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Year Of The GBBR....or just a stinky smell that's passing through...


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Old August 18th, 2009, 10:58   #46
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A lot of the new GBB rifles have a CO2 magazine option. That'll run better in the cold.

I think the biggest hitch with the new wave is that it's hitting the ground when there is no one to sell them, at least with a good supply. The more there are the more folks will figure out mods for them, the more chances your team mate will be able to pass over a magazine and so on.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 12:21   #47
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
A lot of the new GBB rifles have a CO2 magazine option. That'll run better in the cold.

I think the biggest hitch with the new wave is that it's hitting the ground when there is no one to sell them, at least with a good supply. The more there are the more folks will figure out mods for them, the more chances your team mate will be able to pass over a magazine and so on.
Another hitch would be the fact that it's almost double what it costs to start with a decent AEG and that's before preventative maintenance or more mags. In an already expensive sport, this could be the final deciding factor. Then again, people of all budgets have PTWs so I guess where there's a will there's a way.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 14:57   #48
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post
Not true!
I purchased an Inokatsu GBB M4 and I was VERY disappointed!
Thats why you do research first ....the only draw Ino has was their RS dim, other than that it wasn't that different from the rest of WA stuff. And Ino has bad rep on a lot of Taiwanese forum already from delivery to function....

What I meant more was that GBB puts more emphasis on material strength because you are actually stressing the components. The backward molding engineering with potmetal of the AGM is never going to work from a structural standpoint, and their cost was a result of that....

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Old August 18th, 2009, 15:38   #49
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With the AGM, Jing Jong, Well (coming) GBB, starting with a GBB is not that costy
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Old August 18th, 2009, 16:23   #50
Brian McIlmoyle
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For most

I don't think a GBBR is a practical first gun.

The limitations of performance as a result of the operating system would be a liability for many new players who tend to rely more on volume of fire than precision of fire.

For a seasoned player.. in a short Scenario or Milsim environment where ammo restrictions are in place and everyone is marshalling their shots I think these guns are effective.

I have seen and handled the WETTI product.. and seen it used to excellent effect in an 8 hour game by 3 operators. they had less down time or issues than many people with solid performing AEGs.

I know they are gameable...

The fact that these things are nibbling at the edge of real cred with professional trainers and operators is enough to convince me.. when you hear people who have loads of TI with simunition say there is better range and accuracy with the GBBR .. and less downtime.. I perk up and listen.

I got one coming... and I have a feeling its going to become my go to gun for most actions outdoor... and the MP7 GBB i have coming this week will be my go to for indoor...
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Old August 18th, 2009, 17:47   #51
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For a first gun-definately not. AEGs' are currently the best all around starter guns, but for many of us who like a more mil-sim type of action, and have somewhat bored of AEGs', the GBBRs' are the shit. The limited ammo, bolt stop function and the trigger response can't be matched for the realism. You get tired, bored and even annoyed by players assault rifles being used more like a LMG and having to try and dodge a continuous minute long stream of bbs. And even those of us who don't do that tend to spend more ammo when you know you have 60-70 rnds in your gun vs the 30 in your GBBR. Quite simply if you have it, why not use it? With the GBBR's you are forced to be more ammo conscious. It's really a matter of what type of gaming your into. If anyone has been watching Spec Ops Mission on the Military channel, they are pretty much semi auto the whole time and that's the type of gaming for me. But then it's really a matter of personal taste. On a side note, I'll always have an AEG at the field with me as a back-up.
My 2cents.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 18:00   #52
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I agree with Ironsight.

It's the same situation in Vancouver too, where players just know how to spray and use their assault rifles as LMGs. Even for the so called "professional military practice" teams, I've seen their members spraying crazily constantly, which is not "professional military practice" at all.

Recently, I got a bit bored of the games, simply because there has been too little realism, although I admit that you can still buy 30-round magazines for AEG too.
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Old August 18th, 2009, 21:35   #53
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Originally Posted by jtjcheng View Post
I agree with Ironsight.

It's the same situation in Vancouver too, where players just know how to spray and use their assault rifles as LMGs. Even for the so called "professional military practice" teams, I've seen their members spraying crazily constantly, which is not "professional military practice" at all.

Recently, I got a bit bored of the games, simply because there has been too little realism, although I admit that you can still buy 30-round magazines for AEG too.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 00:11   #54
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by damage View Post
Your not talking about my team P.I.M.P. are you?
OT not relevant take it to PM
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Old August 19th, 2009, 00:16   #55
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I'd like to see some WETTI's with real steel parts *drool
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Old August 19th, 2009, 00:31   #56
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For realism and fun, I don't think there's anything comparable out there. I contemplated the action kits for my M4, even considered investing in a PTW. The things that held me back were, no noise, no kick and PTW aren't perfect. And for the price tag, I expect perfect. You're looking at spending as much as a really nice quality Real Steel AR for the price! At least my GBBRs only cost as much as a jazzed up Norinco.

A week ago I decided that if I didn't get something with a functioning bolt release, I was going to forget what they were for once and for all. So I got myself a WE-Tech M4.


Why did I get into this sport? Because I can't go down to the range and put 5.56 into my buddies and still go for beer and wings afterward. From where I'm standing, my GBB gives me the function of real steel, without the pesky murder and manslaughter charges.

I barely play outdoors anyways, and when I do, I'm a fairweather 'softer anyways, so cool weather isn't going to affect me.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 13:51   #57
El Cactus Loco
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Originally Posted by Pivot View Post
Why did I get into this sport? Because I can't go down to the range and put 5.56 into my buddies and still go for beer and wings afterward. From where I'm standing, my GBB gives me the function of real steel, without the pesky murder and manslaughter charges.

I barely play outdoors anyways, and when I do, I'm a fairweather 'softer anyways, so cool weather isn't going to affect me.
bang on man, i feel the same.

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
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hahaha feels good to know im not the only one hahaha
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Old August 20th, 2009, 18:11   #58
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My .02...

1) Are they skirmishable?
Once mechanical reliability issues have been solved, I would assume 'yes'. My favorite skirmish gun is a GBB pistol... think I've gotten as many 'kills' with it as with anything else. (Outdoors)

2) Would I stop using electric guns?
No. We play outdoors at temps round about freezing, and gas does not cook under those circumstances (though the high-flow valve on the KWA gives it a few more degrees of latitude than other GBB's I've tried.) Also, mags that use a 12 gram CO2 cartridge may not provide any advantage: I tried a WE Hi-cappa out with a CO2 mag near the end of Oct. last year, temp was still above freezing. Moderately rapid fire generated this little pellet of frozen CO2 in the bottom of the cartridge after about six or eight shots. At room temp (20 C) that same gun/mag combo will fire nearly 90 rounds on a single cartridge.

3) Positioning of GBBR:
If I were to get one, it will be as summer primary, with understanding that different roles/impressions may result in different guns being used.

Additional note: much faster to recharge a GBB mag than a battery!
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Old August 20th, 2009, 18:49   #59
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I'd be interested in trying them if they were mainstream. It would be cool to have a working bolt release; that extra level of realism would be awesome. The down side though, is you are dealing with high pressure gas. I find AEG's nice because you don't have the down time that results from gas... it's so much more finicky. But I guess if you had an AEG backup then you could use your GBBR as a primary.
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Old August 24th, 2009, 10:49   #60
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7hr update.

Just got a WE AWSS M4 yesterday with a couple of mags. Surprisingly light. Neat little thing. Really like the real-steel functionality.

Assembled it on the grass after a field's that simple. At least 3 people were using GBBRs (2 x WE and 1 x KSC MP7). ZERO issues with the KSC. M4's were running on duster...and rapid fire post-game blasting saw some cool down/venting. REALLY lucky that I was standing on Sniperchic's 4 o-clock...cause the forward assist popped off and hit my boot, otherwise it would have been impossible to find in the forest! It was a cool, rainy day...and it was a gas (haha) to hear these things fire in the firefights. Lots of wheezezeezee (sewing machine sound) from the AEGs...then Pap, Pap, Pap from the contest on cool factor.

Stripped it down, lubed and test fired last night. Sweeeet. Fired abour 534 with propane...a little stiff for gaming. IT IS REFRESHING to actually have a trigger/hammer mech in a rifle after using AEGs.

Took a good look at what is needed to get it properly toned down for gaming...I'll work on that the next couple of evenings. It came with two nozzles that are quick to swap I'll set one up for a friendly indoors and a mid-high outdoors...and leave a safety margin for temp extremes.


1. Yes, with the FPS properly adjusted...they are suitable for gaming. Adjusting the FPS while maintaining good gas pressure is clutch.
100% guarantee more field testing to come...

2. No...I wouldn't ditch my AEGs yet (even my PTW that I sweated buckets with while we were playing in the rain). But if I can get the FPS predictably adjusted...I can see the AEGs gathering dust and put to backup duty.

3. FPS adjusted...primary for indoors, I'm near 99.99% certain of that. FPS adjusted...primary for outdoors. Conditional on adjusting FPS...but just can't beat that feel/action. I can't wall hang anything I'll get used.

Let see if this changes as time goes on....(and yes, I'm taking a break from shooting it to write this )

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