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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:10   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Exclamation WOLF's Ultimate ACTION EPISODE!!!

Hey All its Been a While, but I'm trying to make it up to You!
I just Posted another AIRSOFT Action Episode!!!! its Based off the TV Show "STRIKE BACK", an Awesome series on The Movie Network, this is done in a Way you have not seen BEFORE,
If you like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Click on the thumb and leave a comment, dont let my paintball Fans make it look bad due to Hate LOL!:banghead:

Sit back, Enjoy, and SHARE where you can, if you guys like it, i'll have more done, and with More of YOU!!!
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:15   #2
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I do believe this comment says it best:

"So let me get this straight. You thought it was a good idea to drive around Toronto fully geared up WITH guns on your kit? Then you thought it would be a good idea to get out of the car and walk in the front door while dressed the same way?

How about you case your shit?

How stupid are you?

I would expect so much better from a "pro" and the "operator" of Tier one tactical"

Also why would you add gunfire and explosion sounds?

Id rather see a detailed review of the facility and its offerings, not a staged video that only shows off one room....
Age verified for her pleasure

Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:18   #3
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Originally Posted by Viperfish View Post
I do believe this comment says it best:

"So let me get this straight. You thought it was a good idea to drive around Toronto fully geared up WITH guns on your kit? Then you thought it would be a good idea to get out of the car and walk in the front door while dressed the same way?

How about you case your shit?

How stupid are you?

I would expect so much better from a "pro" and the "operator" of Tier one tactical"

Also why would you add gunfire and explosion sounds?

Id rather see a detailed review of the facility and its offerings, not a staged video that only shows off one room....
Read the reply that that idiots comment, and you'll understand,
and added 1 nade sound, and 1 shotgun just to add some spice,

I really didn't feel like doing a regular review, i was inspired to bring something more! and it worked
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:20   #4
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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This video was rage inducing as I watched you guys try to navigate a close quarters environment, continually blazing your buddies with your weapons..... you wolf, did so 3 times in under 3 seconds at one point

Originally Posted by BLACK WOLF View Post
Read the reply that that idiots comment, and you'll understand,
and added 1 nade sound, and 1 shotgun just to add some spice,

I really didn't feel like doing a regular review, i was inspired to bring something more! and it worked
You're talking to "that idiot" with your reply....

That idiot also happens to be a well enough respected member of the community, while you're some guy who seems to like to brandish guns while in a moving vehicle in toronto. Like I said on your youtube video, calling the cops and telling them, doesn't mean shit.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; September 18th, 2012 at 13:23..
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:23   #5
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
This video was rage inducing as I watched you guys try to navigate a close quarters environment, continually blazing your buddies with your weapons..... you wolf, did so 3 times in under 3 seconds at one point
I apologize Gato if that enraged you, will do better next time.
Between Blocking, Directing, and thinking editing and Angles, i may have been off a bit
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:31   #6
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Keep it Civil and provide Constructive feedback otherwise this will turn into a shit fest.

Keep it civil or I'll start punting people.
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:35   #7
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
This video was rage inducing as I watched you guys try to navigate a close quarters environment, continually blazing your buddies with your weapons..... you wolf, did so 3 times in under 3 seconds at one point

You're talking to "that idiot" with your reply....

That idiot also happens to be a well enough respected member of the community, while you're some guy who seems to like to brandish guns while in a moving vehicle in toronto. Like I said on your youtube video, calling the cops and telling them, doesn't mean shit.
Oh Awesome!!!! cause it actually was another "Respected" Member of this community who actually said you were an Idiot...
I appreciate your love for the sport, and somewhat limited knowledge of S.O.P's, but as someone who has worked on dozens of movie sets, who owns and operates Real Fire Arms, and has been shooting Before you were Born... I'm somewhat experienced in these kinds of situations.
So no need to scream and cry, i took your advice gracefully, and I Always welcome input,
but don't get out of hand please
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:47   #8
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Originally Posted by BLACK WOLF View Post
Oh Awesome!!!! cause it actually was another "Respected" Member of this community who actually said you were an Idiot...
I appreciate your love for the sport, and somewhat limited knowledge of S.O.P's, but as someone who has worked on dozens of movie sets, who owns and operates Real Fire Arms, and has been shooting Before you were Born... I'm somewhat experienced in these kinds of situations.
So no need to scream and cry, i took your advice gracefully, and I Always welcome input,
but don't get out of hand please
Working on movie sets doesn't mean much, most people on those don't know the first thing about firearms handling.

Operating real firearms? You don't even appear to know that firearm isone word. The word firearm aside, handling and operating live/real firearms doesn't mean you know what you're doing, I've watched many people operate real firearms with the mistaken belief that they were doing it correctly.

In regards to doing so since before I was born, that may or may not be true. The bigger question there is whether you've been doing so correctly. Another question is whether you've ever done so in a non-static evironment with live ammunition with a group. I have, both outdoors and in close quarters. Due to your repeated lack of muzzle control, I doubt any self respecting RO would have allowed you on the line.

Somewhat experienced doesn't mean experienced, nor does it mean you're an expert.

As far as idiots with less firearm experience go: Both Viperfish/Kohaku and I are current CF, with Viperfish being an Infanteer with a unit who are retardedly obsessed with CQB drill and weapons handling safety. I've been handling firearms since about the age of 5 or 6 and have clearly had principles and rules drill into me that you have not.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; September 18th, 2012 at 13:52..
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Old September 18th, 2012, 13:51   #9
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
Working on movie sets doesn't mean much, most people on those don't know the first thing about firearms handling.

Operating real firearms? You don't even appear to know that firearm isone word. The word firearm aside, handling and operating live/real firearms doesn't mean you know what you're doing, I've watched many people operate real firearms with the mistaken belief that they were doing it correctly.

In regards to doing so since before I was born, that may or may not be true. The bigger question there is whether you've been doing so correctly. Another question is whether you've ever done so in a non-static evironment with live ammunition with a group. I have, both outdoors and in close quarters. Due to your repeated lack of muzzle control, I doubt any self respecting RO would have allowed you on the line.

Somewhat experienced doesn't mean experienced, nor does it mean you're an expert.
Thank you GATO for your input.
Your views have been noted, enjoy the show
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Old September 18th, 2012, 14:17   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Ease Down fellas... I thought it was a pretty good promotion for the venue.

From a layman's perspective.. it was fine.. and gave a good overview of the venue.

Lets not all go off and get all "airsoft police" .. I'm willing to presume that Wolf is not a total idiot and was both discrete, and sought the correct approvals before shooting this.

Pick apart the tactics and handling if you like.. but that is not what the video was about.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old September 18th, 2012, 14:42   #11
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Police contact or not, implying that it is good etiquette to turn up to an event in full kit with guns on and loaded is just giving the wrong picture to the public.

Other than the opening sequence, publicity for a location is always good, so keep that aspect up.

Finally, Black Wolf, I wouldn't suggest getting into a dick waiving contest with the locals over who has done what the longest: Your video isn't the greatest testament to years in the field of film.

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Old September 18th, 2012, 14:45   #12
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Police contact or not, implying that it is good etiquette to turn up to an event in full kit with guns on and loaded is just giving the wrong picture to the public.

Other than the opening sequence, publicity for a location is always good, so keep that aspect up.

Finally, Black Wolf, I wouldn't suggest getting into a dick waiving contest with the locals over who has done what the longest: Your video isn't the greatest testament to years in the field of film.
It had nothing to do with the film, but the procedures of which to work with, and about public,
and i've never been one to compare private parts...

Last edited by BLACK WOLF; September 18th, 2012 at 14:50..
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Old September 18th, 2012, 14:46   #13
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Originally Posted by BLACK WOLF View Post
It had nothing to do with the film, but the procedures of which to work with the and about public,
and i've never been one to compare private parts...

Originally Posted by BLACK WOLF View Post
It had nothing to do with the film, but the procedures of which to work with, and about public,
and i've never been one to compare private parts...
I still don't know what you're saying...

Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.

Last edited by ShelledPants; September 18th, 2012 at 15:24..
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Old September 18th, 2012, 15:15   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by BLACK WOLF View Post
Oh Awesome!!!! cause it actually was another "Respected" Member of this community who actually said you were an Idiot...
I appreciate your love for the sport, and somewhat limited knowledge of S.O.P's, but as someone who has worked on dozens of movie sets, who owns and operates Real Fire Arms, and has been shooting Before you were Born... I'm somewhat experienced in these kinds of situations.
So no need to scream and cry, i took your advice gracefully, and I Always welcome input,
but don't get out of hand please
Look Wolf.. you're a good guy .. you work hard.. you do good for both the PB and AS community..

But lets not go overboard on making statements regarding experience and who knows what.. you really don't have any idea regarding who you are talking to or what experience they have.. you just don't know.. It was nice video.. for what it was.. and would look impressive to the layman.. which is all it needs to do.

But let me just say.. If your SOP is to shoot your friends .. you guys had it nailed.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old September 18th, 2012, 15:23   #15
a.k.a. Greedy
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Nobody said you have to like the video but these aren't 13yr olds running around a schoolyard having an airsoft war. Take it for what it is.
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