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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old July 16th, 2008, 10:45   #406
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shitty, expensive equipment

You know what pisses me off ? Fuckin' name brand, expensive equipment that doesn't live up to the brand name's hyped quality of "workmanship".

Case in point: ESS Turbofan goggles. What a piece of goddamn fucking shit. I paid big bucks for this fucking thing and it doesn't work the way I think it should for something this expensive from a well known company.

Two things: 1) The fan makes alot of noise! especially on the high setting. Its fucking embarrassing! "whats that noise ? Oh, here comes Tentacle trying to sneak up on me." BANG...BANG...BANG. I'm shot. so much for stealth.

2) The fucking electrical connection is shitty. The fan stops working sometimes. I wiggle the battery/switch box and the fan comes back on. I wiggle it a little bit more and it goes back off.

yeah, i could probably fix it, but I shouldn't have to.

The only thing these goggles do is protect your eyes, but fuck, any ol' goggles will do that AND they'll cost a hell of alot less. The anti-fog hype of the fan is bullshit too, as I've found out. When the fan WAS working consistently the goggles would STILL begin to fog a bit. I've played a game recently involving heavy sweating on my part with the fan off (because its NOT WORKING...) and the goggles didn't fog up.

I've had these goggles for a long time, they exhibited the above problems 5 games into owning them. I never mentioned a word to anybody because I was ashamed. Fuckin' embarrassed at my poor consumer choice. Really, just ashamed that I was hooked into the Turbo-fan gimmick.

FUCK OFF Turbo-Fan Goggles.

piece of shit...

Last edited by tentacle; July 16th, 2008 at 10:57..
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Old July 16th, 2008, 11:00   #407
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Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
...I believe the problem lies between the grip and the trigger though.
And I really dislike people that don't think about things when they attempt to insult someone. Unless that weapon has a really screwed up design, or Spencer is really saying that the weapon itself is actually what is broken, then wouldn't there just be air between the grip and trigger? (Or the trigger assembly housed in the grip?)

But my real complaint is about the people on these forums that make me question if I actually want to move from paintball to airsoft. At least in paintball you get to take photos of the overly cocky jackasses covered in paint as punishment for them acting like an ass on field.
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Old July 16th, 2008, 11:14   #408
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Originally Posted by tentacle View Post
You know what pisses me off ? Fuckin' name brand, expensive equipment that doesn't live up to the brand name's hyped quality of "workmanship".
Yeah. I've experienced that with both my Tokyo Marui guns. Originally, I was planning to get a JG M4 to convert to a C8. Had everyone and their dog on this forum convince me that JG is shit and to get a TM, because they "last forever" and never give problems...

Yeah, right. 1 week into it, has the motor die. Replaced that, and the selector plate gave me issues. Fixed that, and within a few mags, it snacked on its own gears. Got everthing back together, and the mechbox cracked. Yeah, so much for TM quality. Let's just say the only TM part left on my C8 now is the motor and grip plate.

TM #2 was my P226. Was gonna get a KJW to get full-metal out of the box, and again, everyone convinced me that TM pistols are the shit and I should get that instead. So I did. On mag #5 (3 used with duster, was the second on propane), the inner metal rail that hold the slide lock was beaten all to shit and no longer locking the slide back. Seller was super cool and sent me a replacement slide with all the internals. New upper I got had shitty internals, vented gas after a few shots, etc. Piece of shit all around. I've since replaced many of the internals and the slide itself with a nice Creation metal slide. Shoots reliably now, but has serious gas consumption issues and velocity isn't that great at about 260 fps.

So yeah, fuck TM and the other 'brand names'. Every other gun I have is made in China (except my KSC Glock) and far better than my TM guns, and that includes JG for AEGs, and KJW and WE for my pistols. They may be cheap, but they work great and haven't broken down yet.
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Old July 16th, 2008, 12:47   #409
Double Tapper
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Man CM,I have had a good run on my TM M16.Might have been the
lemons on the shelve you got.It all goes back to QC at the plant.
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Old July 16th, 2008, 13:06   #410
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The problem with the metal part on the P226 is rampant on all new model TM P226s. The inner metal cage is made of some really bad pot metal. Owners of older 226s don't have this problem, but I've read multiple accounts of people with recent model guns (bought in the last year or so) that have the same issue. Seems more like TM is cheaping out on their production costs in that case. As for the loused-up internals on the second slide, well, I don't know what to make of that.

Honestly though, this has taught me, at least with AEGs, to just stick with Jing Gong instead. Half the price and IMO, much more reliable. At least in my experience. I've had no issues with either of my internally stock JG guns and they saw FAR more rounds than the TM did.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; July 16th, 2008 at 14:59..
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Old July 16th, 2008, 13:53   #411
Denver Keith
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Hm...I've been considering picking up a JG next season, I think I'm convinced they're a worthy investment. I'm also pretty tired of the brand name issue. Tentacle, I totally understand your goggle frustration. I'm on my third pair, each getting progressively more expensive and boasting better quality, and they all fog just as badly! I was looking at picking up those ESS Turbofan ones but thankfully, that post just saved me further frustration.

I'll pick up some ballistic glasses, but I still want a pair of lo-pro, fog-proof goggles. I'd pay a couple hundred bucks for the perf pair if I could find it, cheaper than what I've already spent on junk.

Semper memor.
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Old July 16th, 2008, 14:15   #412
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^^^ myself and 3 other guys on our team use the ESS nvg profile goggles with Turbo fan and never had any issues besides the battery replacements. We all got the thermal lens and have never ran into an issue of fogging either . Most of the time I run around with the fan off or on low setting and they still don't fog. Worst case scenerio I have had was, I use the high setting for like 2mins when its really humid out but thats honestly rare. I did find with the original lens its tends to fog a bit without using the high setting for the fan but it was a simple fix with the $30 thermal lens.
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Old July 16th, 2008, 14:55   #413
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Tentacle, same thing here.

Bought some brand new boots 170$, take them one time on the field one of them rips open, piece of shit, now i'm wearing 40bucks jungle boots.
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Old July 17th, 2008, 15:50   #414
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Originally Posted by dpvu View Post
Everyone knows there's no girls on the internet. Come on man.
Decoy's a girl, bud.
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Old July 17th, 2008, 17:12   #415
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Originally Posted by dpvu View Post
Everyone knows there's no girls on the internet. Come on man.
Girls on the internet is serious business!

Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
Ronan.. I've outshot you with your PTW using a JG and a spring pistol. Your PTW is broken, I believe the problem lies between the grip and the trigger though.

+1 to annoying eliteness. Love PTW's.. love the look on PTW owners faces when they get shot by "cheap clone guns" more.
Actually the biggest problem with his PTW lies about 8" behind his EOTech. Remind me, has Ronan only every played indoor games with his PTW? I'm thinking back and am wondering how much he'll silently bitch to himself once he starts playing mil-sim games outdoors, like in the rainy wet weather, etc. and see how much he still loves his "My PTW cures cancer!" when he has to resort to his Crosman springer that he keeps in his belt because he couldn't afford a vest/chestrig, holster and GBB because he bought a PTW and tricked it right out. BTW Ronan, bragging comes from wise investments of cash and how you use them, NOT by price-tag. Ronan is to the PTW what a 16 year old with a learner's permit is to a Lambourghini Countach. Bragging rights, but in the end likely an expensive weight.
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Old July 17th, 2008, 17:38   #416
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ok there are girls on the net, and it is serious business

Originally Posted by dpvu View Post
Everyone knows there's no girls on the internet. Come on man.
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Old July 17th, 2008, 17:40   #417
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You could be an imposter. Prove you're a girl: PM me some pics...
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Old July 17th, 2008, 17:43   #418
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i can vouch that yes, she is a girl lol
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Old July 17th, 2008, 18:31   #419
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
...bragging comes from wise investments of cash and how you use them, NOT by price-tag. Ronan is to the PTW what a 16 year old with a learner's permit is to a Lambourghini Countach. Bragging rights, but in the end likely an expensive weight.
Amen Brother Stalker!

I have the same issue with musicians and their gear. Guys who play like shit buy these expensive high end guitar and amps and think it makes them the second coming of Hendrix or something, when all along, all it does is make their suckage more apparent. Yet, they insist they're godly because of how much their instrumetns cost.

I have a custom ESP Explorer that cost $4700, a custom Lado that cost $3800, and a Gibson Les Paul that cost just under $2000. My favourite, best playing, and IMO best-sounding guitar is a nicely upgraded no-name $450 Korean-made Les Paul knockoff. I brag the shit out of that guitar all the time. Gets more play time than all my other guitars combined.

So yeah, price tag means the square root of fuck-all.
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Old July 17th, 2008, 18:55   #420
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Originally Posted by spike666 View Post
ok there are girls on the net, and it is serious business
Ya baby! Looking forward to taking you for a tour around your MP5 in the next couple months.
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