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The Force Recon & MARSOC Thread



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Old July 28th, 2014, 12:34   #781
James Eversmann
Join Date: Aug 2012
2nd Reconnaissance Battalion - Afghanistan

Hi guys, I have a question. Me and guys are focusing on 2nd Recon BN during their deployment in Afghanistan (November 2010 - July 2011). We are doing Force Recon Company of this Battalion and I know they are issued via FSBE II kit but have seen many pohtos of 2nd Recon, Alpha or Bravo company who had SPC during that deployment, also a few Force Recon marines with them aswell.

Bacause we want to have our gear as close to the real guys as we can, I would like to ask You guys, if You have some photos of Force Recon marines in Afghanistan and if not, if You can at least tell for sure, they have used CIRAS vests or some others. I will be very grateful for any help. our page - any constructive critics are welcome.

Best regards
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Old September 1st, 2014, 13:08   #782
Join Date: Sep 2014
Greetings from Norway! :O

Me and the rest of my fellow team mates have been considering getting a Marsoc kit for quite some time now, and we've finally gone for it yay! but we've run into some problems of where we can't identify sertain things and other things are completely blank to us

I've read through most of the amazing 53 pages of this thread, and we've gained some knowledge of what to get. We've also used our black belts in google to find info, but we're still in abit of help

I did notice on post that really caugh my eye, and that was your post Brakoo. It sure made an impression on me, and I was hoping you ( and the rest of the community ofcause ) could maybe give me a hand on some things?

In your firstline: What belt are you using?
The vest on the right side ( middle ) Is that the CIRAS or FSBE?
MARSOC 2010-2012 did they use combat shirt, or did they just roll up their sleeves? ( found no info on this anywhere )

I've also seen in some ref photos of something that looks like Ops-Core helmets. Can anyone confirm this?

A few of us is aiming towards 1st Recon while the rest is going grunt, so any pointers would be warmly welcome

I've gathered some gear for now, but it's not complete yet. Will try and upload a pic one of these days to show how far ( or how little ) I've gotten
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Old September 2nd, 2014, 04:33   #783
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Originally Posted by Cuby View Post
In your firstline: What belt are you using?
The vest on the right side ( middle ) Is that the CIRAS or FSBE?
MARSOC 2010-2012 did they use combat shirt, or did they just roll up their sleeves? ( found no info on this anywhere )

I've also seen in some ref photos of something that looks like Ops-Core helmets. Can anyone confirm this?

A few of us is aiming towards 1st Recon while the rest is going grunt, so any pointers would be warmly welcome
Brakoo's kit is Force Recon. Not MARSOC.

FSBEII is a kit, a set of equipement that is issued to Recon (including "Force" companies within Recon batallions). CIRAS is part of that kit (specifically, the land variant of the CIRAS), and the CIRAS is what is visible on that pic.

Assuming you're still talking about FR (not MARSOC), Ops-Core have popped up occasionally but are oddities. They are however issued in MARSOC, these days.

Originally Posted by odog654 View Post
i don't think MARSOC uses the CIRAS vest. I think it was a limited deploy and nobody used it afterwards. Here is a list of gear MARSOC was seen using
This thread you linked to is about Force Recon. Not the same as MARSOC. It's also pretty old.
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Old September 2nd, 2014, 16:03   #784
Join Date: Sep 2014
Thanks for the replies, and it warms my heart that Ops-Core has been verified among Marsoc and FR.

Since I'm one of the few in my team thats aiming toward FR, then Brakoo's kit applies for what I'm building.

As of now my kit consists of ( allthough some older items )

MCCUU woodland and desert BDU's
ILBE Rucksack with assault pack
EI CIRAS land ( It's khaki though since CB is close to impossible for us norwegians to get our hands on )
Ops-Core replica

I'm stilling getting more or less piece by piece of pouches and other accessories, but it's coming along

As for weaponry, I'm using TM's 1911MEU and ICS M4 ( being rebuildt into Sopmod block 2 atm )

I will as promissed post a few pics of my kit. Just need to find a damn camera man at one of the games I attend first :P

Edit: I'm aware that Marsoc and FR are "2 seperate" units, but I'm wondering if either really are using Combat Shirts ( jacket is pretty damn warm to play with during summer )

Last edited by Cuby; September 2nd, 2014 at 16:06.. Reason: Rather edit to add a missing question than make a new post
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Old September 4th, 2014, 05:49   #785
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Originally Posted by Cuby View Post
Thanks for the replies, and it warms my heart that Ops-Core has been verified among Marsoc and FR.
I did say it is an oddity. On top of it, if you mentionned going for 2010/2011, that's a straight no. In other words, don't. Though it may differ from a Recon bat or even company to another, FR are generally much more restricted when it comes to equipement, especially with armor/protective items. I would highly recommend that you stick to a 2000 with Norotos.

Originally Posted by Cuby View Post
Since I'm one of the few in my team thats aiming toward FR, then Brakoo's kit applies for what I'm building.)

Originally Posted by Cuby View Post
EI CIRAS land ( It's khaki though since CB is close to impossible for us norwegians to get our hands on )
It's not much harder for you that for us. You might have to pay a bit more for shipping but I'm sure you can do it, especially since prices have got down a good bit.

Originally Posted by Cuby View Post
As for weaponry, I'm using TM's 1911MEU and ICS M4 ( being rebuildt into Sopmod block 2 atm )
Stick to a standard SOPMOD (KAC rail, carbine stock, triangle sight, etc). Accessories you'll need are a tan PEQ-15 (or 16 depending on year) and black EOTech 552 or 3 depending on year. Light will vary depending on unit.

Originally Posted by Cuby View Post
I'm aware that Marsoc and FR are "2 seperate" units, but I'm wondering if either really are using Combat Shirts ( jacket is pretty damn warm to play with during summer )
Desert FROG shirts yes. Both are. The woodland FROG shirts are too new for the year you're going for. Today, they are used.

You should really post your reference pics before anything.
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Old December 19th, 2014, 05:46   #786
Join Date: Dec 2014
Hi Guys,

Few questions RE HSGI chestrigs, especially the Warlord as I'm looking at getting one.

What colour is generally used? I've seen some OD one's in pictures, was wondering if CB is also used?

Additionally, is the Pantac "Commander v3" a suitable replica or is there anything closer I've failed to find online!

Finally, if I were to need a belt kit to compliment the chest rig, would a Molle belt look too out of place as opposed to ALICE? I hope not as I've just sold my ALICE webbing hoping to replace it with something more modern/CB.

What would a typical belt kit look like for green side operations if it were your only LBE and not used to compliment a vest/chest rig?

Thank you for your help, this is my first post here. Have done FR for a few years and never very accurately as I'd not come across such great resources and knowledge as on here!
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Old December 20th, 2014, 07:07   #787
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Originally Posted by TeddyBhoy View Post
Few questions RE HSGI chestrigs, especially the Warlord as I'm looking at getting one.

What colour is generally used? I've seen some OD one's in pictures, was wondering if CB is also used?

Additionally, is the Pantac "Commander v3" a suitable replica or is there anything closer I've failed to find online!
OD has been the most common simply due to the environment these are used: forests, whether it is training in the US or conducting FID in south-east Asia or South America. Coyote can also work and may be dusted with green as you see fit.

Can't answer on the replica question, I don't know them, but make sure you look around on classifieds, eBay, etc. You might find a real one for not much more.

Originally Posted by TeddyBhoy View Post
Finally, if I were to need a belt kit to compliment the chest rig, would a Molle belt look too out of place as opposed to ALICE? I hope not as I've just sold my ALICE webbing hoping to replace it with something more modern/CB.

What would a typical belt kit look like for green side operations if it were your only LBE and not used to compliment a vest/chest rig?
None. Or almost. Maybe a fanny pack for E&E or first aid kit, a knife on your belt, and that's it.

Try wearing a ruck with a belt kit.

Especially with the HSGI Warlord/Denali/Silverthorne, which are massive to start with. Unless you're 6'2'' or over, wearing a belt kit with these will likely be uncomfortable.

With that said, ultimately it just depends on whether you need the carry capacity or not. If it's things that: 1. you need on hand (so they can't be in a pack), 2. you can't fit on your chest rig, 3. there's no useless crap you can free up on your rig, then... go for a belt kit.
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Old December 30th, 2014, 13:08   #788
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
*Snip to keep thread tidy*
Thanks Conker - I managed to score a EI RRV on Ebay which is apparently been used by FR. Waiting for it to arrive so I can look at the label (it's very faded in the picture) and see what year it is etc.

I'm going to pick up an FLC also.

With regards to belt kit is it really whatever pouches you want? for example m60 and SAW pouches as utility pouches, some canteen pouches and some ammo pouches?
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Old December 31st, 2014, 01:44   #789
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Location: Kelowna, BC
Hey all,
New to the forum, been lurking this particular thread since I started playing many years ago, and finally decided to join. I have several kits assembled for various scenarios, but none are a definitive representation of any military unit, so it seems about time. In fact, this thread led me to impulse buy a Flyye RRV not too long ago, haha. What really caught my interest are these last few pages depicting MARSOC units in coyote/khaki and woodland. I apologize if its been answered before, but where/when/why are these fellas in woodland? As opposed to digis

edit- I realize most of these pictures are of airsofters, but some of the videos on here and pictures I've stumbled across show woodland uniforms

Last edited by CJGuy; December 31st, 2014 at 01:46..
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Old December 31st, 2014, 11:17   #790
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Originally Posted by CJGuy View Post
Hey all,
New to the forum, been lurking this particular thread since I started playing many years ago, and finally decided to join. I have several kits assembled for various scenarios, but none are a definitive representation of any military unit, so it seems about time. In fact, this thread led me to impulse buy a Flyye RRV not too long ago, haha. What really caught my interest are these last few pages depicting MARSOC units in coyote/khaki and woodland. I apologize if its been answered before, but where/when/why are these fellas in woodland? As opposed to digis

edit- I realize most of these pictures are of airsofters, but some of the videos on here and pictures I've stumbled across show woodland uniforms
Marsoc operate with the Afghan National Army a lot, who also use Woodland. This allows them to blend in a bit better - makes you less of a target to snipers etc.
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Old January 1st, 2015, 17:45   #791
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Originally Posted by TeddyBhoy View Post
With regards to belt kit is it really whatever pouches you want? for example m60 and SAW pouches as utility pouches, some canteen pouches and some ammo pouches?
Essentially yes. The same pouches are available. You'll however realise that velcro pouches aren't super effective on belts as they're not as stable as chest rigs/plate carriers, therefore pulling on the flap is likely to move the entire belt. The few times I used pouches on my belt was for grenades (upside down), handheld light, pistol mags and IFAK. With proper keywords you may be able to find some pics in this thread or digging in my older posts on

Originally Posted by CJGuy View Post
where/when/why are these fellas in woodland? As opposed to digis
Originally Posted by TeddyBhoy View Post
Marsoc operate with the Afghan National Army a lot, who also use Woodland. This allows them to blend in a bit better - makes you less of a target to snipers etc.
TeddyBhoy has it mostly right. Originally this was a blending thing with ANA forces so they wouldn't stick out too much, therefore avoid making them primary targets. Same applies when training locals in Africa, South America or Southeast Asia where woodland or variants/similar camos (like DPM) are still common.

Nowadays, however, we still see woodland outside of these theatres. There are many occurances of woodland being used stateside or in exercises around the world. MARPAT remains the official USMC camo and it is also used when appropriate. As an exemple, most recent VBSS exercises were with MARPAT FROG sets.

The above applies stricly to MARSOC - Force Recon is always in either of the MARPAT variants.
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Old March 29th, 2015, 18:51   #792
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i am starting to love a marsoc with M249

Мой арсенал: АКМС, АК74, АКС74, АК74М, АК103, АК104, АК105
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Old April 19th, 2015, 12:14   #793
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Welcome to the good side of the Force Dmitry :P

Planning on making a kit?


Here's a shot of my teammates (not me, I unfortunately missed that event) from Task Force Spartan. Not everyone has an accurate kit but we're working on standardizing everything.

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Old April 25th, 2015, 12:16   #794
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I found that kit very nice.

head: MSA MICH TC 2001
chest - CIRAS LAND ?
Crye Precision or Propper woodland
Мой арсенал: АКМС, АК74, АКС74, АК74М, АК103, АК104, АК105
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Old April 25th, 2015, 12:49   #795
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That's kind of a weird combo in this pic.

Helmet: FAST High-Cut (old name: FAST Ballistic). Shroud looks like... an L3G10 ?
Vest: coyote Crye CAGE Chassis
Uniform: standard issue BDU with modded top
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