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Old March 1st, 2010, 23:13   #16
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Ok so I finally got around to disassembling it, i ended up being busy over the weekend. Kull I looked over the possible solutions to the issue and none of the problems you listed seem to apply to the gun. Now that i think about it, the issue is very similar to a worn/torn hop-up unit in an average aeg, but i examined the hop-up on the gun and it seems fine. The hop-up unit has a bit of damage, however, on the feed lips. A small chunk of plastic has been broken off, but I don't think that it would affect the fps by THAT much. A small O-Ring that spaced the hop-up rubber from the barrel was also torn. Oh and I also ran into some issues upon reassembling it, a can't find where to put a small spring that's 7.5mm's lengthwise and 3.7mm's width wise. There's also a small piece that looks like a small pin with a head on it (the head has clear signs of wear on it). I also found a badly beaten up and pretty much smashed spring just laying in the lower receiver, don't know how it got there or where its from. Sorry for being so beginner, but again, this is my very first gbbr. A SCHEMATIC WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL!!! if any of you have a link for one please post it! I cannot find any diagrams on google
Oh and my reason for getting a WA was because it came it a big airsoft package that I got from a friend. I sold most of the guns/accessories and already made up for most of the money i spent, thankfully.
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Old March 2nd, 2010, 18:17   #17
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Nvm I found out how to reassemble it w/o having spare parts...the spring ended up separating the sear from the trigger. The beaten up spring is still a mystery to me though, it doesn't look like it belongs in the lower receiver.
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Old March 10th, 2010, 14:08   #18
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Again, thank you very much for the informative posts/thread. This, along with a dozen PM's to some local guys, has helped me out a lot with diving headlong into the Magna M4 system.

I picked up a big box full of parts and a couple of project rifles and tore into them this past weekend. And hopefully I'll start into another build soon.

Q. Inokatsu used to have a pictoral step-by-step of assembling their M4...I can't seem to find it anymore, is it gone/hidden? Does someone have a link to a copy of it?

To note...the youtube videos you linked were very helpful.

I didn't see it noted, but I didn't realize at first that the different bodies required specific bolts (i.e. dimensions were different). I got the hint/sense of that...but didn't see it explained anywhere specifically. From an unfamiliars POV, it's a bit daunting with so many parts and variations of parts.


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Old March 10th, 2010, 14:49   #19
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You can blame that last point on either some anal asian players who whats the closest spec to RS(so Ino and Prime obliged), or WA not making it to RS spec in the first

I find more annoying that something like AGM, King Arms and G&P, while all making them to the "WA" spec receivers, that none fits one another.....

As with anything though, sticking with a brand should alleviate most problem....but not all...

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Old March 10th, 2010, 15:19   #20
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Sorry posting reply via iPhone so yea.
Inokatsu pictorial are shit no offense I couldn't understand it. Stick with you tube vid and brownells building ar-15. It's still available somewhere on GGi and inokatsu website in 2008 section

bolt length are as followed
inokatsu: claimed ar-15 length, only ino and viper are compatable
prime: claimed ar-15 length, only prime and iron airsoft works
ino and prime are similiar length differ by like 1-2mm prime being longest
wa spec: anything not mentioned g&p, ks, agm etc. Prime and Ini receiver will work with respective adapter ino ones are mad bul ratech, prime receiver comes with an adapter

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Again, thank you very much for the informative posts/thread. This, along with a dozen PM's to some local guys, has helped me out a lot with diving headlong into the Magna M4 system.

I picked up a big box full of parts and a couple of project rifles and tore into them this past weekend. And hopefully I'll start into another build soon.

Q. Inokatsu used to have a pictoral step-by-step of assembling their M4...I can't seem to find it anymore, is it gone/hidden? Does someone have a link to a copy of it?

To note...the youtube videos you linked were very helpful.

I didn't see it noted, but I didn't realize at first that the different bodies required specific bolts (i.e. dimensions were different). I got the hint/sense of that...but didn't see it explained anywhere specifically. From an unfamiliars POV, it's a bit daunting with so many parts and variations of parts.


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Old March 10th, 2010, 15:37   #21
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Don't post by phone....I was almost following along right until the last bit...LOL
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Old March 11th, 2010, 00:06   #22
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Don't post by phone....I was almost following along right until the last bit...LOL
Im totally confuse...
you mean don't post that Im posting by phone?
Don't post using phone?!?
Sry Im just having a long bad day....
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Old March 11th, 2010, 15:25   #23
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Im totally confuse...
you mean don't post that Im posting by phone?
Don't post using phone?!?
Sry Im just having a long bad day....
I think he meant to not post with your phone, period. I also completely lost attention at the last part of your post. It required too much brain power to decipher. LOL
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Old March 12th, 2010, 11:02   #24
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Thanks again to Kullwarrior for clarifying some more magna GBBR newbie questions. Here's a quick summary of the info (I hope I got it right). I write this because while there are references already to the different bolts being 'real-steel spec" or not...there aren't any layman details for dummies like me.

This has to do with using a bolt carrier spec'd for one brand in a different brand body, specifically using a bolt carrier spec'd for a Prime body in a G&P receiver.

What I was told was that the Prime spec'd bolt is longer than a G&P/WA spec bolt, longer by about 3mm. As such, it will stick out the back of the upper receiver and you won't be able to close the receiver normally. However, you might be able to slide the receiver on and then lock it in place with the two receiver pins.

By removing that extra length you can revert a Prime spec'd bolt carrier to the same length as a G&P bolt, and the rest of the exterior dimensions of the carrier are the same. Then if should work as normal.

It was noted that the interior diameter of a Prime spec'd bolt carrier is smaller than "weights" won't work. Didn't know there were weights for it (I assume to adjust felt recoil and ROF).

It was also noted that if you didn't shorten it as much it would work but not retract far enough for the bolt catch to engage (IMO, with the amount of force involved with these things, that might not be a bad thing).

So...I bought a Prime bolt carrier and I'll cut it down on the grinder to the same overall length of my G&P bolt (which broke ) and see how it works. If I can get my calipers on it, I'll post the dimensions of the G&P bolt and Prime spec'd bolt for reference.

We'll see how it goes...thanks again for all the help!

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Old March 12th, 2010, 13:16   #25
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That would be awesome Tyson. I would love to see the results of that!

While my G&P bolt is still like new, it never hurts to have the info of a good replacement .

But then I must ask.. Why would you want to use a prime spec'd bolt in a G&P?
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Old March 12th, 2010, 17:24   #26
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mine's busted...this one was available...I'm impatient
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Old March 14th, 2010, 21:56   #27
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Nice thread, answers a lot of questions.

Also, recently was there a wipe on or something? Their forum seems... much less informative than before, also a new skin as well.

So I think the Cost vs Reliability place needs a bit more elboration.

I guess for each part let's say... for example bolt carrier. Which one is most durable? And which one is most bang for buck? I think people would be more interested in the most durable though.

Also, I'm still kind of confused about when building it up yourself which parts are able to ship in and which parts aren't. Since if you build a Magna GBBR, let's say with G&P parts because they are most realistic and most durable (I don't know which brand is actually most durable, just making an example), and you ship in an outer barrel set, buffer tube, lower receiver set, won't some of these be siezed even if the customs person isn't a tottal dummy becuase they seem so realistic? Does the restricted item list get bigger with GBBR magna types? Also, for RS realism other than the forged body of the inokatsu, dimension wise, is WA/G&P or the Inokatsu brand more true to it's parent?

Also, let's just pretend money was out of the issue, which parts would you guys like to build your perfect (as perfect as it gets) GBBR m4, assuming you want the best reliability and performace. I would like to know which brands are top notch for hop ups and buckings, mag catches, bolt carriers, inner barrels and anything that affects performace to a slightly significant (oxy moron?) ammount. Reliability I'm assuming should just come with the high priced brands, but then again, some parts like bolt catch maybe needed with less reliability, but then again, it's for greater reliability of the bolt carrier. There doesn't seem to be much comparrison info around. I guess in this section RS parts might be better, but according to different bodies like PRIME, Ino, G&P, is there any RS parts that just don't fit?

If any of those questions could be answered that would be great

Thank you.

Last edited by Dragate; March 14th, 2010 at 22:02..
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Old March 15th, 2010, 11:02   #28
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Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
I guess for each part let's say... for example bolt carrier. Which one is most durable? And which one is most bang for buck? I think people would be more interested in the most durable though.
Prime, Airsoft Surgeon, ILLusion Kinetics, RA-Tech, they're all good bolt carriers, and I doubt anyone's ever broken one before. But there is more to consider than just durability. For example, in any gas blowback system, weight of moving components (slides and bolt carrier groups) has pros and cons. ie, a heavy weight steel bolt carrier will blow back with incredible force and recoil feel, at the expense of gas and cycling speed. On the other hand, a light weight aluminum bolt carrier group cycles with great speed, fast rate of fire, low gas consumption, but at the expense of reduced recoil feel.

You need to figure out where you'd like to compromise to get a good balance. Also, some brands are better at providing a heavy recoil feel with fast rate of fire than some other brands.

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Also, I'm still kind of confused about when building it up yourself which parts are able to ship in and which parts aren't. Since if you build a Magna GBBR, let's say with G&P parts because they are most realistic and most durable (I don't know which brand is actually most durable, just making an example), and you ship in an outer barrel set, buffer tube, lower receiver set, won't some of these be siezed even if the customs person isn't a tottal dummy becuase they seem so realistic? Does the restricted item list get bigger with GBBR magna types?
Technically, it's just the receiver that would only be seized, but that doesn't mean an officer won't seize your shipment anyways, forcing you to go through an appeal process to get the items back. Agents do what they think is best, and when they're unsure about firearms components, there is a possibility they would rather be safe than sorry. In a worst case scenario, the RCMP can call you in and ask you questions on why you're bringing in firearm components when you do not have a firearms license nor have such firearms registered under your name (it's happened before.)

Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
Also, for RS realism other than the forged body of the inokatsu, dimension wise, is WA/G&P or the Inokatsu brand more true to it's parent?
Prime & Inokatsu are closest to real steel spec.
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Old March 15th, 2010, 11:36   #29
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Anyone have a guide on how to assemble the stock negative pressure nozzle back together?

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Old March 15th, 2010, 11:58   #30
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ra-tech's youtube channel has a video or two of npas assembly/disassembly.
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