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Elitists -Newbies, please read


Newbie Tank

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Old August 8th, 2016, 15:49   #256
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Simcoe county
Read the article and noobies should heed the advice and spend the extra $ for better made quality guns. You'll save more in the long run. If your just trying the hobby out to see if youll like like it? Go play where you can rent guns to play.
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Old March 29th, 2017, 14:28   #257
Join Date: Jan 2017
Ola, I'm fairly nubsauce to the the AS community, but I think the original post is well said.

I wonder if some of this is about age? I'm an older guy and I've been through the ringer in other hobbies, so I was happy to drop some real money on my first rig. Younger people might feel sensitive because they have no hope of coughing up $1k when they've decided on some gear.

Not that such sensitivity excuses acting like a jerk.

Anyway -- fairly new and I think you guys have a good forum. There's plenty of good resources if you take the time to read through the older posts.
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Old March 29th, 2017, 19:35   #258
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Originally Posted by Ap0stle View Post
Ola, I'm fairly nubsauce to the the AS community, but I think the original post is well said.

I wonder if some of this is about age? I'm an older guy and I've been through the ringer in other hobbies, so I was happy to drop some real money on my first rig. Younger people might feel sensitive because they have no hope of coughing up $1k when they've decided on some gear.

Not that such sensitivity excuses acting like a jerk.

Anyway -- fairly new and I think you guys have a good forum. There's plenty of good resources if you take the time to read through the older posts.

People's attitudes never change when they take it personally instead of looking at the big picture.

As for the elitist thing for gear; it's all toys who gives a shit. You take it personal if you don't wanna be a full weekend warrior? Spend your money on other important parts of your life who cares what others think.

Last edited by RainyEyes; March 29th, 2017 at 19:38..
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Old March 30th, 2017, 00:46   #259
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Jerks are jerks, that's about the only correlation there is.
Some of us nicer guys that spend thousands on guns and gear even get the business end of elitist asshats sometimes.
Now that being said, elitism isn't always about guys having amazing gear knocking people who don't. It starts with plain old thinking you're better than someone else.

A lot of the so called "elitism" I see in the airsoft community is often times just someone getting butt hurt over a well backed recommendation.
Someone wants to buy a $140 gun.
We tell them it's a bad idea, recommend some decent starters at $250-$350.
Someone elitist dick comes out of nowhere and calls us all assholes for recommending such an outrageously expensive item when the $140 gun "is just as good", and "they know what they're talking about", despite they themselves only having started playing airsoft 6 months ago.
We back our argument with facts, details, resale values, compatibility, and no less than 15 years of cumulative guntech experience.
Then we get called elitists for trying to get people to spend more money for a good reason.

Jerks are jerks. I've even seen a guy who proclaimed he was the best sniper in the region. Had a grossly overpriced used echo1 M4, barely had the hop turned on, thing shot like 120ft.
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