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Old May 16th, 2007, 10:39   #76
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Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 View Post
That seems like a Exclusive Clique dick thing to do, i mean if its friends wanting to do a game, or an old buddy get together and its private, than i dont see how its different than anything else, but if its like a standard thing to have this "join date prerequisite" all your doing is alienating potential players. Thats not fair to people who dont suck.
While Scarecrow make a good point, I don't think it was going to be limited to ASC membership only. There are a lot of good players that aren't on here (or at least anymore) and I'm sure word of mouth would've been past on. Or maybe I misunderstood what Jay was saying..?

But the thing is, back then the community was smaller - and locally, you would see the regulars at just about every airsoft game. Just about everyone got along, and a lot of us became friends over airsoft. The atmosphere back then was different, a lot of us seemed to have bonded a certain way. So that game we were going to have was really sort of a reunion type thing. And really, I consider all those people friends - even though not close friends (some), but friends nevertheless. I really don't think it was about "oh, I joined earlier than you so I can play - ha ha - in your face". There were (and are) a lot of great players that are new(er), and really, if the game had gone through, I don't think they would've been rejected. It was a ploy to get the "old regulars" out again for a day of gaming. It's not a regular thing that we do locally. There are still a number of older players out and about, they just don't show up as regulars like before.

There are a lot of new players in airsoft now and it's getting harder to get to know them, especially when they don't show up to games regularly. I try to meet the new players when at games, but I don't like talking much in person, so I'm usually pretty quiet. I let DeathSniper or Zeon do the talking.. lol They like to talk...

I had a guy (I think it was Havoc) say to me at a game recently, "OMG, you talk? I thought you didn't speak English... I never see you talking." LOL
My ASC UserID is 666. Oh, great...

Last edited by Phalanix; May 16th, 2007 at 10:49..
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Old May 16th, 2007, 15:21   #77
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AS out east most be really different then whats out west.

i rarely see any of the problems here in Alberta as you guys in ON i may have to attend a game out east to see if there are any differences.
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Old May 16th, 2007, 15:32   #78
It should almost be a fucking requirement for players to wear name tapes, at least in the safe zone, to bring some kind of accountability back. 5-6 years ago, if someone did someone stupid everyone knew who they were and what happened. These days, when someone does something dumb, doesn't call hits, or whatnot, it's always "Some guy. I don't know him".
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Old May 16th, 2007, 15:33   #79
Originally Posted by attack-beaver View Post
AS out east most be really different then whats out west.

i rarely see any of the problems here in Alberta as you guys in ON i may have to attend a game out east to see if there are any differences.

Sure dude, but I think we have a bigger player base out here. It's a numbers game; even at 1%, more players means more idiots.
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Old May 16th, 2007, 15:47   #80
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well i dunno honestly know how many people play airsoft in Alberta or Calgary im sure theres a larger player base out there.

but here in Calgary we have a large regular player base. i personally go under for the winter with and a job i stay under I'll go to a game here and there but not all the time summer is when i play every chance i get.

but i just want to see how AS is played out in ON and QUE to see if there is a difference.
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Old May 16th, 2007, 15:53   #81
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We used to have a mainstay of regulars at games... but recent years yeilded things differently. Before, I could name just about every face I see at games (other than that guy that looked like Kato) - I can't say the same now. *lol*
My ASC UserID is 666. Oh, great...
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Old May 27th, 2007, 15:53   #82
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I am 20, and a new player. Quite honestly, I find it ridiculous that there are so many issues with the "newbies". I mean cummon guys it's a game that requires honesty and fairness, much like any other sport/group hobby. I try to be as open and honest with myself and others as I can be. If you get hit, who cares. Call it, and get some water at your respawn. I don't understand why this bullshit macho "I am god's gift" attitude exists. Like in any other branch of activities, those who have this attitude never get very far.

As for Skruface's comment at the beginning of this thread, I sympothize with you. Finding things out for ourselves is what makes us informed, educated players. I'm just trying to say that in the end, it feels better for you, and probably everyone else if you stick it out and solve the problems yourself. That's not to say that a little guidance isn't appreciated, but don't be fooled into thinking that everyone is going to hand over a complete step by step guide to the sport/hobby.

So as for all the new guys reading this, please: try it yourself first, call your hits, and remember ... stay low and stay fast.
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Old May 27th, 2007, 16:17   #83
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Originally Posted by shadow_matter View Post
I am 20, and a new player. Quite honestly, I find it ridiculous that there are so many issues with the "newbies". I mean cummon guys it's a game that requires honesty and fairness, much like any other sport/group hobby. I try to be as open and honest with myself and others as I can be. If you get hit, who cares. Call it, and get some water at your respawn. I don't understand why this bullshit macho "I am god's gift" attitude exists. Like in any other branch of activities, those who have this attitude never get very far.

As for Skruface's comment at the beginning of this thread, I sympothize with you. Finding things out for ourselves is what makes us informed, educated players. I'm just trying to say that in the end, it feels better for you, and probably everyone else if you stick it out and solve the problems yourself. That's not to say that a little guidance isn't appreciated, but don't be fooled into thinking that everyone is going to hand over a complete step by step guide to the sport/hobby.

So as for all the new guys reading this, please: try it yourself first, call your hits, and remember ... stay low and stay fast.

I agree. If I came on here way back when I joined the sport, and asked a shit load of questions, I would have been "useless" at a team level and a player level. Granted I created this account to ask a simple question and to do things my self. And that simple question had no answer but from the experenced with it. (wiregages)

Hate to say it I miss graylocks. He was so mean and nasty and kept the idots that didnt do their homework at bay. Then let the nice responcible 15-18 year olds stay unharmed and almost protected those select individuals.
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Old May 27th, 2007, 16:50   #84
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Originally Posted by roughshadow View Post
Hate to say it I miss graylocks. He was so mean and nasty and kept the idots that didnt do their homework at bay. Then let the nice responcible 15-18 year olds stay unharmed and almost protected those select individuals.
At some point you have to draw the line between a constructive kick in the ass and someone just using this venue as a way to rage at people. At a certain point Greylock's posts were so predictable you didn't need Greylocks anymore... in fact, I don't believe in Greylocks, I think he was an ASC bot that went viral and infected the board... it would explain the omniprescence thing anyways.

Originally Posted by Phalanix View Post
While Scarecrow make a good point, I don't think it was going to be limited to ASC membership only. There are a lot of good players that aren't on here (or at least anymore) and I'm sure word of mouth would've been past on. Or maybe I misunderstood what Jay was saying..?
Oh okay. I thought you meant exactly what was posted and that was to use the membership system here as a game signup and restrictive mechanism, ie: you don't have an ASC account or your banned, you don't play. If thats not what was meant then I misunderstood.

The idea of having a central system for game hosting has always appealed to me, however, I think it would have to be independent of a dboard and its politics. I am not against banning certain kinds of people from games for unsanctioned behavior (far from it, witness the latest problem at one of our games that came out a week later), I just would want it to be based on unsafe or a violation of communally agreed to rules. OASA was an attempt to do that to some degree and it got support but I then gave up on it after a rather noobish incident with a bunch of noobs that torpedo'd a summer's worth of work for me - and yes, I am still very bitter about that one and I won't let it go no matter how much of a broken record I sound like.

However, Phalanix, if your goal is a reunion of sorts, hold just that. But you'd have to plan it plenty in advance and make it appealing enough for people who've gone lukewarm on the sport to want to come to it - part of the reason many are not around is simply that their interest has waned over time. Not much you can do about that. I often meet old players over beers totally outside of airsoft and we often enjoy a 'you remember when' moment, so for those who I really enjoyed the company of they are always a phone call away and I have yet to have someone tell me they're not interested in having a beer one afternoon.
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Old July 4th, 2007, 14:08   #85
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Originally Posted by HellRanger View Post
I don't know if I count, but I do my best here in Quebec.
Don't forget Bruce, Raven, Vondnik, the Salamander Boys, etc...

True I agree some best events I been to were hosted by the PQAC.

I'd like to see a big come back from that neck of the woods.

But like it's been said in many post above. Life, responsibilities, shifts in interests or priorities, health.
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Old July 4th, 2007, 20:28   #86
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What skruface posted at the beginning is the airsoft I wanted to get into (Still waitin gon my first AEG). I've researched the sport for more than three years now, often reading things twice and had a long hard though process as to which AEG to get. I still consider myself a noob (as I have yet to attend a game), but I'd hope it's not what skruface described in that post.

From the sounds of it, this new era of Airsoft has an attitude far too close to that of paintball (but when it's kids...well it's kind of obvious it'll be that way).
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Old July 5th, 2007, 01:38   #87
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Has ASC really moved that far from that? After all, the majority of people here are raised on the flaming ASC mentality and have ran the gauntlet themselves. The response mixture towards newbies still seem predominately DIY, though there's an equal or sometimes greater part of pseudoflame ("We're charging our flaaaaame"), with the more conciliatory replies coming in last.

The "retirement" of Greylocks has certainly changed that mix, though, due to the sheer volume he could generate directly ("Read the FAQ") and perhaps even more so, indirectly ("LoLz Grey's gonna get ya"). But I think we're still keeping our 70% annual quota.

As for the "Me first" mentality, I certainly don't believe that we're obligated to help out people who post first and read later and I'm not sure some of them believe it either (ie. they're just in over their head). I do believe that it'd be a good thing if we don't piss off people who can always just turn around and smear airsoft as a whole in Canada by using clearsoft irresponsibly. That, and I know there are the occasional salvagable person among the askers.


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Old July 5th, 2007, 10:41   #88
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Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 View Post
What about the oldest and most "experienced" of them all. Greylocks? Old news but hes claimed to be in this shit more than any of us.
Lulz.. If you think thats the case your sorely mistaken.

People's lives change and thier priorities change with them, but moreso Im not seeing a mass exodus from the sport just a little bit of the backing away from the interwebs side of the community.

Last edited by Rugger_can; July 5th, 2007 at 10:44..
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Old July 14th, 2007, 22:40   #89
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Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 View Post
What about the oldest and most "experienced" of them all. Greylocks? Old news but hes claimed to be in this shit more than any of us.

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Old July 17th, 2007, 21:07   #90
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Originally Posted by Agit-Prop View Post
holy shit tom posted
run to the fucking hills!
but anywho; I've got to admit. back when I played on WAR, you knew everyone that you were playing with. I went out last year, I think I knew what? six, maybe seven faces out of the thirty + guys that showed up? whenever I showed up to FR games that is. it personally takes alot for me to start talking to someone. I tend to get annoyed by stupid people very quickly.
as well; I've tended to notice this alot more over the last two years. when someone that has a join date earlier or a bit after mine generally says they're attending a game; they're actually going to fucking attend and not bail because of some bullshit that you should have very well known was going to occur WEEKS ahead of time.
now I know I"m not one to make very many games. in fact, this year alone I've probably played more games then I had in the two previous years combined. but when I do say I'm going to make it to a game, I will make it.
but anywho; all the guys that have serious legit posts in here have pretty much said everything and I feel no need to repeat.
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