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Most Extreme Thing Done (During A Airsoft Game)



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Old August 22nd, 2005, 21:37   #31
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at the first game of this season in atlantic canada we were going around and i was completely in adrenaline mode nothing really affected me... the cold and what not.. but we needed to get atop of this hill. and i see a guy infront of me (teamate) cross this stream walking on 2 small tree logs and water and i don't mix long story short ive almost drowned 3 times in my life but anyways. so the whole time im like this is a horrible idea. start to cross half way through one of the branches gives and first thing to my head, gun Up! so somehow the log doesn't completely break but my whole right leg was soaked and had water in my boots making the slooosh noise.

about 5 minutes later we are taking the hill and i now im on top of the hill and looking for cover (i know stupid shoulda known what i was walking into prior) but anyways im up there looking around i see a guy fire a couple of shots off miss and im looking for cover.. there is tiny tree no leaves cause its snowy and wet and cold so me 6'3 230 pds hiding behind this tiny twig lol didn't help but i tried anything. :lol:

so after i see him and his buddies all of sudden sprint across the top of the hill i start shooting they start shooting fully standing up we are all firefighting most intense moment of my airsoft life and then his buddy starts shooting so im like shit im going down.... so i decided in a last ditch effort i just throw my self on the ground like kicked my own legs out and im laying half up shooting from my hip while they are firing back. it was funny because no one hit each (maybe we did but adrenaline neither of us cared) and after they got me but me and the guy had a long fun talk about that one.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 21:41   #32
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This one time I did a double Einstien with a backside fakey followed by a half gainer nosepick and a goofy-foot landing, but nobody saw it.

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Old August 22nd, 2005, 21:44   #33
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Lets see...

1) Posed with a paintballer dressed in a while wedding dress (still waiting to get the picture).
2) Flanked too much that I came up and around my entire team, and ended up getting killed by them.
3) Pretended to be the enemy force, and walked right up to one of the guys on the other team in a relaxed manner (weapon pointed down, etc) and got to within 5 feet of him where we both simultaneously mercied each other... timing was bang on. Weird thing is we both knew we were on the opposite teams, but thought the other person didn't know.

Comared to the rest, not very extreme.
- "dman"
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 22:06   #34
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One of the funniest thing I saw in a airsoft game was Porkchop throwing a smoke grenade to try to cover his retreat only to have it fall in the duck pond. Then seeing his head poke out of the trench asking who the fuck and put a stupid pond in the path of his grenade....
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Old August 22nd, 2005, 22:09   #35
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Two dual pistol rushes, complete with rolls and other acrobatics, after which I thew a grenade (I believe it was a potato, but when you hear 'FRAG OUT' and hear a 'clunk' or rustling of trees as something is thrown, you tend to take cover)

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Old August 22nd, 2005, 22:10   #36
made Man
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Just remembered prolly THE most embarrassing moment. Was in a firefight vs. Catbert + at least 3 more guys. So I heard one of them (damn you Catbert!) yelling that he's out of ammo. So i poped out (didnt know there were that many there!) to shoot him and got hit
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 22:40   #37
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We had a 80's style Vice game at XT and this jackass had my team pinned down by hiding around the corner. So, I figure the best course of action is a suicide. I'm using dual M9s, and I just walk around the corner arms straight out with intent to lay down cover fire so my team could move across. The guy is RIGHT there, literally my barrels were 2" from his mask and I somehow managed not to pull the trigger. We considered it a dual mercy because he had an mac10 pointed at my stomach and I wasn't wearing a vest.
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Old August 22nd, 2005, 23:35   #38
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Kirley_x being a divertion during a omaha beach game at FR...Poor little guy ran out screaming "IM A DIVERTION!" and getting pelted...sad thing didn;t do any good.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 00:21   #39
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Being Hit in the head with a live Smoke grenade thanks to hype
Contras A-02:
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 01:11   #40
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Originally Posted by Manboy
Kirley_x being a divertion during a omaha beach game at FR...Poor little guy ran out screaming "IM A DIVERTION!" and getting pelted...sad thing didn;t do any good.
well, it wasnt a good "diverTion"... however, it was a good diverSion.

And it made for fond memories dammit!!
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 03:02   #41
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well this happened tonight. i was on second level at the tac-ops CQB arena. i was making so much noise telling people where they should and walking around in my hiking boots and most of my G3-SG1 is sticking out. then these two guys come out from the safe zone not evening nowing i was there. well i was yelling orders and these 2 guys have way more time playing airsoft then i do. so carrying on they get to this ramp to go up to the "rainbow" as we call it so once they are out in the open and i now i can get them i just open up get both of them. i was some what confused on how they didn't now i was there well making so much noise.

then at my second game ever i have ever played i was running like a bat out of hell trying to get the opposing team from taking on of my teams comsat station's. i was about 20 yards away when. i step on this log old and dead and i didn't even think this could suck. I fall straight down about 3 or 4 feet but I landed on one leg and just screwed my hip so bad that i just layed there for like 10 mins just rumbing my hip when the other team comes and mercies me. then go oo crap he's hurt. but in the end just some ice and some down time and i was up and kicken ass.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 03:19   #42
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well i got a few... One time my battery died so I pulled out the old springer M9, took one shot and hit the sniper shooting at me. Then later that same day in a pistol game I ended up running into for guys took one out and then started running backwards only to trip over a log a doing a backflip inot a small pond. Most embarasing was my first airsoft game ever and findong out the reason i couldnt hit anyone is b/c I had left the staging area without any bb's on my mags. :smack:
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 04:32   #43
Hortons Heros
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Those pistol games were goodtimes Parka. Same day and
extremely funny was playing with a guy who has terrets (poor spelling) syndrome. So every 5-15 seconds he's yelling stuff like "I'M OVER HERE!", "DON'T SHOOT" and just all sorts of ticks. All of us playing were really good friends and just kind of ignored it but funny to think back to what that would have looked like. Now that's playing with a disability!!
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 08:51   #44
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How about that time you mercied a guy with your fingers...

Originally Posted by vondnik
One of the funniest thing I saw in a airsoft game was Porkchop throwing a smoke grenade to try to cover his retreat only to have it fall in the duck pond. Then seeing his head poke out of the trench asking who the fuck and put a stupid pond in the path of his grenade....
"Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment!"
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 09:33   #45
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At Rigaud once, Porkchop and I spect a fair amount of time sneaking around and setting up an ambush. When the enemy finally stepped into the killzone, Porkchop goes to fire, and nothing comes out. The ambush is quickly turned around and we are both killed. Porkchop then discovers he forgot to put a battery in his gun...

Another time, also at Rigaud, I was running along full tilt. I'm colour blind, and in early summer the yellow safety ropes look exactly the same colour as all the fresh greenery to me. So I plowed into one at face height at full speed. Apparently it looked alot like a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel, IE my feet went up in the air before the top half of my body started falling, and I hung in the air for a second at the top before slamming back first onto the ground. My goggles had been stripped from my face, I had a 4 inch rope burn across my left cheek, and my head landed HARD about 6 inches from a large rock...

At Opertion Capitol Thunder ( the first one ), justbob was carrying a TM NBB Steyr GBB in a shoulder holster. Apparently he hadn't done it up, as when he bent over to pick something up, the pistol slid out of the holster, and fell to the ground, hammer area first. When it hit the ground, it fired, hitting him right smack in the face. One of the other players, MadMax (of the 3 Chimps, not the one from here...) asked "When you're done being mad about that, can we laugh?".
Sgt Spleen
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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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