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Old May 15th, 2007, 07:46   #46
Good Old Sundown
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
Oh my god - it's SUNDOWN, THE 'Sundown' - holy crap man we have missed you. I swear you made everything worthwhile for me at OP:CT2 with that NATO PIG sign and the expletitives you and Skruface were shouting from the ridge. And that camo, head to toe with matching boots - I think you could hear Porkchop grumbling and turning over his grave having bested him at the 'most unique camo' event catagory.
Hey Poncho!
How's it going man? Yeah LOL I remember that. I think we had more in camp than we did on patrol (well maybe not, I'm thinking it was 50/50). But that was the "good old days" as you say when every new AEG was cause for 8 grown men to stand around in a circle looking at it and trying to get in line to shoot a bb or five out of it "just to try it out".

As for getting back onto the subject, yeah the 'open door' policy is definitely a good thing. True there are some people that no one wants back, however, even they can change for the better. 5 years is a long time. All that the community can do is keep that door open and hope for the best.
At the very least, we can buy thier guns off of them!

Oh and if Poncho and anyone else wants a blast from the past, click here;
Those are the pics I took of Capital Thunder 2 when Skruface and I flew there (ah the good old days when I worked for Air Canada). Go ahead and take a peek, some fun stuff there.

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Old May 15th, 2007, 08:30   #47
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Ah, I see the experimental Czech desert camo.
That IS nice stuff.
LOL, I am actually able to fit into mine again

I am still so sorry to have missed CT2. Goddam divorce!!

Cry "Haddock" and let slip the hounds of Beer
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Old May 15th, 2007, 10:27   #48
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Originally Posted by Savage Haggis View Post
What troubles me, coming into the sport after several years of hanging in the background & reading various forums, is the loss of experienced players. Granted, after reading the replies in this thread, I have a much clearer understanding of why this is happening - but at the same time, I feel there may well be a great loss of experience & information.

Am I wrong in thinking this, or I am simply reading too much into natural occurrences?

It's one thing to read about it on a forum, but it's another thing entirely to have veteran players tell you their version of things on the field.

I've made a couple threads similar to yours awhile back... not many people responded to it and it got lost somewhere on ASC. *lol*

Airsoft IS different now than compared to a few years ago, I think Skruface, Scarecrow, Bravo, etc. summed it up pretty nicely.

What can I say? I guess I can say.... I miss playing with people like:
- Tru (yes, OMG, he used to play!)
- Quaestor
- Tomalok
- Hype
- ILLusion
- kedirken (lol, forgot about KD)
- LittleAlien (good 'ol Phoenix Connection)
- Col.Thumper
- Octane
- Kato
- That guy who we always called Kato, but isn't (LOL)
- Tharkad
- HonestJohn
- Sgt.Pepper
- Stone
- Agit-Prop
- Malinak
- Starlight


Of course, there are a lot more names, but I'm having a hard time recalling their ASC handles...I have to say it was a blast, and an honour to have met and played with them, they were an amazing group to play with. I'm sure anyone who's played with them in the past can attest - the atmosphere of the games were very different.

I'm still glad to see some of the others out, like Meta, DragonHawk, Poncho (sometimes), SINN, Slick, Memel, Pvt. Ivan (Kameradshadt in general), Sha Do, Barf, Scarecrow, Morb, etc.

Actually, I also miss some of the classic ASC retards that have come and gone, like SKY, Tech Support, scott_ ..... needless to say, they got blacklisted fairly quickly.

Aside from some of the local Chicken Slaughter events, I can't remember any recent social ASC meets. With the amount of new players (and n00bs), this game of ours is also becoming less personal. I try to meet the new players when I'm out, but it's getting pretty hard to put names to faces now.

I'm not as active in airsoft as before, mainly due to time and personal life. Mortgages, insurance, upcoming wedding, stupid rock that cost more than it's worth (lol), car, etc. I try to make it out whenever I can though...

I miss big scenario games, CT would've been great - but I couldn't make it and I missed out on some serious fun. =\ I miss the Wolfpack games up in Muskoka, although I know they still run games (and there was one recently) ... I miss the ability to have the time to attend those games.

Then again... maybe I'm just getting old and lazy, and holding on to those glory days when I could still run.
My ASC UserID is 666. Oh, great...

Last edited by Phalanix; May 16th, 2007 at 10:23..
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Old May 15th, 2007, 10:29   #49
Amazing KG3
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Dude, LT_poncho or Aqua isnt there!
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Old May 15th, 2007, 10:46   #50
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Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 View Post
Dude, LT_poncho or Aqua isnt there!
Aqua is in Sask. and Poncho is included (Im hoping Im in that etc Peter or is the love gone already?)

Not to boast, but I kinda see our team as a middle ground between newer players and the old (9/11 of us have been playing for 3 years+)

Nothing wrong with Noobs though. When I started, all I wanted to do was to run around aimlessly boom-headshotting people. Eventually I grew into liking mixed-pace Milsim. Same will happen for others who stay in the game. Overall, Ill have to disagree with Phal, Bravo etc. and say that the game is the same as I remember it 2 years ago and most of the best Milsim minded players have remained, although they play/host a lot less now

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Last edited by Koopa; May 15th, 2007 at 11:02..
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Old May 15th, 2007, 10:59   #51
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Oh i thought you were listing what you thought were the older players. my bad : |
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Old May 15th, 2007, 11:23   #52
lol "ASC Retards". Who was that clown before Serpentor, the one who almost got lynched...
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Old May 15th, 2007, 11:25   #53
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Well, my list was basically a list of more senior (local) players... Poncho is on the bottom list, as I still see him out once in awhile. And yeah, I was listing local players - I've never played with Aquamarine, but from what I've heard, I'm sure he's a real a-hole.

As for Koopa, yeah, never really liked you. You're a bully. Mil-sim crowd is still around, when you look for it. But that's also because you mainly go to those type of games and are not out for more of the regular games.

And I have to disagree with you on this:
Nothing wrong with Noobs...
It should be, "nothing wrong with new players..."

n00bs are a different breed, they need to stay away.
My ASC UserID is 666. Oh, great...
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Old May 15th, 2007, 11:48   #54
Phalanix, I think its just a sign of the times. Airsoft has been thrust into a different place over the past year, and is struggling with growing pains. Overall, airsoft has always fallowed the same lines, but it bounces around now and then.
Like I said, with crapsoft and clearsoft moving in like the plague, minors running rampant and airsoft struggling with the law more now then ever...combined with regular life changes, its expected to see these kinds of changes in the player base.
ah well
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Old May 15th, 2007, 12:22   #55
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this may be a regional issue as I know in calgary we are moving away from the painball style skrim games. We are coming up with more and more airsoft fields; not paintball fields that let us play there. Every month we have 2 or more milsims. I think since I started a couple of years ago things are getting better out here. But we have no tolerance for asshats and I think JOC has made huge strides in progressions of the sport. We have several new teams that really have their shit together. These teams have learnt from vet teams if you want to be effective you need to study military tactics and practice as a team. Therefore a lot of the players out here that are fuck ups learn real quick that it really sucks spending 8+ hours in the field by themselves out of the objective based action becuase they can't be trusted. Ussually you see a turn around in 2 games.

I am sorry for you guys that are feeling things are going south and I can see how you may. Move to the promised land and we will accept you with open arms.
JAYHAD: Commander - Airsoft Assassins
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old May 15th, 2007, 12:36   #56
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Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 View Post
Oh i thought you were listing what you thought were the older players. my bad : |
I thought he was too - so far i've taken a few 'old man' hits, and Phalanx is busting my balls for not making it out enough. Buddy, Peter, strawberry, that Flag Raiders have ok'ed tac-goggles when Paintballers are not around - i'll want to hit the place.

I don't mean to not make games, even for the one's I flake on. I got two kids that come before me everytime, and all I can do is try to better manage my schedule. I hate missing games.
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Old May 15th, 2007, 12:58   #57
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
I hate missing games.
He's hates missing games, but he loves fucking me silly instead.

Sorry guys, I'M why the old timers aren't coming to games, I've just got a thing for grey pubes.

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"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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Old May 15th, 2007, 13:04   #58
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Last edited by Phalanix; May 15th, 2007 at 14:34.. Reason: Improper photo...yuckie!
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Old May 15th, 2007, 14:32   #59
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KG3, lol... now I'm getting a picture of a puking person. We really ought to stop linking pictures from whichever site that is... unless you were actually linking to a picture of someone puking.

Edit: oh wait, you were linking to an actual photo of someone puking.. lol, k... just gonna remove it, thanks. <3

Wayne - lol, not busting your balls... just saying how we miss you! Didn't know Joe ok'd the use of tactical goggles when pballers aren't around... that's great news!

Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
lol "ASC Retards". Who was that clown before Serpentor, the one who almost got lynched...
OMG.... how did I forget PropScam?! lol...
My ASC UserID is 666. Oh, great...

Last edited by Phalanix; May 15th, 2007 at 14:36..
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Old May 15th, 2007, 15:09   #60
Amazing KG3
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No no, the puking person was intentional, considering the context of the post prior to it.
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