 7.2v 3800mah battery for $40 at a hobby shop. The Systema "stock" outclasses any upgraded AEG from anyone else. I can have whatever parts I want in less than a week and what cylinder kit for a 450 FPS gun doesn't cost $200?

My point is the you can't ask "What's the best AEG?" and keep getting "it's t3h tmak47" or a Sig552. I mean c'mon.

Does a Dodge Neon get "best car", or does it go to a BMW, Mercedes or something?

People who've never owned, or even seen a Systema PTW, simply have no clue as to it's construction or potential.

And I paid less for my Systema then I could buy a Marui M-4S for.
Unless you are lucky, the Systema falls outside of the criteria for this thread; nothing rare or extremely expensive. Granted, sounds wonderful, but... things like that can also fall into another future thread like 'if money was no object, what would you choose?'

Stay focussed guys, trust me, there will be more of these factual threads before I'm done picking brains. Heck, I find a lot of this stuff quite interesting to read.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 13:48   #47
next should be "best bang for your buck gun"
must be an AEG
must be a rifle/ machineguns(M249s)
must be $1000 or less
must be rediably avaliable
excluding the godly Systema Personal Training Weapon

Think if you owned a field and were going to buy rental guns. Not overly expensive, but will take punnishment, have innexpensive mags, bigger battery=better, reliable internals and easly replaced parts.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 14:15   #48
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heheh, then I'd still have to pick the P90
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 16:06   #49
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Well Droc, right now the criterias pretty much match what you just wrote. Almost everything listed so far is affordable and durable. And most of them are problem free in all manners that count.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 19:16   #50
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Originally Posted by Tarkus
Originally Posted by mcguyver
And I paid less for my Systema then I could buy a Marui M-4S for.
Care to share your source ?
Several members of this forum jumped in on the sale of these guns last fall as the price was too good to pass up. There are no more from this fellow currently, but they can be had as Wiseowl has said.

Custom batteries are usually not a problem for a battery shop to make. I had a brick made for my AUG and a PEQ battery for my M4 and it cost me $72 with tax. There's nothing they can't make.

I see what Greylocks is getting at with this thread, however the question is really pointless as the qualifiers for "best AEG" must be availabilty of accessories, parts, the gun itself as well as performance.

Lots of guys say "TM this" or "TM that", but really, they all perform the same, cost the same and are built on the same mechanics. What you really get to is SIG vs. AK vs. M4. And what good is a SIG if you can't get extra mags for it and upgrading it is a waste of time and money as an example.

Maybe I'm reading more into Greylock's point here than he intended, but a question of the best deserves the true answer of the best.

And I live in the toy car capital of the world in a city of 60,000 people. We have more Hummers, Porsches, Ferarris, Mercs, BMWs per capita than anywhere in the world by far. So I see them all the time. So what's a $2000 airsoft gun?
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old May 13th, 2006, 08:21   #51
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"Maybe I'm reading more into Greylock's point here than he intended, but a question of the best deserves the true answer of the best."

You're not reading the request and the criteria. To make this manageable, and follow a point, there are criterias to follow.

If I would have asked "What is the BEST overall AEG?", and specified that anything goes with no restrictions, your answers would be valid.

Please follow the current limits of the question. This is the first of many, others will focus on different subjects. Okay?
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Old May 13th, 2006, 13:06   #52
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Originally Posted by Droc
next should be "best bang for your buck gun"
must be an AEG
must be a rifle/ machineguns(M249s)
must be $1000 or less
must be rediably avaliable
excluding the godly Systema Personal Training Weapon

Think if you owned a field and were going to buy rental guns. Not overly expensive, but will take punnishment, have innexpensive mags, bigger battery=better, reliable internals and easly replaced parts.
I'd have to say the TM G36C. Its easy to get, cheaper then most, can be dropped and has the plastic mags.
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Old May 13th, 2006, 13:22   #53
when it comes to a quality, reliable, innexpensive and pratical guns, the G36 is up there.
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Old May 13th, 2006, 13:48   #54
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"G36:The best bang for your buck!" -Droc
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Old May 13th, 2006, 16:11   #55
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Hey guys what do u think of the Marui M1A1 Thompson? I've been thinking about getting one.
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Old May 13th, 2006, 20:14   #56
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Originally Posted by Stukadivebomber
Hey guys what do u think of the Marui M1A1 Thompson? I've been thinking about getting one.
hey guy, what was the title of the post... :smack:
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Old May 14th, 2006, 08:23   #57
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Originally Posted by Stukadivebomber
Hey guys what do u think of the Marui M1A1 Thompson? I've been thinking about getting one.
You did not read ANY of this thread, did you? Dont post until you have.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 08:45   #58
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I like how perfectly decent informational threads get drawn into multiple pages of worthless drivel every god damn time. It's not so bad yet, but it will happen.

NOOBS! Read the primary post and only add information if you know what the hell your talking about ... better yet, post nothing here at all. Christ almighty.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 08:48   #59
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I wish I could edit out the irrelevant stuff. Maybe when the thread has run it's course I can ask a moderator.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 09:26   #60
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UTG MP5 A4/A5 (stock)
You have to put time and money into this gun for it to perform well in large outdoor games. With the stock motor, and a few interal upgardes you can do up to 328-345 FPS. Not very consistant with full auto in terms of FPS if you do upgrade. Consider rewiring the battery to the back of the gun if you plan on using the solid stock, so you can use large batteries. However ROF drops significantly after you upgrade the spring.

Indoor Use:
Enough power and decent ROF

BBs curve left/right after a little while and would require hop up change.
Not on par with TM MP5s but has upgrade potential
Not a long range weapon and difficult to set stock hop up perfectly after a few games

Go get a pellet gun!
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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