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City police ask public force to register replica firearms



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Old February 3rd, 2011, 00:07   #91
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or Premise OTHER than a dwelling-house. So like I said they can come in my house without a warrant. C-36 doesn't cover coming in without a warrant either!

You keep proving my original point.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 00:11   #92
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
or Premise OTHER than a dwelling-house. So like I said they can come in my house without a warrant. C-36 doesn't cover coming in without a warrant either!

You keep proving my original point.

No, your point was they need a warrant. My point was the reason for the warrant can be simply your refusal to consent.

So, you either let them in, or they come back with a warrant because you said "No". Either way, you are letting them in. Prior to this bill, refusal of search meant they actually had to have enough evidence to convince a justice to issue one. Now, they only need your refusal.

You are also neglecting the fact that if I own 10 or more guns, they are coming in, no need for reasonable cause or to believe any crime is, was or will be taking place.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; February 3rd, 2011 at 00:14..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 00:35   #93
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I highly doubt that any judge or justice of the peace would grant a search warrant simply on the fact that you were seen with a gun in your house and you won't let the police search your house (it is your right to deny them entry without a warrant).

And a peace officer is unlikely to enter your home without a warrant unless they have a pretty good reason to (more than a nosy person peeping in your window).
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
...It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle...
Originally Posted by XPknight View Post
...13.768 seconds...
42 / square root of monkey butt - one leg * the tangent of one average sized pickle.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 00:51   #94
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
or Premise OTHER than a dwelling-house. So like I said they can come in my house without a warrant. C-36 doesn't cover coming in without a warrant either!

You keep proving my original point.
For a simple gun call you are correct they would need a warrant. BUT if the person stated you pointed the gun AT THEM through the window then they would not need a warrant to break down your door as they believe they are protecting public safety since you just committed a federal office.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 00:52   #95
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post


Am I supposed to close all my blinds and live like a fucking hermit when I take my guns out of my safe? FUCK THAT.

If I have a gun in my house and walk by a window and some fucking retard calls the cops, I'd fucking sue him in civil court.

I'd tell the cops to politely FUCK RIGHT OFF when they showed up. This is another prefect example of sheep-like behavior that is running rampant, especially in the younger generation represented here on this board.

The cops should never have been fucking called. End of discussion.
Agree 110%.

If cop shows, no warrant, no entry.

Come back with warrant? Gj, just wasted ur time. All the guns are legal.

Next. Counter sue the reporting bitch for invasion of privacy.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 01:00   #96
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Originally Posted by Wayne0188 View Post
I highly doubt that any judge or justice of the peace would grant a search warrant simply on the fact that you were seen with a gun in your house and you won't let the police search your house (it is your right to deny them entry without a warrant).

And a peace officer is unlikely to enter your home without a warrant unless they have a pretty good reason to (more than a nosy person peeping in your window).
I wouldn't make that stretch. They have the force of law, as noted above, to back their play.

It's like saying that you think that a crook with a gun will walk away and leave you unharmed simply because you give him money.

If they weren't planning on using this legislation, it would never have been written.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Old February 3rd, 2011, 01:04   #97
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Wrong, probable cause .. no warrant required.

report of a "person with a gun" will illicit a police response , they will enter premises without a warrant.

however I agree with Blackthorn, As a Licensed firearm owner I am 100% within my rights to handle my guns as I see fit within my own home,

someone calling the police because they saw me with a gun through my window is an invasion of my privacy.. I would insist the police charge the person with trespass

as far as "registering" replicas.. I don't own any.. all of my airsoft guns are unregulated firearms. No license or registrations required.
...? Police can force entry and search without warrant..? Never knew they had the right.. Even if they did I think the evidence gathered can be excused because there was no warrant in the first place...?
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 08:40   #98
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Nothing like going off the rails.

Armed Infidel - I am a law abiding citizen. I may not agree with the laws, but I comply with them. I have nothing to be afraid of, the laws don't scare me. What scares me are people like you who believe they have "rights" beyond the countries laws.

Call me gullible, naive or whatever (ask the local airsoft community about me) but I do not tolerate bullshit. You speak of losing freedoms and rights? What are you a hippie?... Or just a university student with nothing better to do during his free class.??. What other things would you Bitch about?
Bitch about having to be 18 to purchase these "toys"..?
Bitch about not being able to import them yourself?..
Bitch about properly using them on the local airsoft field?
Bitch about transporting them properly (assuming you do, which I doubt).
Bitch about FPS field rules?

Lets see.. what other airsoft rules/laws have you bitched about but when push came to shove, you bent over and spread your cheeks and bit the pillow for?

but enough about schooling you....

There seems to be a lot of grand standing.."I'd tell the cops off" "fuck the neighbors" "cops have no right".. going on here.. and quite frankly.. this is not the type of talk that responsible gun owners should be engaging in.

Its' sad when the largest airsoft discussion forum is so hell bent on not complying (and only about 5 people on this board have to) with a simple by-law because they are either too paranoid (not a good trait for a gun owner btw) or too NRA (nutbars in thier own right) to reasonably comply if they had to.

Enough with the whining, bitching, moaning and fear mongering already...

Please close this topic.. it's become an embarrassment.
On the seventh day when God rested, we overran his perimeter and we've been running the show ever since....
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 09:09   #99
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
Nothing like going off the rails.

Armed Infidel - I am a law abiding citizen. I may not agree with the laws, but I comply with them. I have nothing to be afraid of, the laws don't scare me. What scares me are people like you who believe they have "rights" beyond the countries laws.

Call me gullible, naive or whatever (ask the local airsoft community about me) but I do not tolerate bullshit. You speak of losing freedoms and rights? What are you a hippie?...
Thou dost protest too much, me thinks! Why did you post this thread in the first place? Oh yeah, to get people's thoughts? You got 'em. Perhaps it's your thread that generated and you are in NO position to berate the respondents.

That or you are a TROLL! Question your own motives first.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 09:48   #100
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
Nothing like going off the rails.

Armed Infidel - I am a law abiding citizen. I may not agree with the laws, but I comply with them. I have nothing to be afraid of, the laws don't scare me. What scares me are people like you who believe they have "rights" beyond the countries laws.

Call me gullible, naive or whatever (ask the local airsoft community about me) but I do not tolerate bullshit. You speak of losing freedoms and rights? What are you a hippie?... Or just a university student with nothing better to do during his free class.??. What other things would you Bitch about?
Bitch about having to be 18 to purchase these "toys"..?
Bitch about not being able to import them yourself?..
Bitch about properly using them on the local airsoft field?
Bitch about transporting them properly (assuming you do, which I doubt).
Bitch about FPS field rules?

Lets see.. what other airsoft rules/laws have you bitched about but when push came to shove, you bent over and spread your cheeks and bit the pillow for?

but enough about schooling you....

There seems to be a lot of grand standing.."I'd tell the cops off" "fuck the neighbors" "cops have no right".. going on here.. and quite frankly.. this is not the type of talk that responsible gun owners should be engaging in.

Its' sad when the largest airsoft discussion forum is so hell bent on not complying (and only about 5 people on this board have to) with a simple by-law because they are either too paranoid (not a good trait for a gun owner btw) or too NRA (nutbars in thier own right) to reasonably comply if they had to.

Enough with the whining, bitching, moaning and fear mongering already...

Please close this topic.. it's become an embarrassment.

You know Kurgan showed a lot more Wisdom and skill in Highlander movie my friend...Also your Avatar is grotesque..

NRA nut jobs.....

We don't need your dead weight in the asc/rs community...

I think you actual deserve to have a taste of the law smashing down your door over some idiot neighbor over reacting and calling the police... Then having your property confiscated and made to go through a long process only to find out they have been destroyed and stuck with a shit load of legal bills. But then i think you still won't get it...this is not about complying with the laws, it is about new laws being made to fuck over the firearm ownership ability of the average Canadian citizen, there is no safety concern here in regards to "firearm handling/safety" this is just another way of closing the door.

You want more bureaucracy in the firearm world then that is just fuckin great, just what we need. I don't know how long you have been shooting for..but i can tell you right now the hoops people have had to go through to get the stuff we have in this country has taken considerable effort.

You Sir lack total foresight especially in regards to the last 40 years should show you where this is going. They tried complying and showing good faith last time, and look what happened and what continues to happen...

Gullible..more like you have a hole in your head....
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:00   #101
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Canada appears to be turning into a society where snitching on your neighbours is a recommended course of action, much like in the Soviet Union which had a 3:1 ratio of KGB to civilian population.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:06   #102
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My avatar?.. really, that's the first place you go??? I guess that's probably expected... the rest of your rant makes as much sense.

Oh.. Carly....They won't be smashing down my door.. they'll know in advance that I have airsoft guns.. lol.

Gun ownership is not a right in Canada... and I'm glad it's not.


TDH... I didn't make it personal.. I'm just reacting to the fine upstanding airsofters that did. I'm not trolling, they drew first blood.
On the seventh day when God rested, we overran his perimeter and we've been running the show ever since....

Last edited by Kurgan; February 3rd, 2011 at 10:13..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:12   #103
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post

My avatar?.. really, that's the first place you go??? I guess that's probably expected... the rest of your rant makes as much sense.

Oh.. Carly....They won't be smashing down my door.. they'll know in advance that I have airsoft guns.. lol.

Gun ownership is not a right in Canada... and I'm glad it's not.
I could comment on your blubber too....

You are really a "wolf in sheep's clothing" but at least you are forth coming about it.

I think you need to take a long look in the mirror and find out what freedom is and what that means to you.....
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:29   #104
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
as far as "registering" replicas.. I don't own any.. all of my airsoft guns are unregulated firearms. No license or registrations required.
I'm not sure if this is correct Brian. Your gus shoot under 430, which is the magic number of seperation. therefore, i believe, your gun would be considered a replica. Unless you were to store them with huge springs everytime you leave the field.

registering your replica's would be terribly bad for so many people. If your model was not produced before 1998, it is illegal. this also means its illegal to purchase a new, or used one. unless of course it is cansoft.

now lets say your house is robbed. some punk knows you have sweet airsoft guns in your house, and decides he wants them. your now fucked out of insurance money for them, because they are an illegal item.

now i'm not sure how this all how this all goes about with uncontrolled firearms that have been downgraded. but if your gun is confinscated, they won't let you put a new spring in it before it gets sent to RMCP for testing.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:38   #105
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by bareass View Post
I'm not sure if this is correct Brian. Your gus shoot under 430, which is the magic number of seperation. therefore, i believe, your gun would be considered a replica. Unless you were to store them with huge springs everytime you leave the field.

registering your replica's would be terribly bad for so many people. If your model was not produced before 1998, it is illegal. this also means its illegal to purchase a new, or used one. unless of course it is cansoft.

now lets say your house is robbed. some punk knows you have sweet airsoft guns in your house, and decides he wants them. your now fucked out of insurance money for them, because they are an illegal item.

now i'm not sure how this all how this all goes about with uncontrolled firearms that have been downgraded. but if your gun is confinscated, they won't let you put a new spring in it before it gets sent to RMCP for testing.
Read the law.. you are wrong on many points, It's clear that you have no specific knowledge on the subject other than hearsay.
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