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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 13th, 2011, 22:31   #121
jamuke's Avatar
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I wonder if this applies in Ontario.

If it does I think I'll call the police and report that I see a lot of depressed individuals around Jane and Finch who haven't gone to work in a while.

I wonder how many real firearms would be found.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 07:48   #122
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Hey guys, I already state that they had a warrant coming directly from the judge. This is what I called a "mandat". This is why they put me in jail, to get the time to ask a judge for a warrant and they got it because their was enough of a doubt in this case. I assure you they would not have enter my appartement without this paper from the judge. My GF was their, they show it to her. It was a 100% legal search
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Old January 14th, 2011, 11:23   #123
teriases's Avatar
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First the still pictures taken on ur video, that is just ridiculous... Next time in ur company get togethers get a real weird screen cap of ur boss and call the cops!

I'm glad to see this has been resolved. I'm happy for you! But please ask for the leave, u need sometime to "decompress" from all this!

It's also kind of u not to sue them. That's taking the high road at another level altogether.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 11:27   #124
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Based on your youtube videos and your employers (legally questionable) acts wouldn't be enough to get a search warrant.

There must be something else, or you have been on their radar for awhile.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 12:12   #125
Brian McIlmoyle
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The fact that this thread exists illustrates a degree of imprudence or an utter disregard for public perception.

Hmm lets see... Your workplace suspended you, and informed the police.. The police had sufficient concern and evidence that a judge issued a warrant for the police to enter your private dwelling and search it.. and they confiscated everything that looks like a gun and revoked your PAL .. all because of a "misunderstanding"

It's not impossible I guess... but the fact that you are not outraged and are "ok" with it seems to indicate that even you .. in retrospect agree there were some serious issues. otherwise you would be talking about litigation and redress for the irrevocable damage this has caused to your reputation, and everyone's perception of you.

Either, you are clueless.. or you are in fact a danger to yourself and those around you.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 14th, 2011, 12:33   #126
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
The fact that this thread exists illustrates a degree of imprudence or an utter disregard for public perception.

Hmm lets see... Your workplace suspended you, and informed the police.. The police had sufficient concern and evidence that a judge issued a warrant for the police to enter your private dwelling and search it.. and they confiscated everything that looks like a gun and revoked your PAL .. all because of a "misunderstanding"

It's not impossible I guess... but the fact that you are not outraged and are "ok" with it seems to indicate that even you .. in retrospect agree there were some serious issues. otherwise you would be talking about litigation and redress for the irrevocable damage this has caused to your reputation, and everyone's perception of you.

Either, you are clueless.. or you are in fact a danger to yourself and those around you.

...or he could just be thankful that nothing too serious came out of this (aside from the jail), and that he will be able to continue his life as normal.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 12:34   #127
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Yeah, I've resisted the urge to chime in... but... dude, did you bump your head when they put you in a cruiser?

Do you even own a real firearm? I understand you have your PAL, but are you actually a firearm owner yet?

It's one thing for your employers or co-workers to have questions for you, and to ask you how you're doing, or if you're stressed, but it is quite another for them to go overboard like this. Calling the police, having your home tossed and searched, being pulled in for mandatory psych eval sessions and meetings with the boss "regarding the events" is too much. They've overstepped their bounds.

If they were concerned about you, they should have spoken to you. Directly to you. First. Your boss, or co-worker (upon realizing they believe you to be depressed) should have walked up to you, and said "Hey, how are you doing? You ok? You seem down. You want to talk about anything?" That I can understand. That is a fair first step. If there is a resident psychologist they should have asked him to speak with you informally before going this far.

It's good that you're keeping a level head through this, but frankly, there's something wrong with you if you do not feel that your rights and freedoms have been utterly raped.

Speak up. Make noise. Do NOT let this slide. This will become more important than just you. This will set precedent that others across the country will try to replicate if you let it.

Fight this.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old January 14th, 2011, 13:13   #128
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It's because I took a week of, after going to see the doctor to have a valid paper, and it was because I was stressed out of work and tired. They already knew that I was talking with a coworker about getting a PAL and going to a that I wanted to go to a shooting range and buy a firearm. We always talked together openly about it because we never thought we were doing any harms. But because I took a week off, they start to wonder If it was a depression or a serious mental hillness that, with the fact that they heard about me receiving my pal and saw that I had video of me hodling what was things looking "like fireharms", they concluded that I was in a desesperate state of mind while having many real firearms at my place and so that I was a danger for myself and theirself (since there was just a shooting in the state that happened the same week). This is why my workplace called the cop. The cop had the informations that follow: distress mental state + PAL + highly possibilities of owning many prohibited firearms shown in the video. The inspector told me that there was enough of a doubt to have a warrant from the judge.

Me, I never had anything to hide, I knew from the lessons I took to get my PAL that in this situation it is what the police do. This is what I learned in regard of getting my PAL. This is why I'm so cooperative and understanding about the police forces. I knew what they had to do, they had to look to know if yes are no I had guns.

I'm angry but not about what the police did. Even in the search they were very respectful, it wasn't a mess at all. The respected my girlfriend, replaced anything they touch and leave a clean apartement. Yes they invade my privacy but when someone has nothing to hide, who cares? They saw my girlfriend panties, wow, big deal!

But still I'm very happy for all your feedbacks and respects every one of your opinions!

As I said, this is agains't my workplace that I'm angry but I still know that anyone has the right to call the police and say that they are afraid that person X Y Z may have weapons and represent a danger to himself and the community. And the police must answer to this complaint. This is everything I learned in my life yet and this is everything I understand now. This is why I'm calm. They had to do it, I knew that I was innocent, so it didn't bother me that much. All I want to be sure is to have my WE M14 in one piece, no scratchs. They can take it but if they brake it they'll pay for it I'll look to that for sure. Except that, for me, that do not care at all about what other people think (my "reputation"), it's ok.

Last edited by Sim123456; January 14th, 2011 at 13:17..
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Old January 14th, 2011, 14:20   #129
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Well, in my opinion, your reaction to this is along the same lines of a woman that was raped and then says "It's ok. It was my fault because I dressed too sexy". You haven't even started seeing the repercussions of this yet.

You realize that this will irreparably harm your personal reputation. It doesn't matter that they found "everything is ok". Your coworkers will never see you the same again. Your personal and professional reputations have been tarnished. And there's a good chance that your PAL probably won't be returned. CFOs will permanently revoke and place lifetime bans on people at the slightest excuse. There's also a possibility you won't see the guns that were seized "for testing" ever again either.

In the end, it's up to you with what you wish to do, but I'd be fighting this tooth and nail. Not to get money out of it, but to have a formal apology issued from my employer, and be fighting to get my illegally seized property back.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 15:44   #130
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This thread makes me absolutely livid. What your employer (and fellow employees?) have done is inexcusable. Fight for everything you can, because what Crunch has said is true, your reputation at this hospital is forever tarnished. Make them regret doing this to an innocent person, so that it does not happen again. DO NOT let this go!
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Old January 14th, 2011, 15:58   #131
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The reputation where I work is not important. It's a secondary 5 max job. Everyone there is very weird and most of them do not walk straight in front of law. We are talking of a place where we offenly have people stealing narcotics and letting they seringes lying in the bathrooms. I don't want to say that it's a getho but it's not the cleanest place. I have no intention of staying there for long. I don't care what they will think when seeing me. I never cared before, I don't see why I would care now. All I want is no written traces left behind. And it's a point I want to make clear monday. I don't want anything to pop up when I'll applied for my next job.

And I wasn't fingerprinted and I have no casefiles left at all. If I can't take the words of an inspector well, sorry world we live in. They told me one week for my gun, I'll wait one week. Benefice of the doubt. I'll question after. Tell me that I'm naïve but it's my first experience with that (and hopefuly my last) and I place my faith first and see after. I'll see if I'm deceived.

Last edited by Sim123456; January 14th, 2011 at 16:02..
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Old January 14th, 2011, 16:25   #132
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I say bring your resignation to your meeting on Monday. Inform them that you have been harassed and humiliated for no good reason, and are no longer comfortable working in such an environment. I would threaten legal action, but it might not come cheap or easy.

Sounds like a vile workplace, which even you have acknowledged. Not worth the paycheque! Time to move on, Simon! Fresh start.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 16:53   #133
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Ok then, If you want to take the forgive road and use a cheaper alternative, I suggest AT LEAST facing off against your employer tooth and nail to get reimbursed the money they made you lose during the time you could have been working but dont ask for reperation, just the back pay owed.

T'as un représentant syndical?

Ask him, they can provide you with a lawyer if it touches your work.

If you win that battle, you might be interested to push this further. I know a lawyer that knows a heck of a lot about airsoft and things it entails since he was a player for a while... If you feel you need to push this further at a later date (but not too far in the future), I can try to get you in contact with him.

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Old January 14th, 2011, 17:27   #134
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
It's because I took a week of, after going to see the doctor to have a valid paper, and it was because I was stressed out of work and tired. They already knew that I was talking with a coworker about getting a PAL and going to a that I wanted to go to a shooting range and buy a firearm. We always talked together openly about it because we never thought we were doing any harms. But because I took a week off, they start to wonder If it was a depression or a serious mental hillness that, with the fact that they heard about me receiving my pal and saw that I had video of me hodling what was things looking "like fireharms", they concluded that I was in a desesperate state of mind while having many real firearms at my place and so that I was a danger for myself and theirself (since there was just a shooting in the state that happened the same week). This is why my workplace called the cop. The cop had the informations that follow: distress mental state + PAL + highly possibilities of owning many prohibited firearms shown in the video. The inspector told me that there was enough of a doubt to have a warrant from the judge.
Did anyone speak with you before they figured that you were a danger to anyone? Or did they perform a little bit of armchair detective work, and decide to call the cops believing they knew something? Something which turned out to be wrong, by the way.

How can you just accept that other people can say they think you're depressed and a danger to yourself or others and that will result in you coming home to find cops tossing your pad, and you spending an evening in a cell?!

It's cool that you're not mad at the cops for just doing their job, but how in the fuck can you accept the behavior of the people you work with?

What evidence did they have that you were in an unstable state of mind?

Did any professional psychologist declare you to be in an unfit state of mind?

Obviously you're not, because anyone who was wouldn't put up with this. But what evidence did your coworkers have of that.

Oh if only there was some kind of... I don't know... list... or registry... of who had what firearms, so that the cops could just look at that and determine that the person they've received a call about does not in fact, own any firearms.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old January 14th, 2011, 17:32   #135
Brian McIlmoyle
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You tube Videos of him with guns.. newly issued PAL.. nothing on the registry...

So... maybe ... the registry did work? ( that took a lot to type)
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