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Old March 13th, 2013, 02:48   #1
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The Company Tier

Hello I was wondering what would be the higher/medium/low end companys I made a list correct me if I'm wrong add/correct me if im wrong from what I heard about about each company

(no order)

High End

Tokyo Marui
Tanaka Works

Medium End

Classic Army
King Arms

Low End

Jing Jong
Lancer Tactical

Where do you think these companys stand KJW, KWC in this list
This is what I heard about each companys from other people who play airsoft and etc correct me if im wrong

thank you
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Old March 13th, 2013, 02:59   #2
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IMO - This is all relative theory to most. For me, I rank AGM/SRC higher than most would, why? Simply put - they produce product nobody else has done. (MP40 for SRC and AGM, STG by AGM plus a few other china companies.)

Sure if you are talking about internals, that's a whole ball game. But a company as a whole? That's where I differ. Internals can always be exchanged, externals.. not so much.

Even then. Some people will swear Cyma is an awesome brand, others will always say the worst. Everybody differs slightly. Not to mention some guns are great by others and not so much by the rest.
GHK for example. Their first batch of GBB AK's were pretty craptastic, while the second batch has been pretty awesome.

A list like this, solely depends on what people are looking for and their plan for said product.

Last edited by Forever_kaos; March 13th, 2013 at 03:04..
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Old March 13th, 2013, 04:20   #3
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Why are people always wanting to rank everything and put them in tiers? You can't just say one brand of gun is better than another. The last time someone tried this the poll/thread got trashed pretty quickly.

They each have their merits. Some brands like CA and G&P are excellent upgrade bases because of their external build quality, and some minor internal flaws. Other brands like VFC are just great out of the box and don't need any modding.

Take out Umarex, Lancer Tactical and Echo 1 from that list. None of them make guns.

Originally Posted by Forever_kaos View Post
Some people will swear Cyma is an awesome brand, others will always say the worst.
Example from another thread
Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
CYMA makes great AK's.
Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
My CM027 (MP5) was horribly inaccurate, and the motor burned out after two months
My friend's CM028 (AK47) came non functional
My friend's CM031 (AK74) was horribly inaccurate and inconsistent
My friend's CM032 (M14) stripped a bevel gear in the first few hundred rounds

Maybe I've only seen/had lemons.

Last edited by pestobanana; March 13th, 2013 at 04:28..
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Old March 13th, 2013, 05:16   #4
a.k.a. Greedy
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I'm going to have to agree that you can't conclusively rank brands like this because so much depends on individual perception, experience and criteria. I can see a few brands on your list that I would swap around.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 09:47   #5
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I would put Marui at the top. Why?

- The quality of their manufacturing is top notch and almost best in industry for standard AEG. I would only put Systema above them (which you don't have in their list). The Systema product includes both the PTW, as well as the full Systema AEG that is now discontinued.
- Almost all of their products are supported by the aftermarket.
- Engineering errors are fixed over time (you can see at least 4 revisions in their Armalite series... most other clones on the market are at most, at generation 3 of the Marui product.)
- And that leads to the final reason: almost everyone copies Tokyo Marui. Isn't that flattery enough?

KWA I would put above VFC, due to their more refined internal reliability

Umarex is NOT a manufacturing company. They are simply a trademark licensee. For example, the "Umarex MP5 GBBR" is actually manufactured by VFC. Or, the Umarex MP5 AEG is manufactured by G&G. They only hold a license to the HK trademark and logo, and sells that license to manufacturing companies, in exchange for use of the HK logos and markings, as well as the Umarex name plastered on the product.

GHK I would not consider to be high end... I'd actually put them below ICS, simply due to the low reliability of their guns and magazines. The only thing they have going for them, is original engineering.

Like Forever_kaos and Kozzie has mentioned, this is all relative, and a lot of this comes down to personal preference and experience. Qualities that I look for in a company may not apply to other people.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 10:18   #6
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I have a snow wolf m82
No issues so far
Had an Echo1 m16
all i did was a spring swap and it rocked hard I loved it
Had a CYMA ak again spring swap and it worked like a tank.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 10:38   #7
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Umm Magpul as in Magpul PTS? their Masadas run ARES internals so if u gona classify ARES as mid tier then throw magpul in there as well. Id take a King Arms M4 over it anyday. IMO KA is a high tier company. the only products available in canada are very limited however.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 15:29   #8
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Classic Army should be in your high tier unless your talking about the sportline models their externals are steel. ICS should be on the low end. Where is Systema/FCC? Real Sword? I would put WE in a new category bottom of the barrel. WE custom pistol explodes

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Old March 13th, 2013, 16:05   #9
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Realsword and LCT are missing from the Top of the list (Just my opinion)
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Old March 14th, 2013, 00:12   #10
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Left out brands like FCC, Inokatsu, Viper tech, Systema, celcius, viva arms, real sword, LCT, ghkPlus, And many many more. Nice try with the list but I wouldn't bother, such things would spark an epic troll war on this forum :/
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Old March 14th, 2013, 03:20   #11
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Not to mention companies like WE, Ares, King Arms, etc have had great successes, in fact even outright setting the bar in some areas, and dismal failures in others.

Your best bet is to research the specific product your after, find who makes the best or innovative variants, and whom the high end upgrade companies make their best products for and go that way. Try your best to avoid middle of the road or lower rated companies; always spend or save up to buy the better version. Look out for companies that like to use proprietary parts, or have crappy warranties and customer service. You get the idea, at any rate.
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Old March 15th, 2013, 02:09   #12
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You also forgot Maruzen, Marushin, KJW, KWC, MGC, Tanio Koba, Shoei, Well... I think the list goes on. In any case, you can see through the responses in this thread, how futile it is to create such a thread.

Thus... I've locked it, since I don't see any merit to it.
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