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Could someone please explain these upgrades for me?


Newbie Tank

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Old July 28th, 2009, 22:09   #16
Join Date: Jul 2009
So can someone please check out the mach1 gun i have linked to?

I just got a reply from saying their guns are straiight from G&G not CAS. I have read reviews for shootsoft and they are generally alright. Can someone confirm this?
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Old July 28th, 2009, 22:20   #17
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Get age verified first. It's really a much better option.

I checked the link...and it doesn't specify what the receiver body material is.

There is however a big freaking red banner with white writing that says,
"*** All Models sold in Canada come standard with high-grade clear plastic receiver ***"

Despite that though...there are a lot of dark tinted receivers out there...and I know Mach1 sells them.

Why don't you PM Shinobii (Emilio) himself...and ask him specifically?

(hint...I can tell you right now that he doesn't import ANYTHING that won't come in legally)
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Old July 28th, 2009, 22:46   #18
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Yup, says right on the top right column under the picture ""high-grade clear plastic receiver". Suprised you didn't see that yourself. I'll go so far as to say, you will not find a full metal AEG available from a retailer in Canada. Get AV'd and an entire new world opens up for you. There are retailers here that can get them, but they do not advertise elsewhere. Plus there's lots of package deals in the classifieds that will smoke the crap out of what most online retailers offer when you compare what you get with what is available outside the classifieds. Package deals can come with batteries, mags and/or optics, even more in some cases. All for about what you might pay for a new full metal high end AEG.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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Old July 28th, 2009, 23:17   #19
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Why can't people just make the effort to get age verified? It took me 3 weeks to get it done and I had to be PROACTIVE in contacting and meeting up with the age verifier, by going to his WORK to meet up with him. I thanked him for his time and was granted access to the classifieds almost exactly a day later and I've been seeing and finding many good deals on guns and accessories in the buy/sell section. Age verifiers are doing this out of their own time with no real rewards, other than helping out the community in gaining more mature players, so you really have to be the one that is taking charge in getting this done.

If you are over 18, just make an effort to get AV'ed - that's the LEAST you can do in joining this board and getting lots of help in modding your gun or buying your first gun. You will find that people are generally more helpful and will offer better and more detailed advices to those that have been AV'ed.

Get AV'ed! You won't regret it.
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Old July 28th, 2009, 23:37   #20
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Originally Posted by Bonjour43ma View Post
Why can't people just make the effort to get age verified? It took me 3 weeks to get it done and I had to be PROACTIVE in contacting and meeting up with the age verifier, by going to his WORK to meet up with him. I thanked him for his time and was granted access to the classifieds almost exactly a day later and I've been seeing and finding many good deals on guns and accessories in the buy/sell section. Age verifiers are doing this out of their own time with no real rewards, other than helping out the community in gaining more mature players, so you really have to be the one that is taking charge in getting this done.

If you are over 18, just make an effort to get AV'ed - that's the LEAST you can do in joining this board and getting lots of help in modding your gun or buying your first gun. You will find that people are generally more helpful and will offer better and more detailed advices to those that have been AV'ed.

Get AV'ed! You won't regret it.
because they want the gun NOW not next week, sarite tho, once they get AV'd their shit goes up in the classifieds right quick and for cheap too
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Old July 28th, 2009, 23:45   #21
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With all do respect. all your questions can be answered if you look through the threads or simple look on google. The easy thing to do if your 18 is to get Age Verified. There are some very good threads on the form ASC you simple just need to take a look.
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Old July 29th, 2009, 00:04   #22
Join Date: Jul 2009
Oh i am so sorry...
I swear this morning it said magnesium metal or something along those lines.
Thats why i started this topic... oh well problem solved not touching that haha

Oh ya.. and does this mean the entire reciever is clear plastic? or just the lower?

Last edited by xopher; July 29th, 2009 at 00:07..
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Old July 29th, 2009, 00:07   #23
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Yup, some ppl are so hungry for a gun, they just want to purchase one right now without waiting. Watch them regret it after doing a bit more research. Ive spent hours and hours doing research not only on ASC, but on other sites too.

You know what? I dont understand how some ppl dont want to get AV'd. If you really have passion and want to participate in this sport, I would go miles just to get AV'd. The lack of effort to get AV'd just tells me how much value beginners place in this sport, and this of course, will affect how much assistance is provided to them from the community.

Originally Posted by xopher View Post
So can someone please check out the mach1 gun i have linked to?

I just got a reply from saying their guns are straiight from G&G not CAS. I have read reviews for shootsoft and they are generally alright. Can someone confirm this?
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
because they want the gun NOW not next week, sarite tho, once they get AV'd their shit goes up in the classifieds right quick and for cheap too
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