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Old September 28th, 2007, 22:41   #1
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Radio Reccomendations

Hi, just wondering if anyone has any fairly cheap (by that I just mean affordable, not cheap) and effective suggestions for radio set ups that include the following:

Radio (with at least 20KM range and clear reception)
Headset (with ear bud and boom mic)
PTT button (preferrably one you could somehow mount in a glove, like a finger PTT)

Any help is appreciated. My friend and I are having a really hard time finding any good consistent reviews, especially for airsoft use.

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Old September 29th, 2007, 01:19   #2
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"Range" is fairly variable. For example, the stated ranges on most radios (like 3km for FRS, etc) are under "optimal conditions", that is a clear line-of-sight between the transmitter and receiver (mountain top to mountain top, or over water). Many factors will come into play to reduce the effective range of any given radio such as obstacles that will block or absorb parts of the radio signal. such as mountains, buildings, dense forestation or even your own body.

That being said, you're usually looking at transmitter power (measured in Watts), and most common for inexpensive radios is over the counter 2W GMRS, or various 4W UHF or 5W VHF handhelds, such as the Chinese Kenwood clones etc. Your choice of UHF or VHF will depend on whom you want to talk to (UHF being more common for airsoft since it covers FRS and GMRS channels in the 462 and 467 Mhz bands).

I use a Chinese model myself (PuXing PX777+), never had any trouble with it. A lot of folks like the Yaesu models that seem to offer a good deal of bang for the buck. There's various Chinese Kenwood clones, etc.

A good antenna will often do more for you than a huge amount of power. I swapped out my stock stubby for a longer whip style antenna. If nothing else, when deployed, the antenna is at least partly above my head instead of fully obstructed by my body and gear.

As for headsets, it's more a preference thing. I use one of those Bowman headset knockoffs, convenient setup that stays in place on my cranium, has a big ass PTT button I could use even with heavy winter gloves on. It's made for right handed people though, and there's no lefty version that I know of. Other people like lower profile setups, too.
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Old October 7th, 2007, 23:40   #3
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I've got a few radios here (I'm with the Student Emergency Response team at Ryerson), and even though it's cheap, my FDC FD-450A does a decent job. (can be had for ~60$ on fleabay.

My new main radio that our equipment officer snagged for me is a Motorola HT1250+ LSII though... and, well... it kicks serious ass. It's range is basically anywhere that we have Line of sight to our trunk, which is on a VERY tall building, so it covers most of Toronto's downtown core.

Any of the UHF radios (400-470mhz) will do well, and they can transmit on FRS/GMRS (yes, I know it's TECHNICALLY illegal, don't argue with me, I'm just pointing out that you CAN do it, not that you should.)

Anyways, just my $0.02
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Old October 8th, 2007, 00:19   #4
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My cheap recomendations...

Radio - Motorola Talkabout (I had one for the past 4 years and I recently passed them onto my boss...)
Headset - A cheapo $10 throat mic (also had one for about 4 years until it conked out before the summer, although it had survived the washing machine)
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Old October 8th, 2007, 00:26   #5
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Oh the topic of getting a mic, has anyone had good experience with the noise terminator throat mic? Seems like a neat toy
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Old October 8th, 2007, 01:56   #6
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Originally Posted by Lerch View Post
My cheap recomendations...

Radio - Motorola Talkabout (I had one for the past 4 years and I recently passed them onto my boss...)
Headset - A cheapo $10 throat mic (also had one for about 4 years until it conked out before the summer, although it had survived the washing machine)
Which cheap throat mic did you get? I got a 15$ one off of ebay, and the mic is SHIT. I learned my lesson, the cheapest throat mic I'll ever get is the firefox. (but realistically at this point, i'm going to get an IASUS.
Current: M4 R.I.S.
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Old October 8th, 2007, 05:29   #7
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Good was something I found with the clear coil ear-bud and was listed as a Motorola throat mic.

God knows what brand it was
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Old October 9th, 2007, 22:58   #8
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on the topic of radio choice, i found two Realistic handheld radios (trc-226) in my garage that have no batteries. I looked up the specs on them and their frequency coverage is 26.965 to 27.405 MHz and they output from 2- 5 watts apparently. Since i am completely unfamiliar with radio, can somebody please tell me if i can use these on the field or if they would best be used as crude jousting instruments with their super long antennae. thanks!
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Old October 9th, 2007, 23:06   #9
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Originally Posted by illusernameyou View Post
their frequency coverage is 26.965 to 27.405 MHz and they output from 2- 5 watts apparently.
These radios are using the Citizen's Band and are most likely AM. FRS/GMRS use FM and are UHF radios, very different. You could use those radios on the field, but all you'd get are passing trucks and tards from the southern US that put incredibly huge amplifiers on their radios to blab all over the world.
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Old October 9th, 2007, 23:10   #10
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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i use a 120$ 5 wat VHF radio with a finger PTT and a throat mic, kicks ass lol
whole setups about 180$
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Old October 18th, 2007, 13:54   #11
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Heya all.
Does anyone have a valid link where I can buy a 5 watts vhf radio (and possibly a headset) ?
I'm just looking to order from some 'reliable-tested-before' place

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Old October 18th, 2007, 14:30   #12
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ebay is your friend for cheap programmable uhf/vhf radios....just ordered a 7watt, shipped to my door it cost me 87.76 have not programed it or tryed it yet but it does have a lithium battery and covers the FRS/GMRS bands as well as many others.. will let you know when i try it out how well it works.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 15:09   #13
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Originally Posted by jerryliang2k View Post
Oh the topic of getting a mic, has anyone had good experience with the noise terminator throat mic? Seems like a neat toy
They suck if you have a fat/thick neck. Not only are they too tight and strangle you, but the sound quality blows. These are meant for people with a neck like a stack of dimes, I think, so the transducer can sit right on your voicebox.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 15:17   #14
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JOC Airsoft did two huge radio orders, we all bought Lintons.. they work pretty well. They have 100 channels all the UHF and VHF we ever need, got them with extra Lithium Ion batteries, extra antenna, shoulder (security style)mic/speaker and a ptt with the coily ear plug for $112.
PM Gish and see if he can point you in the right direction
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old October 18th, 2007, 16:43   #15
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radioworld sells radios as does bass pro but radioworld has a lot of accessories like mics and antennas and extra batteries

really the frs/gmrs 2w or 5 watt radios are fine

iasus has a great radio if

ebay has a good selection of throat mics and curly pro looking earphones

what i really need is a PRC-25 vientnam backpack radio for real milsim...
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