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What IS the best AEG?


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Old June 5th, 2006, 14:36   #91
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Originally Posted by Slick
Main problem with the P90 isnt the Hicaps. Although the mags are a pain to deal with Id say the hop up is the worst part of the gun. You have to split the gun in half to adjust the hop up. IMO this is a huge CON! If you want to fine tune the hop up you have to keep taking the gun apart to make the minor adjustments. If you change your bb weight during the game lol good luck trying to adjust it during the game.

Uhh Slick, are you sure your thinking about the P90? There is a trap door inside of of the handgaurders that you slide open, giving you acess to the hop-up wheel. Its really as easy as the G36 to tune, if not easier, as you don't have to hold a cocking handle back.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old June 5th, 2006, 17:04   #92
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I think some people are wondering, so I'll make it clear. It was my idea to start this kind of thread for the purpose of getting a list of decent guns to get. Along with that, some hope of getting decent details (why, how, what works).
GBB, AEG, and soon Sniper guns.
Renegade HAS talked to me about continuing the project, he's not stealing the idea or ripping me off.

Threads like these are the proof we can get excellent information together. I just have other things that are taking major priority in my life right now.
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Old June 7th, 2006, 00:26   #93
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Q: would a tokyo marui ak47, or would a tokyo marui m4a1/m16a1 series be easier to modify? + would an ak or m16/m4 shoot better?
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Old June 7th, 2006, 06:16   #94
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Originally Posted by vicoll135
Q: would a tokyo marui ak47, or would a tokyo marui m4a1/m16a1 series be easier to modify? + would an ak or m16/m4 shoot better?
Post this in the Upgrades section, be specific about what you want to modify.
This thread is not for questions.
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Old June 13th, 2006, 14:29   #95
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i dont curently own a gun but i am going to make my first purchase a SYSTEMA M16a3 because i heard of barrel wobble and other issues with other guns like TM etc i hear that G&P is the next best thing to a Systema, correct me if im wrong. i am a beginner and i am going to make my first purchase something that im not going to have to worry about breaking or having to upgrade or waste even more money later on. $2000 is not alot to save up. i am an average working bloke like any other guy on here and its just a matter of putting aside a bit of money every time you make some money. i am close to achieving my goal of having $2000 put aside for a Systema gun and it has taken me litle over 6 months to save that much. i say in less than 3 months i will have enough for the gun a couple extra mags and maybe even enough for the upgrade piston or whatever that part is that is easy to swap out.
however if i could find a Sig 550 i would get that immediately (solely for its look) i dont rally like the 552 because it is small and i am a fan of large guns like M16s and 550's
i dont know if this is off topic (give me shit if it is) but i thought id put my 2 bits in even though i am new to airsoft
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Old June 13th, 2006, 17:09   #96
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The topic requires that you talk about a gun you OWN, not what you read about. Read the first post again.
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Old July 28th, 2006, 16:33   #97
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Having owned a P90 for two years and having absolutly no problems i would have to say it is a very solid gun.

-No creeks.
-It has a tight grip for fast targeting.
-Only gun i can shot and kill with while running.
-It has three rails for many different scopes, lasers and flashlights.
-The gearbox runs very cost effective on a battery (i have never drained the 600Mah 8.4v battery even after full days of playing)
-The sights on mine were accurate.
-With good hop up adjustment the gun shoots far and groops ok but still not as good as longer barreled guns.
- The gearbox is strong (Some one told me he tested it to withstand a 500fps spring) and very easy to get to, all you have to do is unscrew the motor plate and its free to pull out.
- Its inner barrel is incredably easy to remove, but its too bad they dont sell spare hop ups for the gun other wise i would have two barrels to switch out in a snap


-The gun is not long enough for large people
- hi-caps will break within a year or sooner i have lost two :*(
-The screw wholes for the motor plate fall off easy.
-Almost all of the external build of the gun is Abs plastic.
-Small battery

Things i would recomend.

-If you spray alot you should get a box magazine because it will alow you to use a 9.6v 3000mah battery, it holds 1500 rounds, and it uses a reliable m16,m4 magazine. It might also be able to use low cap magazines however i have never tried to.
- A red dot scope is a good thing to have becuase its hard to aim down the barrel of this gun considering it does not have one.
- Also be smart and sell the silencer it comes with and put the money to an m100 spring and bushings. My guns currently has an m100 spring and bushings and has made me alot more happy becaused of it.

-Bottum line.

Its a great gun for indoor combat because its a bulpup.It comes with an EG1000 which is a plus , Its grip is new and effective, its light wieght, hi rate of fire, and above all it is relaible.
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Old August 6th, 2006, 12:08   #98
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I'm new to this site but here's my 2 cents

Between my 2 brothers and I, we own 17 guns:
(these are all TM)
the rest are hands guns and 2 sniper rifles

From collecting these guns and playing around with them for god knows how long now. TM guns are great for any beginners. However i have to say, don't bother with the FA-MAS, it lacks in upgradeablity and hard to find parts for it. For guns that i recomded

- a great gun for CQB
- pretty good rate of fire
- you can get a box magazine coversion for it so you can use M16 mags (it's awsome my little brother just got it this summer) it also comes with a large battery bag taht you can place where the regular mag will sit.

- very very solid gun, no wobble
- good range and accuracy probably better then the M4's I own
- version 3 gear box is good, also don't have to worry about setting the motor if you do change the grips.
- loads and loads of stuff to upgrade it.

- the m-14 is great, very solid, but really really heavy
- has a very very good range.. probably has the best range for any TM guns stock.
- lots of parts coming out for the gun for upgrade.

Also i would like to mention that the G36c is another good gun for a beginner.. you can easily get a CA front hand guard for it to accomadate a large battery. It also has the same gear box as the AK.

Now for the armelites, i'm not saying they are bad.. i personally like them alot, but for this thread, i would highly recomded the ones i suggested especitially the AK-47 just because it's so solid and it's not such hard work to carry around like the M-14.

I hope this helps someone decide which gun to get for a first. Now for me, my next gun with be a G&P CQB-R, hope i don't have to wait too long to get one.

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Old August 25th, 2006, 01:28   #99
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Hey, guys seem to treat their AEG like GF's. Whatever they are banging away at now, is their favorite. Well, I as many know, have an upgraded P90 with a big battery and a 1200 rd box mag. This (she) is my ""pri Mary". I have spanked alooot of opfor with it and put the fear of god into many a player with her. The P90 my "first AEG" I bought it stock and upgraded as I deemed nessecary. I've bounced a couple M4's and an Mp5- K but, to quote my redneck corn-fed cuzns in the South. " You'll have to pry Mary from my cold dead fingers. My P 90 is staying in my arsenal.

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Old August 25th, 2006, 01:43   #100
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lol... sorry army I seriously did not understand what you just wrote there... besides the ending... lol....

Best AEG:

Custom built Blackwater
CA M15a4 CQB

Crap AEG:

Not good experience with my ICS... but I still love it haha...
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Old August 25th, 2006, 02:15   #101
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I never even noticed this thread before... I think it's a little nuts going through all kinds of unqualified opinions (liking a gun isn't enough to make it good) to pull out the few that are really worthwhile (and actually based on real technical knowledge).

I like Droc's giant pro con list on page 1... for the TMs it's pretty accurate actually. With the store I'm starting to answer alot of these basic questions over and over... maybe it's time to compile a nice clean pro con list for as many models as possible...
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Old August 25th, 2006, 06:12   #102
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Remember that the original request was to comment on guns you actually own. Not unqualified opinions. It was also geared towards finding a 'best' model.

As such, this thread has worked well.

A complete Pro/Con list for each model would be great, but would take lots of time. For consistency, it has to be done by no more than two people who will coordinate and would really KNOW what they are talking about. That's hard to find.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 15:06   #103
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well you could always ask for people who on the guns and ask what they think are pros and cons and just take the ones that popped up the most.

like in my case the SG1
large battery
good platform for snipers, SAW's and assults rifles
long inner barrel

crecky plastic
its to long for CQB (still use it anyway)
V2 mech box
metal bodies are hard to come by
bi-pod is not that good
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Old August 25th, 2006, 17:28   #104
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
maybe it's time to compile a nice clean pro con list for as many models as possible...
JOC has something like that, the Airsoft database
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If I had a buck everytime someone wanted to save a buck when it came to airsoft, I would have enough money to buy a really fancy bat I could hit them with everytime they asked something stupid
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Old August 27th, 2006, 00:31   #105
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A question what would be a better choice?
AK-74M or a MP5 SD 5 or 6 i cant choose and its driving me insane!
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