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G&G AK-47 VS Aftermath Kraken


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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:24   #16
Join Date: May 2010
Also, you don't have to be AV'd on ASC to order a realsword, check out One World Airsoft.
I'd rather not pay $700 for a starting gun thanks. But I appreciate the idea.
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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:27   #17
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Originally Posted by Pyrohair View Post
Every time I think I find something nice about these forums it just gets violently torn away by the vast armies of douche bags that lurk this site, praying on people trying to ask an honest question about something. Please, for the love of all that is good, remember you are talking about toy guns. What you guys are doing is saying "My Spiderman toy won't break so easy, so go to the big Toys-R-Us in Toronto and buy an expensive Spiderman toy like me. Anything else is garbage and we will repeatedly flame you until you buy an expensive action figure."
... You really need to be quite a bit more open minded.

Just because we're not telling you everything you want to hear and (most of us) have differeing EDUCATED opinions on the guns doesn't make us "elitist assholes.

I've worked on probably 200 guns this year alone... You know what ones end up giving me the most trouble (translating into costing the owner the most money?) Low end stuff.

An upgrade on a Tokyo Marui gun goes together proper and right the first time.

Out-of-spec garbage? Nope.

But what do I know right? I'm just a "Big kid that spends all my money on expensive toys"

And no, My spider man figure wont break, it's one of those awesome "Marvel Legends" ones
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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:27   #18
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what's your budget?
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:28   #19
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Originally Posted by Pyrohair View Post
I'd rather not pay $700 for a starting gun thanks. But I appreciate the idea.

Yea, Neither do the people that buy this gun.

Thing you have to realize is;

Don't like airsoft? Bought a kraken. Enjoy your non-existant re-sale value.

Don't like airsoft? Bought a RS 56? Enjoy your 450-500 Re-sale value.
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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:35   #20
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Ok guys, I just asked a simple question on the first page. Not that hard of a question either. You either pick 1 or 2. Not OTHER:_________. Thank-you to the guys who were good people and helped to answer the question.
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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:37   #21
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Originally Posted by Pyrohair View Post
Every time I think I find something nice about these forums it just gets violently torn away by the vast armies of douche bags that lurk this site, praying on people trying to ask an honest question about something. Please, for the love of all that is good, remember you are talking about toy guns. What you guys are doing is saying "My Spiderman toy won't break so easy, so go to the big Toys-R-Us in Toronto and buy an expensive Spiderman toy like me. Anything else is garbage and we will repeatedly flame you until you buy an expensive action figure."
That's not fair, they aren't douchebags. They are like Chef Ramsey, having incredibly high standards. They see comparing G&G to say, real sword, like comparing McDonalds to fine dining. Not try to imply they are wrong though.
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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:40   #22
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I'd say a Kraken, that way when it breaks down you wont be out as much money.

Have fun.

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Old September 27th, 2010, 18:42   #23
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Thank-you Amos. I appreciate your answer. I'd say the thread is over.
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Old September 28th, 2010, 23:23   #24
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Wasn't there a Thread just like this with the exact same question that was answered by the exact same people with the exact same answers that got closed for flame? Jesus Christ Almighty. Get the Kraken if you want a Cheap Good gun for what your going to be using it for. Nothing wrong with G&G, infact I have the gun sitting beside me right now, and the only thing i couldn't find for it was a metal body, everything else on it is externally is TM compatible from what ive seen. There ya go, Quick and easy answer just like you were looking for.
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Old September 28th, 2010, 23:29   #25
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I love how you get butthurt over a positive suggestion.

What exactly is wrong with giving the person a BETTER OPTION? You make it sound like doing so is the work of the devil, it really isn't.

Just because a gun is cheap and happens to work to an extent doesn't mean it outdoes everything else out there on the market. If krakens were so damn revolutionary as you seem to make them, why are people still using reputable brand name guns over the kraken? Why are they paying up to 600 dollars up to a thousand for these guns?

Because they are not a POS. Upgrading them can be done more EASILY on them than on a kraken for the sake of fitment. (China clone guns generally have bad tolerance issues.) and could render an expensive investment in parts to be useless. When parts fit in properly the moment you put them in a stock shell? Well, it generally works well and there won't be any issues if done properly.

Krakens are alright for a beginner, but like i've said, there is nothing wrong with asserting a 'better option' out there. If we seem like douchebags for doing so, our intentions are good because we have experiences with this and dont want a new player buying shit and getting all butthurt over the fact of it breaking down later on.

Edit : I'm just going to add this because its bothering the fuck out of me.

When people ask for advice, we give them advice. We have no reason to hate on crapsoft other than the fact, from a communities experience, that its crap. If the person behind the gun knows exactly what to do in the case that a gun fucks up, the investment on the gun is worth it, its not an issue for them to repair.

But when it comes to players that are new, have no clue what they're doing, and probably the least likely to assert themselves to send the gun off to get repaired by a local guntech. (Instead they go online and join the crowd of hate on the damn things) its just not worth the money put down. Like amos had stated above, the guns don't have much resale value so people that buy them usually have shit for luck. People get age verified to buy quality.

That said. If a person gives advice, we give them an honest answer, and suggest something more worthwhile. Too many people get riled up over simple shit like "Oh, thats not within my answer boundaries. Time to bitch."

Just from personal experience, I was the type that thought "Cheap is good enough.", but after a while of buying the stuff and not be satisfied with it, i simply vowed not to buy crap again and spend my money on stuff worthwhile. I've cleared most of the crap from my collection and take the time to save up and buy stuff that have a positive knowledge base behind and tons of support. People like myself buy the expensive shit for a reason.

It works great out of the box. (I'm not sure if you've actually bothered to use anything of worth beyond a kraken.)

Its truly compatable with aftermarket parts. (100% TM compatable isn't exactly the case with krakens. Go look through the huge Kraken thread we have here. Over time parts have been changing and 'loosing' compatability.)

It lasts. (Then again, things do break, but in the case of quality guns, its less likely. I've known, and many others have known that TM guns have run for years, many years without issues. I dont think i've heard of a clone thats made it past 3 or more of consistant use.)

Last edited by Strelok; September 29th, 2010 at 00:01..
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Old September 28th, 2010, 23:55   #26
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One of the gears exploded on my brand new G&G AK after about a dozen rounds fired. Needless to say, I would not recommend one. Lemon? Sure, maybe, but I still wouldn't buy one ever again and frankly, I'm wary of G&G as a whole now.
In contrast, I picked up a full metal CYMA AKM with five mags from a fine gentleman on the classifieds for nearly half what the G&G cost, including shipping.

In short, if you're dead set on one or the other, I'd recommend the Kraken even having no experience with one. I've seen way too many problems with G&G stuff with the guys I play with. I'm sure their higher-end stuff is probably fine, but the Rec? No...

And if you think it's a hassle to go to Toronto just for AV purposes, don't feel too bad; I did the same thing, and it involved flying across the country to get there.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 01:02   #27
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i sell the dame things both of them and from what i have seen the kraken out does g&g
by along shot i have been around the block with all kinds of high end guns and at the end of the day the kraken is the best bang and fun for your money if your just playing with your friends. you don't have to buy high end airsoft to have fun. I've seen people have the best times with just a springer.
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Old September 29th, 2010, 01:11   #28
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my friend bought a kraken about 4 years ago and it's still kicking, he stuck a drum mag on it and runs about 3000 rds per week. he hasnt done anything to it until about 2 weeks ago when he converted it into an rpk. dunno maybe he had a good lemon but imo krakens are pretty damn good. btw from time to time cabelas has a sale on krakens for about 99 bucks my whole team each got 1 haha. a kraken for 100 bucks you cant go wrong :P and btw the info on that site is wrong 370 with .12g is highly inaccurate, all of my team's krakens are stock 390 on .2g lol
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Last edited by tehmedic; September 29th, 2010 at 01:16..
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Old September 29th, 2010, 02:06   #29
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I use 0.2 bio bbs on my kraken and even with strong Manitoba winds it still shoots straight for at least 100 feet. It's hop settings are also great but for the first few weeks with the kraken, I left the hop on 0% and it still hit where I needed it to.

The funny thing is I got it slightly used from a friend for $130 (no tax so your $99 are about the same) and it still runs smoothly. Apparently, the battery was charged once cause of how long it seems to last.

There are however a couple things that I don't like about it. One would be the fact the metal cover on the top is somewhat loose so throwing it in safety is odd (it pushes the cover) and rear sight can get moved slightly left or right.

My favourote parts however would be it's rate of fire, distance (even with 0.2 biobbs) and it's accuracy (the rear sight can be ajusted like a real ak though I'm not sure how accurate it is...)
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Old September 29th, 2010, 12:29   #30
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So it is generally Unanimous that the Kraken is a better gun than the G&G AK47?
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