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City police ask public force to register replica firearms



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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:39   #106
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TDH, Kurgan is the last person I would ever suspect of trolling.

Seriously guys, settle the fuck down. This is one small citys BYLAW in a part of the country that the rest of canada forgets about most of the time!

This thread is off the rails, has turnt into a battle of egos and fear mongering. I vote for a close.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:43   #107
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Kurgan is passionate in his views.. so are others

we are big boys .. we can sling a little Mud .. it all washes off.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 10:56   #108
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Being passionate about your views and opinions is one thing, there are many posts in this thread that are just that, and there is nothing wrong with it..

But the need of a few here to take it to a personal level, as if bashing the person for their opinion is somehow going to win the debate, is petty and immature.

CARL, you need to stop trying to belittle others with your infinate wisdom of the last 40 years of persecution you have suffered at the hands of the Canadian government.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 11:05   #109
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Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
Being passionate about your views and opinions is one thing, there are many posts in this thread that are just that, and there is nothing wrong with it..

But the need of a few here to take it to a personal level, as if bashing the person for their opinion is somehow going to win the debate, is petty and immature.

CARL, you need to stop trying to belittle others with your infinate wisdom of the last 40 years of persecution you have suffered at the hands of the Canadian government.
Okay i apologize for belittling you and kurgan, but you guys are still naive and probably the stupidest people on this forum with all things considered.

And my {infinite} wisdom should be pretty much common sense by now, you would hope.....hence that is the historical fact of where things have ended up... I definitely wouldn't want you guys holding the keys.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 11:10   #110
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
No, quite the contrary. As per the Firearm's Act, they do not need a warrant for all but a dwelling. The conditions are quite clear on that.

Frome here:

The dwelling house excluded by the Firearms Act is now covered in Bill C-36 as noted above.
They still can't just walk in. There has to have been a crime committed first, they have to believe the perpetrator or evidence of said crime is inside.

They can't walk in because Mrs. Wilson saw you cleaning your .308 (or god forbid a freaking toy), then turn around and get a warrant to kick in your door because you wouldn't grant them entry... can they?
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 11:11   #111
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
No, your point was they need a warrant. My point was the reason for the warrant can be simply your refusal to consent.

So, you either let them in, or they come back with a warrant because you said "No". Either way, you are letting them in. Prior to this bill, refusal of search meant they actually had to have enough evidence to convince a justice to issue one. Now, they only need your refusal.

You are also neglecting the fact that if I own 10 or more guns, they are coming in, no need for reasonable cause or to believe any crime is, was or will be taking place.
Exactly. I will let them in when they have a warrant. I never said any different. I'm just not going to be a sheep and let them come in because they asked, when they initially come to see me. I'll talk to them outside. If I don't exercise my rights, under the law, I don't have any.

And the issue of pointing a gun( that has been brought up), even Airsoft, at somebody is entirely different. You are threatening the public safety. No warrant needed, you will be getting arrested, even if you let them in. And so you should!

Are these real guns (10 or more)you are talking about. That changes the current discussion. We were talking about someone seeing you in the window with A gun type item. This would then bring in all the long gun registry stupidity, which I don't think we want to do.

Also complying with the law, does not mean giving up your rights, even if the police make you think you are not complying when you exercise your rights as a citizen.

You have two choices. Be a sheep and do whatever you are told, or be a knowledgable and informed citizen.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 11:17   #112
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I k ow that this is just one city, but that doesn't mean the federal government won't try to make it nation wide, this is what I am so against, hell I'm against long gun registration.

That doesn't mean I won't follow the law if it becomes one. I will however vote against such a law, as I am sure many other people on this forum will.

As has been said, this thread has become a place for peoe to express their thoughts on this bylaw, and people have made the conclution that this by become more common, whatever your thoughts on this, there is no need to attack others.

@multitech: I agree fully
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
...It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle...
Originally Posted by XPknight View Post
...13.768 seconds...
42 / square root of monkey butt - one leg * the tangent of one average sized pickle.

Last edited by Wayne0188; February 3rd, 2011 at 11:21..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 12:32   #113
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It's a 6 year old revision of a 12 year old law which, according to the word of the law, would require nerf guns and Canadian Tire crapsoft to be registered.

It's not a big deal.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 12:58   #114
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I have a NERF rocket launcher, now I'm worried the local police will think I'm an arms dealer or something.

I'm with Kurgan. A stupid bylaw is still a bylaw; choosing to ignore it won't make it go away. But if I choose to obey the law, even a city bylaw, does that make me less responsible than the people who choose to break that law? Now, if I were to register my guns and they DID confiscate them, do you think I'd encourage my fellow airsofters to do the same thing? I think you know the answer. But so do the cops, and if they truly want people to register their guns, do you think they'd start terrorizing people for it? This isn't Nazi Germany or North Korea, guys. Nobody is getting rich from a $2 registration fee on my airsoft guns.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 13:01   #115
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Originally Posted by FoxhoundNB View Post
It's a 6 year old revision of a 12 year old law which, according to the word of the law, would require nerf guns and Canadian Tire crapsoft to be registered.

It's not a big deal.
I did not even think about nerf guns when i read the bylaw, but they definitly count according to the bylaw's definition of air and spring guns.

Somebody should get a group togeather and register a bunch of nerf guns.

And your right, No Big Deal.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 13:22   #116
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Funny thing is the airsofters like me in Fredericton are discussing the matter, not flaming each other.

Apologies to everyone.... cooked and raw. I dont' look at this bylaw as an issues, but more an opportunity to show we're mature enough to comply when needed.

BTW.. the cops don't enforce the bylaws.. we have bylaw enforcement officers. I believe they're the same guys that cruise around giving out tickets to people who park in handycap parking.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 13:32   #117
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Read the law.. you are wrong on many points, It's clear that you have no specific knowledge on the subject other than hearsay.
which points are incorrect?

from this cite (RMCP's website)

"As an individual, you may keep any replicas that you owned on December 1, 1998. You do not need a licence to possess a replica firearm and it does not have to be registered. However, you cannot acquire, make or import a replica firearm. "

this would include converting an uncontrolled to a replica
so yes you, me and just about everyone here own these illegally

Last edited by bareass; February 3rd, 2011 at 13:58..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 13:48   #118
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Originally Posted by bareass View Post
which points are incorrect?

from this cite (RMCP's website)

"As an individual, you may keep any replicas that you owned on December 1, 1998. You do not need a licence to possess a replica firearm and it does not have to be registered. However, you cannot acquire, make or import a replica firearm. "

this would include converting an uncontrolled to a replica
that is not law.. that is RCMP interpretation of law.. on a fact sheet.. and you added the last bit.. that is not on the fact sheet

read the Criminal code and the firearms act that is law

Even hearsay from the RCMP is still hearsay

Anyone who would choose to take possession of an airsoft gun and not know the law.. by actually reading it .. all of it .. Is a fool

Everyone always says "know your rights" .. well your rights are defined by LAW and it is all available free to anyone to read.

Why take my word for it... read the LAW
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; February 3rd, 2011 at 14:06..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 13:56   #119
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Even hearsay from the RCMP is still hearsay
I've heard about that..
On the seventh day when God rested, we overran his perimeter and we've been running the show ever since....
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 14:00   #120
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
BTW.. the cops don't enforce the bylaws.. we have bylaw enforcement officers. I believe they're the same guys that cruise around giving out tickets to people who park in handycap parking.
this is true, but the firearms act, which replica firearms fall under, is federal
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