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What IS the best AEG?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old May 14th, 2006, 09:29   #61
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
UTG MP5 A4/A5 (stock)
You have to put time and money into this gun for it to perform well in large outdoor games. With the stock motor, and a few interal upgardes you can do up to 328-345 FPS. Not very consistant with full auto in terms of FPS if you do upgrade. Consider rewiring the battery to the back of the gun if you plan on using the solid stock, so you can use large batteries. However ROF drops significantly after you upgrade the spring.

Indoor Use:
Enough power and decent ROF

BBs curve left/right after a little while and would require hop up change.
Not on par with TM MP5s but has upgrade potential
Not a long range weapon and difficult to set stock hop up perfectly after a few games

Go get a pellet gun!
So, if I understand you correctly, it's a complete piece of crap. When you have to preform immediate upgrades to have a gun shoot even remotely decent I don't know why people would even bother with it in the first place. After the hassle of stripping the gun apart, buying a new motor and upgrades, how much are you really saving over say a stock Marui? I think we can add this AEG to the "NOT the BEST" category.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 09:37   #62
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The UTG is far from the best, but at least his report fits the criteria. And since the gun is available, it will help make decisions later.
I sure would not buy one, but the info is valid.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 10:01   #63
I heard the UTG MP5 is a good bang for your buck. There was a guy on arnies that put a little bit of work into one and now you cant tell the difference between it and a TM MP5.
prolly the best budget gun.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 10:11   #64
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Yep, that's why it's a fair call to talk about it. Not asking for perfection, but what folks think is good enough to qualify.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 11:55   #65
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I drop another vote for the TM G36C.


-Widely avaliable
-Priced well for what you get
-Looks slick
-Good performance out of the box (reliability/power)
-Tough enough to handle minor abuse
-Hop-up is easy to set and it won't budge out of place
-Has rail-system out of the box
-Easy to modify to take Large style batteries
-Great for CQB and has enough range for woodland battles
-Easy to disassemble
-Easy upgrade potential


-Not a lot of metal, even though certain parts really should be (i.e. Cocking Lever)
-Uses mini-batteries (I like this, but for new players it can be a turn off)

Really it's an all-around great gun for a beginner and veteran alike.
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Old May 14th, 2006, 12:38   #66
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P90 best gun ever, never breaks and if it does it is easy to fix.
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Old May 15th, 2006, 19:28   #67
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Originally Posted by Stukadivebomber
Hey guys what do u think of the Marui M1A1 Thompson? I've been thinking about getting one.
You did not read ANY of this thread, did you? Dont post until you have.
Jeez sry. I just wanted to know if any of you guys have a thompson and if it's any good
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Old May 15th, 2006, 19:45   #68
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Originally Posted by Stukadivebomber
Originally Posted by Greylocks
Originally Posted by Stukadivebomber
Hey guys what do u think of the Marui M1A1 Thompson? I've been thinking about getting one.
You did not read ANY of this thread, did you? Dont post until you have.
Jeez sry. I just wanted to know if any of you guys have a thompson and if it's any good
And you replied... *sigh*
Start your own thread? Read the reviews? Google? Search? Bother to get age-verified? Just dont post that here? And please dont answer?
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Old May 15th, 2006, 21:19   #69
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You can get 8.4v 1200mah mini matteries that last long enough. In a stock gun 1200 will do the trick no problem. I could get 20 lowcaps out of a 1500mah with a PDI 150 in my AK.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 06:05   #70
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
You can get 8.4v 1200mah mini matteries that last long enough. In a stock gun 1200 will do the trick no problem. I could get 20 lowcaps out of a 1500mah with a PDI 150 in my AK.
Stay on topic guys? This is not.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 10:34   #71
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I'll give another vote to the P-90,. the only thing...the mags are a bich to carry around especially if you're trigger happy like me :-D
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Old May 16th, 2006, 14:23   #72
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i vote aug civilian. it's completely gameable out of the box. long ass barrel to make usefull outdoor, similar overal length to an m-4, it's weighted in a way that your forward hand/arm wont fatigue as quickly over the course of a long day of gaming, mags fit in any kit, and if you happen to get a malshapened bb you can clear a jam with absolutely no headache. batteries arent really an issue since hobby shops will make whatever shape you want. it's solid, ambidextrous, reliable. i've never had a failure with mine in the 5+ years i've had it...and it's still stock...cept for bushing and spring replacement maybe. only draw back, out of the box, is siting it. if you dont adapt well to siting without obvious sites than it's hard to use. otherwise it's awsome.

dont get me wrong, i love my p-90 too, but out of the box it's lacking for outdoor and the mags are a bit of a pain to manage if you're not one to get your kit "custom made". the longer barrel and mag manageablility is what i'd say gives the aug an edge up on the p-90 out of the box.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 15:03   #73
though, Aug mags are few and far between
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Old May 16th, 2006, 15:28   #74
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only cus it's not that popular of a gun. not as many stocked as most other mags but they're out there. but that can be said about few other mag types too right? there's bound to be a quirk about every gun out there. i stay away from mags that clip together liek the sigs or g36 cus they snag on my mag pockets, or i typically will only really regularly field guns that can field stripped in case of a jam. hk and sig dont field strip. all a matter of personal taste and the criteria that you're looking for in a gaming piece. me...i like smooth reload. i can wait for the mag or order it from somewhere. i'm not in a rush to completely accessorize any gun in my collection. i'd be homeless if i was :|
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Old May 16th, 2006, 18:15   #75
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How is this not yet stickied?

Waiting responsibly since early 2005.

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