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Old July 21st, 2006, 20:59   #46
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Toronto
Vince from 6mm is a really great guy. He gives great prices, most of the time better then most Canadian retailers. And fixing guns wise, i think he is pretty good so far. I've had him fix at least 4 of my guns, and so far they have been working really well, and never had to bring it back for any check ups.
Conclusion: 6mm is a great store. Kurame... is not... Once i asked to look at a m14, and the guy at the store refused to let me see and pretty much told me to leave. And when i asked for the price of an mp5 it was 700 dollars! So therefore, the service is bad, and the prices are overwhelming!! Go to 6mm!!!
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 18:46   #47
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Richmond Hill
where exactly is 6mm?...i read earlier in this thread that it's around warden/steeles? i drove all around that area today but couldn't find it. is it on steeles or warden...north of/south/east/west of?
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Old July 26th, 2006, 23:49   #48
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Richmond Hill
never mind, i found the store...
for others that might be lookin for the store, and i know there are a few, just to let you know, it's on steeles, west of warden and in the same complex as metro square, actually located in Century Plaza, and the store is towards the west end of the plaza.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 01:07   #49
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Was it worth the drive?
I might like to visit there.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 11:39   #50
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Richmond Hill
well steve, as far as i remember, in stock they had a g36c, i think i saw an m4 and an m733 in stock, as well as some revolvers and pistols (they might've had a bit more but that's all i remember)...i didn't notice the handguns much, as i was only interested in the aeg's there and if they had a p226. the guy was pre-occupied playin some game and talkin on his cell phone at the same time so i didn't get much service.
if you're around the area or are thinking of getting one of those aeg's, then sure stop by the store...but otherwise, it's not that worth it.
but the guy does give pretty good prices. i interupted his game/phone conversation to ask him bout the price of the sig p226 which he says has not come in yet but should soon...he gave me a quick 'around 280 range' before resuming his game and conversation. comparing that to the place at pacific mall, they were asking 350 for the p226, so you're much better off goin to 6mm than pmall...or try getting an appointment at asc armoury, which is the next place i plan to visit
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Old July 27th, 2006, 11:46   #51
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Getting ignored is no way to do a business, sorry. I'd take an appointment with ASC Armoury and then be assured of good service.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 12:05   #52
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Richmond Hill
well maybe i went in on a bad day/time...i wouldn't mind giving them a second chance, not saying that i'm definitely going to since i've made up my mind to buy something from asc armoury anyways (hint hint: hojo, if you stumble upon this thread...check your email i want that p226!!! i'll probably be sending out another email or pm soon tho)
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Old July 27th, 2006, 15:41   #53
-=]MH[=-RaiDen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MercedeSChink
Vince from 6mm is a really great guy. He gives great prices, most of the time better then most Canadian retailers. And fixing guns wise, i think he is pretty good so far. I've had him fix at least 4 of my guns, and so far they have been working really well, and never had to bring it back for any check ups.
Conclusion: 6mm is a great store. Kurame... is not... Once i asked to look at a m14, and the guy at the store refused to let me see and pretty much told me to leave. And when i asked for the price of an mp5 it was 700 dollars! So therefore, the service is bad, and the prices are overwhelming!! Go to 6mm!!!
Hehehe why not try opening up your guns and take a look what vince did to your guns. Had to give my gun to Manchoive to "De-vincentlise" my gun. Ask Manchoive him self, It was like opening a dead body.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 16:54   #54
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Why? Is it like this:

Person 1: "OMG! Where are the gears?!"

Vince: "Airsoft guns have gears?!"


Person 1: "OMG! Where are the gears!?"

Vince: "Airsoft guns don't need gears to work, just some lovin'."


Person 1: "OMG! What did you do to this gun?! All the gears are broken, the motor is missing, and the rest of the internals are on fire!"

Vince: "Fire you say? Oh that's normal. Just fire away about a thousand shots and it should put itself out. The gears arn't broken, they're just a bit loose and not attached to anything. They come in all sorts of sizes and shapes! That's why there are so many ones that looked cracked and cut in half!"

Person 1: "What about the motor?"

Vince: "Uhh...there wasn't one in there at the time, you should really check into buying one. Here's one of mine, they only cost $50 more than the leading brand"

Person 1: "How much does the leading brand cost?"

Vince: "..."

or (finally)

Person 1: "What did you do to my gun? All the parts you put in are cheap knock offs of the good stuff!"

Vince: "They're the new kind of cheap plastic, far stronger and more durable than the normal colder metal parts!"

Person 1: "They're clear. Like see through clear."

Vince: "Just fire a thousand shots and it should turn opaque".

(Apologies if he's a great guy, and does good jobs on airsoft guns. Also my knowledge of gearbox internals is sketchy at best, maybe they are made out of clear plastic )
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Old July 28th, 2006, 00:02   #55
-=]MH[=-RaiDen's Avatar
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lol good one moderatesniper, like yea I still buy from vince. But letting him touch my guns... uhmmmmm yea... I don't want to see another Holocaust.
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Old August 10th, 2006, 14:59   #56
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Markham, Toronto
Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen
lol good one moderatesniper, like yea I still buy from vince. But letting him touch my guns... uhmmmmm yea... I don't want to see another Holocaust.
Awwwwww, I wonder how upset would Vince be if you said this gearbox work is bad! How two face! Haha Just kidding.
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