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City police ask public force to register replica firearms



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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:22   #151
AS92-RD's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
not to mention they're difficult to obtain, where do people get these "facts"
Very outdated information. A lot of stuff needs to be cleaned up it seems.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:22   #152
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Oh, apparently my understanding of how the retailers do it is wrong, must read more, btw thanks for pointing that out for me guys.

Originally Posted by AS92-RD View Post
Very outdated information. A lot of stuff needs to be cleaned up it seems.
Yes it does, that's the second time info I have read as "fact" on this forum has turned out to be outdated. Perhaps someone could go through the faqs and fix these errors. (subtle hint for a mod with some time to kill)
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
...It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle...
Originally Posted by XPknight View Post
...13.768 seconds...
42 / square root of monkey butt - one leg * the tangent of one average sized pickle.

Last edited by Wayne0188; February 3rd, 2011 at 18:28..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:29   #153
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check the post date when reading, that should clue you in, then look for more recent info
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:33   #154
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Yeah, There have been many developments since 2003 and the Airsoft initiative. It's been 8 years. And people have been defaulting on the "read the FAQs noob" crap for years but things have changed.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:33   #155
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
There are a whole bunch of people who used to retail using that idea. Guess where they are today?

Hush you, don't go injecting truth or logic into this thread. It's too damn funny the way it is.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:37   #156
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
There are a whole bunch of people who used to retail using that idea. Guess where they are today?
Oh due

Tell us the sad stories so people out there can know.......
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:41   #157
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Originally Posted by CARL View Post
Oh due

Tell us the sad stories so people out there can know.......
give this thread a read

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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:46   #158
Armed Infidel
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post

All you children, sit the fuck down and pay attention to the people here who know what they're talkin about.

The fucking letter of the law doesn't matter. Joules and FPS etc etc DOESNT MATTER. A cop answering a gun call is not a lawyer, not an expert on the CCC or the firearms act, and certainly doesn't give a shit about your rights to own a toy gun that you did or didn't own before 1998.

At the end of the day, the cops can kick your ass if they WANT TO, and they may pay the price later, but ultimately if you go up against the cops you're going to get fucked. You have every right to walk around with your registered firearm in your house, and the cops will very likely knock your fucking door down on RPG.

As far as actual warrants are concerned, NO BIG DEAL. All they have to do is get on the phone with the judge and explain the RPG, and the Judge approves the warrant verbally "in the interests of time and public safety". Later, you may be good to go, but right there and then you're going to get mollested, and most likely, charged for something. That means a long drawn out legal battle YOU have to fight, and THEY don't.

Reasonable Probable Grounds. Understand it, and understand that all your fucking rights with regard to search and seizure go on hold if a cop has "reasonable probable grounds" to believe there's a prohibited weapon in your house.

Stand up for your rights, but know that the cops will stand up for theirs too. You might win in the end, but a lot of good people have wound up with bad charges for being in contempt of cop, nothing more.

One more thing. I see a whole lot of "good ideas" by a lot of you new people. That's great, but give us a little credit. Some of us have been doing this for 15 years or more, and you're not the first kid to suggest all the bright ideas, nor the first to try it.

GUNS ARENT PC. DRESSING UP AS A SOLDIER AND SHOOTING EACH OTHER, even in the guise of a sport, is NOT PC. A Politician has nothing to gain by supporting us, and far more to lose.
No argument.... ( crap hope it wasn't my post that brought this on... lol) but in the unfortunate event you do find yourself on the receiving end despite your precautions chances are probably good that your going to have to educate your lawyer.
The Left both ways
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:53   #159
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Originally Posted by Tex View Post
I know about Will, I bought my first AEG from him through asc, that guy didn't deserve that, amongst so many others, this is why i get fired up at people like Kurgan & others. My first ASG i bought back in the nineties and remember them shutting that guy down too, he was off the 400 just past King city where there is that service center, fuck times have changed. But things in some way have gotten better..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:54   #160
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Thread cleaned of childishness and a bunch of infractions handed out.

I'd explain it but I think I'll just let Darwinism follow its course.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:55   #161
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Originally Posted by Wayne0188 View Post
I don't care what any uninformed fool thinks, airsoft is Perfectly legal, and parents need to stop buying it for their stupid children.
Thats the best thing ive heard all day!!! I hate parents buying soft-air guns for their 12 year olds. COD has done nothing then make 12 year olds think walmart guns are awesome.

In the US a lot of places allow 12 year olds to play which i am completely against. Shooting a 12 year old isnt cool.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 18:55   #162
Absolutely, you will. And no it wasn't you, it was some new guy a few pages back saying "quote me the law that says the cops don't need a warrant to enter your house".

Street lawyers piss me off because they're usually wrong, or half-right, and think they're experts.

I also get pissed off because to me, this kind of bullshit conversation is offensive. It's offensive to me that anyone thinks it's ok to have to register any piece of property because "I have nothing to worry about if I'm not doing anything wrong". Except that with the stroke of a pen, you might very well be doing something wrong, and then they're coming for your property and laying charges against you if you can't, or won't produce it. And when that happens? Oh shit, I guess I never thought about it that way...

...Except a fuckton of us HAVE thought of it that way, we were the ones who got screwed by C68 and woke up as criminals for life with a temporary reprieve in the form of a firearms license, which can be revoked at the whim of the CFO based on little to no evidence, and BLAMO we're fucking criminals just like that.

Now, this pisses me off because we yell, and we scream about how much of a baaaad idea it is to accept registration of your property, as if your property were capable of inflicting harm by itself, and by extension you become a dangerous person who can't be trusted with plastic toys that are worthy of being "Registered"...and the answer I see is "You're paranoid".

I'm not fucking paranoid....I lost like everyone else when they screwed us the first time and I will not be screwed again.

We register GUNS in the country, but not SEX OFFENDERS.
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 19:09   #163
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Absolutely, you will. And no it wasn't you, it was some new guy a few pages back saying "quote me the law that says the cops don't need a warrant to enter your house".

Street lawyers piss me off because they're usually wrong, or half-right, and think they're experts.

I also get pissed off because to me, this kind of bullshit conversation is offensive. It's offensive to me that anyone thinks it's ok to have to register any piece of property because "I have nothing to worry about if I'm not doing anything wrong". Except that with the stroke of a pen, you might very well be doing something wrong, and then they're coming for your property and laying charges against you if you can't, or won't produce it. And when that happens? Oh shit, I guess I never thought about it that way...

...Except a fuckton of us HAVE thought of it that way, we were the ones who got screwed by C68 and woke up as criminals for life with a temporary reprieve in the form of a firearms license, which can be revoked at the whim of the CFO based on little to no evidence, and BLAMO we're fucking criminals just like that.

Now, this pisses me off because we yell, and we scream about how much of a baaaad idea it is to accept registration of your property, as if your property were capable of inflicting harm by itself, and by extension you become a dangerous person who can't be trusted with plastic toys that are worthy of being "Registered"...and the answer I see is "You're paranoid".

I'm not fucking paranoid....I lost like everyone else when they screwed us the first time and I will not be screwed again.

We register GUNS in the country, but not SEX OFFENDERS.
Fact of the matter is Morb people never see the truth until it hits home for them and by then it's too late.

No citizen of a free nation should ever willingly relinquish their rights to enjoyment of their private property. Somewhere along the line people all nodded along as property rights where violated all in the name of government knows best.

Simply put, take responsibility for your ownership of your property and your actions with said property.

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Old February 3rd, 2011, 19:12   #164
And most of the people that think it's a good idea do so because it doesn't affect them personally. That self-centered, self-important but oh so Liberal mentality that because something seems like a bad idea to them, it should be prohibited from everybody, less their own bias or ignorance somehow allow someone else to prove them wrong.

"Do you support the gun registry?"
"Oh of course. Guns are dangerous".
"And do you think the Government should have strict requirements for licensing of gun owners?"
"Oh of course, guns are dangerous."
"And do you think background checks should be conducted before a license is issued?"
"Oh absolutely. Guns are dangerous".
"Do you own any firearms?"
"Of course not. Guns are dangerous."
"Do you think semi-automatic machine guns and assault pistols should be banned?"
"Oh, nobody needs a gun that can shoot a dozen bullets with a single pull of the trigger!"

Ask the same person about kitchen knives. Well that's different...they have those in the kitchen and they'd never use them to hurt anybody so why should they need a license for them? They're just kitchen knives after all.

Last edited by MadMorbius; February 3rd, 2011 at 19:18..
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Old February 3rd, 2011, 19:18   #165
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
And most of the people that think it's a good idea do so because it doesn't affect them personally.

"Do you support the gun registry?"
"Oh of course. Guns are dangerous".
"And do you think the Government should have strict requirements for licensing of gun owners?"
"Oh of course, guns are dangerous."
"And do you think background checks should be conducted before a license is issued?"
"Oh absolutely. Guns are dangerous".
"Do you own any firearms?"
"Of course not. Guns are dangerous."

Problem is "they" fail to recognize that no inanimate object is dangerous, it is the person misusing the object that presents the danger. Hell a table leg is dangerous if I bludgeon someone with it, but we would never consider registering furniture now would we. Just another case of ignoring reality.
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