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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old May 2nd, 2010, 21:28   #331
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My god, my Bates are in Customs since the 16th of April.. WTF is that bullshit.

Hope my huge gear shipment doesn't stay stuck at the customs for THAT long or I'll snap lol.
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Old May 3rd, 2010, 00:29   #332
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i have this happen every 2nd or 3rd order that comes in but only if it comes through ontario end from over seas my last order sat at customs for three weeks and then when customs said it was still there my trac.# said tried attemps return to sender the next day trac# said it had arrived in hong kong.
my mail delivery person really likes me now lol he comes right to my door i guess some s##t hawk flew down on him or something lol biiiiiiiiig s##t hawks .
as far as custums they have the ability to sense if a package is wanted really bad so they then slide it beside their desk for a foot rest lol no offense to or border patrols but really whats all the holdup.or maybe its our fine gov. trimming down staff to buy more tvs and the likes, could be that there is 1 poor fella doin it all by himself ???
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Old May 3rd, 2010, 00:34   #333
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Xpress post very good Xpress post for me on monday..... nice cowgirl
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Old May 4th, 2010, 12:47   #334
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Bates haven't moved yet. Fucking CBSA, I emailed them and they say to call the BIS (Border Information Service) for more info.. I'm mad.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 14:31   #335
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So I bought an ACU tactical vest and was having it shipped via Canada Post and today it showed as out for delivery and I checked the tracking a little later and it said incomplete address returning to sender! So I called them and asked WTF is going on, they said it will be returned to sender and neither me or the sender can call to have it intercepted and resent or held for pickup. this is BS! the delivery guy probly wanted to go home early on his friday, and he just wrote off the package as undeliverable. I contacted the sender and let him know that they may refund him within 5-10 days if he requests it, hope he is willing to send it again this time I'll have them hold the package for me.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 17:56   #336
a.k.a. Egria
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So CP and customs has pissed me off again. I bought a stock
a little while ago and it had been stuck at customs since April 19. There has been no update on my package and now I'm a little worried.


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Old May 13th, 2010, 12:55   #337
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So I ordered something from overseas, it'll be here in a few days. However I already know I ordered the wrong item and I wish to do an exchange. If CP guy comes to my door with my package and I simply refuse it, will it automatically get sent back to the seller? This way I won't have to pay the tax and save on the return shipping, or does it not work like this?
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Old May 13th, 2010, 13:09   #338
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
So I ordered something from overseas, it'll be here in a few days. However I already know I ordered the wrong item and I wish to do an exchange. If CP guy comes to my door with my package and I simply refuse it, will it automatically get sent back to the seller? This way I won't have to pay the tax and save on the return shipping, or does it not work like this?
Might be considered a douche move if the seller gets dinged with the return post.

Best bet is to sell it here and reorder the right one.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 13:27   #339
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Havent had a problem with CP till now.

Recent WGC order, I live in Burnaby, a city neighbouring New West Minster.

How they can mistake Burnaby for New West Minster? I don't fucking know

I called in and asked if I could just tell them the correct address on the spot. Then they said I couldn't do that because they have no way of contacting whomever is in charge of that redirection(which I call a serious BS).

She went on to tell me that if the redirection team can't find my correct address, they would send it back to HK. So I told her "You would send it back to HK even if you're SPEAKING with the right guy willing to tell you the address?"

fuck man, fuck.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 13:48   #340
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Oh man.... that blows.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 14:09   #341
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you can contact WGC and ask them to request a refund for the item being returned, a rrefund usually takes 5-10 business days though, I'm going through the same thing with a vest except I ordered in country.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 04:48   #342
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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I think I have finally got one for this thread.

I ordered some parts and mags from Airsoftbuddy for my Wetti M4. This is my second order with them so I expect fast and reliable shipping like on the first order.

Turns out that someone has put a hold on my package. I contacted CP and they will not do anything as I am not the sender.

They won't even direct me to the sorting station this is being held at. They tell me to contatct the sender.

I do this..they tell me they can not do anything but to contact CP.

Canada Posts Tracking system
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HK Posts Tracking System
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Last edited by ex; May 27th, 2010 at 04:51..
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Old May 27th, 2010, 04:55   #343
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Aite... now it's been something like a month that my Redwolf order has been sitting somewhere in a CP or CBSA office/warehouse. Both have been giving me the run around, but someone at CBSA mentioned that they only take parcels for a max. of two hours; this means that if CP tracking info reads "at customs" or whatever... CP has not brought the package to CBSA (not likely in my case) and has likely lost the package in a warehouse somewhere. Great. Next course of action is getting the sender to start an inquiry. Isn't that just retarded? Getting Redwolf to get HKpost to start an inquiry for an item that's sitting in Vancouver already... hell, I really just want to find out where this warehouse is, go there, and take my fucking package from them already. I've been waiting since April 28th (arrival at Canada) and a few days in addition to that for the time spent shipping from HK to Vancouver. It only takes what... a few hours for CP's stupid postal service to pack the parcel into a truck, drive it to a centre somewhere in Burnaby and deliver the god damn thing to me. I'm usually not one to bitch about things I expect to be waiting for, but this is getting ridiculous. Had I known, I wouldn't have made my order then and thus wouldn't have gone a good $350 over my credit limit on a brand-spanking new credit card (so much for starting off on a good credit rating, huh? But that's a different issue right there)...

But fuck, really, Canada Post? You've done great for me 'till now - but now you're making me one of those haters on ASC that post in this god damn thread about stories of packages that are MIA or ... whatever the hell you do to our stuff.

Palucol (uh, I meant Gunny_McSmith or whatever your name is now)... get the ghey-o-meter. Now.

Edit: best part about this was when I first called CP and the lady on the other end heard me say "so here's a tracking number" and she looked it up and wouldn't listen to what I had to say afterward - I bet she saw what it said and didn't want to talk to me, her customer, regarding what the fuck happened to my parcel. Great service, eh? I like the people at my local CP office more... at least she gave me free tap and paper and lent me a sharpie for packing up a damn box - but this is just poor quality right there.

Last edited by juicy; May 27th, 2010 at 04:58..
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Old May 27th, 2010, 05:18   #344
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
generic. they don't 'really' care.

what was it? what damage?
It was ammunition.

Only damage was that one of the rounds was missing.

It was an international transfer, from DHL to Canada Post, so I assume someone fucked up there.
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Old May 30th, 2010, 05:56   #345
a.k.a. ian209
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Ordered some LIPO batteries and a charger from Dealextreme... WAS IN CUSTOMS FOR F**KING 2 WEEKS!

World record in propane sniffing.

-TM PX4 w/Detonator Aluminum Slide
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