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What IS the best AEG?


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Old May 16th, 2006, 18:18   #76
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Because it's still active and more reviews/opinions are coming in? Please stay on topic.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 14:02   #77
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I disagree on the P90. The hicaps are the worst design on the market, mine were always jamming. Locaps are the only way to go, but then you have to find a way to carry the things. I found the hopup was a pain to adjust. I do like them, but I wouldnt call them the best AEG out of the box by far.

I realise a poll like "best aeg" is kinda subjective, and most of the time people ignore functionality for looks. But if someone who wants to get into the game asks me what AEG would be best to buy, I always say a full stock TM AK47.

-Rock solid, no squeaks or wobbles, if you ran outta BBs you could throw it at someone.
-Large battery, last you all day.
-Huge mags, most people could run just 1 hicap.
-Simple hopup, easy to use and doesnt back itself off.
-$470 range, add a hicap and a battery and you're good to go.
-Lots of cheap Russian gear available as well to go with the image.
-Lots of aftermarket parts these days for conversion kits and body kits. If you wanted you can make a full metal and wood AEG for a decent price.

-Keep an eye on the buttstock plate.
-Disassembly is quite involved, its basically in 100 pieces to get the mechbox.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 15:26   #78
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For me it's the CA M249 Para.

This gun is rock solid, as it is all metal.
I have currenty put over 100,000 rounds through mine with no ill effect.
Servicing this gun has been nothing but easy going, need to change the spring, no problem, takes about 10 seconds, gotta pull the mechbox, 2 minutes.
Comes stock with 8mm bearing, Hop-up is easily accessable, and easily adjusted, can be modded to accept large batteries in the box mag without too much trouble, otherwise battery changes can be a bit tricky at first.

I have fired off more than a few 1000+ round "bursts" without any issues.

If I thing of anything else I'll add it later.
Paul / Whozat
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Old May 17th, 2006, 16:43   #79
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4 Guns

Between my girlfriend and I we have 4 guns

1st TM G36C - agree with all posts, it was the first gun we bought and out of box have had no problems. Quite a bit of game play, Solid, not too heavy for her, good rof and accurate. I found the gun a little small for me ( I am 6' 2" big guy ) but for CQ I recommend it.

2nd TM Famis - This one was for her son. Light, accurate, and has been relable so far. Did have a problem with the mag, her son hit the release a few times during play and we had to find it... lots of fun. Personally I don't like the style, too much plastic, but has seemed tough enough.

3rd G&G M16 A2 - This one is mine. Love it. Solid, good weight and big enough for me. The realism and all the upgrades out of box was why I decided to spend the extra $ instead of the TM model. No barrel wobbel, and it has seen a bit of use. It is a heavy gun though and highly recommend a sling. I have had to replace the tappet plate, so that concern is real, but gears seem good. Lots of metal. Hop up is a bit of a pain.

4th ICS MP5 - Just got it, again out of box already has more metal, and upgrades. Very solid gun, and realistic, again you pay a little more but as others have mentioned, if you pay on the front end usually cheaper in the long. Hop up is really nice to use.

Conclusion: Out of box I think a few upgrades are good to begin with, Can't say one make of gun over the other IMO, TM are the best to get into it for the least $$$, I have seen other makes with the metal upgrades out of box that make sense if you can afford it to start. Gearboxes messing up seems to be a concern but haven't experienced it yet.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 17:11   #80
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Originally Posted by Whozat
For me it's the CA M249 Para.

This gun is rock solid, as it is all metal.
I have currenty put over 100,000 rounds through mine with no ill effect.
Servicing this gun has been nothing but easy going, need to change the spring, no problem, takes about 10 seconds, gotta pull the mechbox, 2 minutes.
Comes stock with 8mm bearing, Hop-up is easily accessable, and easily adjusted, can be modded to accept large batteries in the box mag without too much trouble, otherwise battery changes can be a bit tricky at first.

I have fired off more than a few 1000+ round "bursts" without any issues.

If I thing of anything else I'll add it later.
At well over $1600 on average, this is pushing the upper limit of commonly available. But okay...
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Old May 17th, 2006, 18:16   #81
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I second the CA249, Ive got the Mk2 and the only issue ive had is its hard to fit the battery in the stock.
You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 00:04   #82
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Id have to say the AK47. Internally its the exact same as the G36 but its able to hold a large battery with no mods. Plus for around 250 dollars more you can upgrade it to full metal. After the metal upgrade parts are added the gun will weigh in at around the same weight as the real AK (around 9lb). Ive done work on both guns extensively and Id have to say although the G36 is a easy gun to work with the AK is just so much easier.

Seriously when I think of it.
- 400 for the gun used in the for sale section. Almost brand new with some upgrades already installed.
- 200 for metal body and metal front end. I ordered straight from WGC to avoid the crazy canadian retail prices. I wouldnt suggest this but If you pay 300 for a AK metal body your getting RIPPED! Metal body was like 50 USD and front end was 60. I sold the battery the front end came with for 30 dollars and ended up paying less then 200 for both parts.
- 60 for some real AK wood then a few hours moding it to fit.

Total price was around 6 to 650 for a full metal and wood AK. How many of us have paid that just for a stock gun?
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Old May 18th, 2006, 01:02   #83
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god damnit slick every time i see your AK i wanna go out a buy one
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Old May 18th, 2006, 06:28   #84
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I'm seeing a trend; most of the "best" guns described are extremely solid and based on Marui V3 (or better) mechbox designs.

So far, the best guns have;
Solid body design.
Large battery.
Excellent mechbox.
No accessory problems (IE no problems with mags).

External (cosmetic) upgrades seem to cover a variety of opinions.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 09:01   #85
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I just want to talk for a second about the mags thing. Finding P90 mags is not as difficult as it once was, I was able to get some from Red Tiger at the Stargate game for $45 each, and he sells them online too, as do some other retailers, so there's no reason that you shouldn't be able to find them. Also, people complain about not being able to fit them into their existing gear. This should not be an issue, because custom made (or correctly proportioned) pouches are available, you just have to look for them. You spend how much on your gear, are you telling me that you can't spend the few bucks more to get the propper kit? I was able to get a P90 thigh pouch that will hold 3 spare mags, so I know they're the out there. I personally have yet to have a problem with my Hicap, so I can't tell you much about that, but I do know that people have trouble with them, but again, it's not a problem if you're a type A player, who uses locaps for realism (Actually more realistic than if you were to use locaps with an M4, because unlike M4 mags, 68rds is frighteningly close to the actual capacity of a P90 mag.)
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 10:31   #86
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The main problem with P90 mags are their hicaps. Their are a bitch to work with.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 13:58   #87
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Arrow TM AK47


This is absolutely 'thee' gun I recommend to anyone who does not know what they want. In my opinion, it is a great all around gun for affordability, reliability, accuracy, low maintenance, and effective range.

At around $450-$470 you get a solid out-of-the-box AEG. This gun is one of the most popular AEG models on the market next to its rival, the M4A1 (and its variants).

*NOTE* - I suggest purchasing any AEG ~NEW~ not used. Used AEGs are a risk and you may end up spending more money to fix the used AEG than you should.

First Gaming Impressions:
You do not need to rice up your AK with aftermarket parts/accessories. I like the original AK look compared to some other variants.
I'd say it is field ready and it is safer than to upgrade until you know you are willing to spend more money and risk having more problems down the road. Also it keeps you within CQB FPS limits if you choose to use this in indoor facilities that enforce an FPS limit.

It looks like a terrorist gun and it strikes fear in it's simple form. It is a bit weird at first when first shouldering the rifle and taking aim. The magazine reload also feels weird at first if you are used to the way Armalite magazines are inserted. After a couple skirmishes, you will soon get used to operating the Ak47 in a more comfortable and effective manner that is suitable to your playing style.

Upgrading cosmetically does come at a price if you want more unique AK models such as the dragonov sniper, but if you just want to make it more solid that it already is to add realism and weight, there are various manufactures that have released metal bodies, wood kits, and other misc accessories to suit your airsoft preference.

Do not be fooled. This AEG does have a solid feel when you grasp it. The weight will fatigue your arms if you are not used to carrying anything heavier than an MP5 around the field all day.


coming soon...

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Old May 18th, 2006, 22:24   #88
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Main problem with the P90 isnt the Hicaps. Although the mags are a pain to deal with Id say the hop up is the worst part of the gun. You have to split the gun in half to adjust the hop up. IMO this is a huge CON! If you want to fine tune the hop up you have to keep taking the gun apart to make the minor adjustments. If you change your bb weight during the game lol good luck trying to adjust it during the game.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 19:44   #89
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After reading what every body have to say …I still have to come back to my TM AK-47 out of the box. I got this gun from Tru three years ago, I compared this gun with my stock TM M-4 RIS and time and again I prefer my AK over the M-4 ( hope I am not offending the Armalite fans). Reliable and particle to use on the field, it can take a certain degrees of abuse. I have upgraded both guns since and ended up selling my M-4 a few months ago. Last Christmas I got another AK from another manufacturer, but this is another story for another time.
I would recommend the TM AK47 as a beginner’s gun to anybody who’s new to the sport and hours of enjoyments on the field without upgrades.
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Old June 5th, 2006, 11:11   #90
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Bumping this thread for Greylocks, as stated in the GBB thread, we will be gathering up all the answers and taking the best personal info that you good people have provided for your own experiences.

Any more info to add about any of your personal AEG's, speak now and it could be added to the final thread.

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