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See through guns and the death of "airsoft"



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Old August 9th, 2009, 20:44   #226
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having camo restrictions and no hi-caps shouldn't be just a milsim thing, I've been to alot of non milsim games that had these in place, but then again I've been to alot that didn't, game hosts need to be braver when posting their threads, I know it's hard when trying to get the numbers, but when it becomes the standard, then everyone will start showing up better equipped.

Basically if midcaps/lowcaps etc. was the norm, then everyone would need to have a proper rig to carry them, if a certain host wants to allow hicaps, then he should make it known in his game thread, that way people who are better equipped will know what to expect when they show up at the game and won't feel bitter about having to play with KTMT's

just a thought...
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:11   #227
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so what about people that cant afford those really cool guns but have BDU's clearsoft and tactical knowledge but want to have fun. i can hardly afford 200 dollar clearsoft guns so what should i do i dont want to show up to play somewhere and get laughed right off the field and is there anybody that plays clearsoft near penetang just want to have fun
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:13   #228
Suburban Gun Runner
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Can't speak for others but I would loan you a gun provided you are at least 18.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:14   #229
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Originally Posted by chico View Post
so what about people that cant afford those really cool guns but have BDU's clearsoft and tactical knowledge but want to have fun. i can hardly afford 200 dollar clearsoft guns so what should i do i dont want to show up to play somewhere and get laughed right off the field and is there anybody that plays clearsoft near penetang just want to have fun
Just paint it. There's no excuse. Who would intentionally have a clearsoft only game? Go play paintball.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:20   #230
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Originally Posted by chico View Post
so what about people that cant afford those really cool guns but have BDU's clearsoft and tactical knowledge but want to have fun. i can hardly afford 200 dollar clearsoft guns so what should i do i dont want to show up to play somewhere and get laughed right off the field and is there anybody that plays clearsoft near penetang just want to have fun
Someone else mentioned it in this thread. Airsoft is a hobby. Hobbies cost money. If you wanted to join an radio controlled airplane club do you think they'd appreciate you showing up with a $30 Walmart 2-channel POS? No. They at the very least expect you to have a proper 3 or 4 channel airplane with a real 72mhz or 2.4ghz transmitter. In other words, they'd expect you to have $200-$400 worth of equipment.

It used to cost upward of $1,000 to get into this hobby. You can do it now for about half that. If you can't afford that, then get a grip on reality. Hobbies aren't free, and those of us who have spent a lot of time and money on it have no obligation to accomadate those who won't.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:24   #231
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It's not the money or the brand we care about. If you somehow shat out a non clear aeg then people wouldn't care where it came from aslong as you had it.
Originally Posted by TheAngrySniper View Post
Simultaneous climax makes me warm and fuzzy all over
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:24   #232
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
This is so true. When I first started playing airsoft lowcaps/midcaps were the norm. In fact, most games didn't even allow hicaps. It was "if you don't have anything but, ask to borrow some magazines".

However, the last few games I've been to it's been getting more and more difficult to compete simply for the reason that more and more people are using hi-caps. In one game I played recently some opponents went through multiple hi-caps in a short skirmish -you can't compete with that using lowcaps. And the "hi-caps are OK if you use short controlled bursts" attitude is bullshit. Short controlled bursts are just as bad as full auto when you can do 30 of them in quick succession and anyone not using hi-caps can only do five or six. It's a complete bitch when you carry 300 rounds in six magazines and some opponents carry 300 rounds in each of their six hi-caps. And a note, most of these people aren't n00bs. They're people who have been playing for several years at least.

I don't know.. maybe I should be looking more at playing milsim instead of skirmishing. There used to be skirmish games that enforced ammo loadouts and camo requirements. It seems more and more the only games that do that are hardcore milsim events. Sad.

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
having camo restrictions and no hi-caps shouldn't be just a milsim thing, I've been to alot of non milsim games that had these in place, but then again I've been to alot that didn't, game hosts need to be braver when posting their threads, I know it's hard when trying to get the numbers, but when it becomes the standard, then everyone will start showing up better equipped.

Basically if midcaps/lowcaps etc. was the norm, then everyone would need to have a proper rig to carry them, if a certain host wants to allow hicaps, then he should make it known in his game thread, that way people who are better equipped will know what to expect when they show up at the game and won't feel bitter about having to play with KTMT's

just a thought...

i'm sure there's other quotes i'm missing so please dont think i'm singling anyone out.

when i started playing i made the choice of using low caps. the guys i started playing with would all look at me funny and laugh saying how they'd some get me with 9000000000rds while i was reloading. i have NEVER been shot while reloading in my 10 years of playing. it doesnt matter if there's a nub standing in the open with a zillion round siutcase attached to his gun. that doesnt define skill. but that's not the ponit of this thread.

i dont have an issue with nubs that have a semblance of humility and respect for the game, players, hosts, property and the property owners. my issue isnt with the clear/smoke/white/pink/superdeformed/mightymug guns at all. if i come across as an elitist than so be it. back then you had to be serious about what you were getting into not because i'm a elite special forces wanabe. but because it was such a commitment to do properly that you had to respect it. i love this hobby of mine. 10 years and 5 digits later i'm still playing and like so many of the other cranky old timers have watched alot of stuff happen over the years.

part of the appeal of this hobby was that it wasnt something that the vast majority of "skater" type attitude shitheads could go to their ignorant soccermoms for. all those hippies would never allow it...."OMG THOSE THINGS LOOK SO REAL!!!! LITTLE BILLY HALFPIPE, YOU WILL NEVER GET INTO THAT!" i loved that fact. anyone that's played at a paintball field has little tales of how in shock and awe that's displayed on the faces of so many that arent airsofters. i've walked by younger people and they've though we were special forces training...ahahhah...but the soccermoms look, almost without exception, appauled at what we're carrying. this was the case in the 80's when paintballs popularity was ramping up to the public. the soccermoms all got in an uproar about how real they were and dangerous they were etc etc etce etc. that's when the majority of the realism was stripped away from paintball and evolved into the bright coloured plumbing and 1 million candle power clothes and equipment that we associate to speedball and stuff today. in my opinion we dont have that option.

the advent of the clear/smoke stuff has given the piss pour attitude filled, undisiplined shithead ammo against teh soccermoms to get it for them. it's those same fools that go around with live guns in safe zones and no fire zones.

has this stuff contributed to growth? yes. will it contribute to positive growth? i'll believe it when i see it.

many of us are old enough to have witnessed the oppression of paintball by the soccermoms much like explosions beat up the shuttle program so i'm gonna have to ask that, at least on my part, you all forgive those of us that are coming across as elitists and snobs and cranky old farts but i cringe at the thought of a hobby to which i've invested so much of my time, effort and money into might possibly go the way of the counterstrike shit talker crowd.

i'm like many others that are willing to help the positive, well intended, unselfish people with potential at a game or whatever venue there might be off the field. i actually enjoy the look of appreciation on the faces of those that genuinly listen and have a great attitude the whole time that we're talking. the cyber tough guys and shit talkers and supermen and what have you on the other hand...i cant even look at guys like that. and that is what the lower priced clear/smoke/KTMT's can/will/is brigning into the community.

as far as being "properly equipped" goes. do it right the first time. if you cant afford it right away than wait. i'm as poor and ghetto as the next starving student but if i cant afford the better stuff than i'll wait until i can.

Last edited by Duckman; August 9th, 2009 at 21:26..
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:25   #233
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Originally Posted by chico View Post
so what about people that cant afford those really cool guns but have BDU's clearsoft and tactical knowledge but want to have fun. i can hardly afford 200 dollar clearsoft guns so what should i do i dont want to show up to play somewhere and get laughed right off the field and is there anybody that plays clearsoft near penetang just want to have fun
Be a man and show up anyways.

It's hand holding and spoon feeding which is burying ASC.

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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:27   #234
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i'm 34 and i have painted all my guns black but me and my wife just bought this house i lost my job and am currently going though school so i cant afford real good guns my new gun shoots pretty good not as fast or as far as a good gun but i just want to have some fun and wanted to know if anyone plays in my area i cant afford gas to travel to far i drive a pathfinder
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:29   #235
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good point what's the worst that could happen someone laughs at me and we have fun
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:41   #236
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Originally Posted by chico View Post
i'm 34 and i have painted all my guns black but me and my wife just bought this house i lost my job and am currently going though school so i cant afford real good guns my new gun shoots pretty good not as fast or as far as a good gun but i just want to have some fun and wanted to know if anyone plays in my area i cant afford gas to travel to far i drive a pathfinder
Purchase some punctuation to add to your posts. It's cheap and makes it easier to read

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:42   #237
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Originally Posted by chico View Post
good point what's the worst that could happen someone laughs at me and we have fun
Hah, so what, if they laugh, let 'em, you're there to have fun. But the day you get one of those expensive full black ones, don't turn around and do what they did, and laugh at the new guy with a clear gun.
For anyone looking for age verification in the Windsor region: Unfortunately, I will only be verifying people at games, I am currently unable to run around and setup meetings.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:44   #238
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Originally Posted by chico View Post
i'm 34 and i have painted all my guns black but me and my wife just bought this house i lost my job and am currently going though school so i cant afford real good guns my new gun shoots pretty good not as fast or as far as a good gun but i just want to have some fun and wanted to know if anyone plays in my area i cant afford gas to travel to far i drive a pathfinder
in all honesty, just wait. you have a home and a wife to support. dropping money on airsoft should not be a higher priority. you clearly aren't in a position to be in this hobby if you can't afford the gas money to get to games.

be patient and figure out life first. I understand that you want to get out and have some fun but you have other responsibilities to take care of.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:47   #239
Suburban Gun Runner
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This is the way I see it. Airsoft is not a solo hobby, we need others to play against. Why should it matter what brand of gun they use to play? As long as they are good people who cares about their gear. Now if there was a milsim event that says teams are to be divided between this colour or that and a guy comes in jeans, then that differant but unless their gear poses a safety problem let em play. If you want to impose gear standards fine, but make sure the standards are known.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old August 9th, 2009, 21:48   #240
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
We were all noobs at some point. Some of us were better noobs than others. If everyone just bothered doing some research and using ASC the way it was intended, 75% of noob problems would be non-existent.
Correction, we were all NEWBIES at some point. Most of us are not NOOBS.

Newbie = new to the sport.
Noob = person who doesn't learn anything and can't do anything for themselves

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