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Old April 23rd, 2010, 13:28   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
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New to Air Soft

Hello, I'm a soldier in the CF and last week some friends of mine took me air softing to the Winnipeg Extreme Tactics Centre and I had a great time . I rented a cheap TAURUS plastic Co2 pistol and an HK model they had in back. Now I did some shopping and found the rifle I want as well as a heap of gear.

What I'm curious about is your stories with airsoft, what you enjoy about the sport, and what rifles you own and swear by? By the way I'm trying to get this model "Classic Army M14 EBR Scout". I understand the gist of Canada's import laws and am working on getting one but untill that day comes I'm happy with my C7...

tl;dr Whats your take on Airsoft? What do you use, and have any cool stories of past sorties?
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 13:35   #2
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First off, welcome to the airsoft community. I must warn you that you will get harrassed until you get "Age verified" so I would recommend getting that status as soon as possible.

Though we are not supposed to tell you anything about the Sales Thread of this site until you receive your "age verified" status i suppose its OK to ask what other people use and like. (just not how they got it)

I myself own a KJW M4 Gas Blowback Rifle (GBBR) full metal, an M249 (C9 Model), a P90, and soon to be a Deepfire M72 Rocket launcher (Metal).

I swear by everything I own except that M72 as I dont have it yet.
"marines don't die, they just regroup in hell"
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 13:36   #3
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If you're 18 or older, get age verified, there's tons of retailers who have alot of stuff and, at times, will even do custom oreders that would allow you to order an EBR or in the even you just get an M14, allow you to get an EBR kit for it.

Best things you can do are:
Read the FAQ:
Contact an Age Verifier to get age Verified
DO NOT buy from outside Canada, chances are you won't get your gun

As for what I run and my Experiences, I run a WETTI/AWSS M4A1 Carbine I plan to turn into a C8 (Also a reservist here, so I've gron fond of our weapons) A WE SCAR-L, an AEG M4 and a TM Pistol

As for my experiences, so far the majority of my airsoft experiences have been GREAT, I've mainly played with a certain group but I've also attended games by other hosts and they were great too
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; April 23rd, 2010 at 13:40..
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 14:12   #4
Ministry of Peace
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Welcome to ASC, there are many threads on this board on the topics youre looking for. However nothing beats getting out to actual events and mixing with the players in your area. Winnipeg has a great community so you should have no problems getting started.
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 14:32   #5
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I agree with Kokanee, get to a few games and see what everyone is using. Airsofters are usually very approachable people and most don't mind questions about their guns.

Personally I use a Real Sword AK and I'd be willing to say it'll stand the test of time but you'll wanna upgrade the spring usually.
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 22:34   #6
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Thanks kylem_8 for the greeting, its nice to know there are many actual fans of the sport which whom I can talk too. And I will definitely get Age Verified as soon as I'm out of Quebec and my BMQ. I am going to be taking collage courses for 2 years in Ottawa and I'm curious if its as big out there as here? And thank you for the calm response haha; I will keep all discussion of the purchase private until I am verified.

I had no Idea M72's were being brought into the air soft market, does it work like an M203 and pop off >100 BB's per shot? I could imagine it being quite the show piece. And the C9 as well, I take it the original Swedish model then. Sounds lethal :P

And whats your take on GBBR rifles? Worth the extra?

@Gato; again will do, and I have heard the market is huge once you get into it. I just hope my rifle will be for sale. As for the EBR kits, I'm not sure exactly if Classic Army offers the body kit, but I guess I'll know once I get verified. If so that is an option and my brother is a gunsmith so it shouldn't be a problem after the gear box.

I have heard of the Shenanagins that can happen if your order a gun in. Crazy but I guess you can do what you can. As for the FAQ I will read it first chance I get, I'm usually hip-deep in text books or mud for now.

*High Five* for being a Reservist, and thats partially why I play this sport, I may never really see action outside a chopper but practice never hurts.

TM I hear is the top dog on this market, any opinions?

And like I said I have only played on the closed in-door course in Winnipeg but I do own private farmland way out in the country and want to try constructing my own private course; also on my side is I know all the (5) RCMP officers here and can alert them far in advance.

@Kokanee; Thank you , and I've glanced and I'm sure the wealth of information here is staggering. I plan to mix in ASAP and really get a feel for the game; I only played on a 2 Man Team Vs. A 3 Man team though we were all noobs. I guess you have to start somewhere right.

And finally, @DanoftheDead; I can certainly attest to that. Every worker at the building was ready to tell me all they're fascinating stories and personal tips. Really happy people for sure.

My brother actually started out with a wood bodied modified Kraken, then mounted a genuine Russian rail and Night Vision scope. He wants to pick up the RS AK just as you have, and from your words I can tell he won't be disappointed. And thank you, I will make sure to report that too him, maybe order in one for him.
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 22:51   #7
a.k.a. Palucol
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Haha...tu t'en viens a O-town bientôt?

Oui, il y a une assez bonne communauté de Airsofteur ici, dans la région de l'Outaouais, on a 2 terrains principaux, le Combat 307 et le LZ Ottawa!
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 22:58   #8
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Where are you in Quebec??? Maybe i can help??? Or know someone that can!!!
* This message has been approved by Barbie

I dont have a team, i have an open relationship with many... Jealous? Yep! I tought so..

Originally Posted by Themis View Post
Now if you excuse me, I have to go put on my spacesuit to attend my "And much more" training session.
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 23:11   #9
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Yeah, talk to the Quebecers, they'll be your best friends as far as airsoft goes, We're one big community here, but they're "cell" so to speak, they'll be the ones you meet and trade fire with.

GBBRs, so far I've heard more good about the WE's than any of the other brands, the WE M4A1 I have is a beautiful peice, the SCAR I haven't used or done anything with. I'd say get an AEG as your first rifle. I found M14 mechboxs to be a bitch to take apart and put together. Basically, if you really want an EBR, talk to a retailer who may be able to bring in custom items, once you get verified of course :P
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old April 23rd, 2010, 23:23   #10
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The M72 is pretty much an M203 with a longer barrel. It still uses standard M203 shells or longer Deepfire M72 shells. Or even a nerf foam ball hahah.

As for GBBR's, I wouldn't recommend you get one as your first airsoft gun. Much more maintainence than your run of the mill AEG. However, once your comfortable with the sport, a GBBR is WAY more fun than an AEG. The sound and kick of it just adds to the realism. Not to mention your realistic limited ammo with each mag holding only 30rnds instead of 300-500rnds.

But, because im so "restricted" with my KJW M4 thats why i have the C9.... to just sit back and let'em have it.
"marines don't die, they just regroup in hell"
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Old April 24th, 2010, 00:38   #11
Cpl T. Syndrome
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If your lookin for stories..go into Games and invents schedule..Read up on some of the past games from your area..
P.S, welcome, you won't be disapointed if you follow through.

Last edited by Cpl T. Syndrome; April 24th, 2010 at 00:41..
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Old August 3rd, 2010, 14:18   #12
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Wow! Fantastic, thank you for all the information. Sorry about the long delay for a reply, basic training haha. Done though and now I'm posted in Ottawa for 2 years, with the possibility of more so now I'm spearheading this. I guess I could always call it battlefield preparation training :P

I was in St. Jean but now I'm right in Ottawa @ Algonquin College. Anyone around those parts?
If maintenance is the hardest part of an EBR no worries, my C7 was a dirty girl so I'm fine with spending two or three hours cleaning to get that extra performance; and I'm a tech so getting my hands into the gearbox won't be an issue! But the warning is greatly appreciated.

And will do Cpl, I am hoping this works into my school schedule haha.
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