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Who got you into airsoft, Who put you onto ASC



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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:19   #16
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Markham
I HATED bb guns before. (Because I never saw the good stuff and only the clear plastic guns) I've been shooting pellet pistols and rifles for a long time. Anywear brought me along and I saw his cousin's M4, Scar and Tm hicapas and I was like, WTF?!?! There are all these realistic guns and I never knew about it?!?!?!

I signed up here cuz of the classified ads!
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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:19   #17
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Bad Google search (to this day I can't remember what the fuck I was searching for that led me to this money pit of a sport).

I landed on a page with an MP5 airsoft rifle. I started Googling around and got linked to ASC. I joined here, and MadMorbius invited me out to the last noob day at The Plantation (that turned into Operation Milf)

Also the same day I met Artreyu.

But that was thousands of dollars ago.......
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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:29   #18
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I always enjoyed army stuff and all. I wanted to get into paintball, but I never had the money to get in it seriously, I ended up playin only a few times at the local paintball place. then I learned about airsoft, and wanted to get into it since then. I didn't knew anybody that played it.

Years later, which is a couple months ago, a guy at my job told me he wanted to get in it as well. So I bought my stuff, he didn't. I still don't have everything, the equipment is building slowly. I have a AEG, a pistol, some BBs, a charger, a tactical vest. I still have to get a couple BDUs, sling, radio, boots, googles, a holster and a couple more mags. I don't know if the other guy will ever get into it or not
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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:31   #19
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I can't remember why or what made me do it, but I started Googling airsoft guns, then "buy airsoft guns canada".... which of course led me to . Picked up a Lycaon, quickly sold it, bought an ICS MP5SD6.

Just as quickly realized that there were no local suppliers of BBs and parts in my area. Hit up BB Bastard, made a big order. Hit up Ebaybanned, made a group order....

And the rest is history!

Founder of Capital Airsoft in Edmonton

Out of the Game 04/22/16
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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:06   #20
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I'm very new to the scene. My son was asking for an airsoft gun for Christmas so I started researching online and got hooked. As a gun owner and son of a WWII vet, I do have a military interest and although I enjoy paintball, this looks infinitely more fun.

Now I find myself spending money like a drunken sailor totally pumped about getting involved.

ASC comes up in every search relating to Airsoft in Canada so I joined and have been reading ever since.


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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:06   #21
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I suffered a hip injury ridding motocross around 2003.
Needless to say I spent lots of playing PC games during my recovery.
Back then I was mostly playing Rainbow Six Raven-Shield.
I was big into squad based multiplayer gaming & matching.

My clan MTX climbed the ranks of the TWL (gamming league) to 1st place 4 vs 4 once or twice.
We dominated the 3 vs 3 pistol league.

One day during a random online game somebody was chatting about airsoft on the game.
It instantly arose my curiosity and instantly began searching the web for information.

Got some springer from Canadian vendor.
Then got a sweet deal from some random person on e-bay for a very lightly used TMAK-47 full stock. (summer 2004)

Got into the PQAC games…. And so on and so forth… drag so many of my friends into the sport.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:10   #22
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Looking for model gun props, bam, ASC.
Winner - TAC11 Impression Contest - Best Historical Loadout - N. Co. Ranger LRRP Vietnam 1969.
Niagara Region Age Verifier.

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I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:24   #23
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airsoft found me

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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:31   #24
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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I invented airsoft...

actually I was looking at random things on ebay, and I saw some real looking guns, then I used the google and found out about asc etc.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:39   #25
aka Maleficent
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After hearing about how much fun it was from Blackthorne, I finally decided that I wanted to see the Muskoka field and what it was about. Scarecrow (aka BB Bastard) lent me a gun and some kit. My first game was a night game on the May 24 weekend at Muskoka Primary when I was paired up with the Black Bear team to be their scout since I helped tape off the field for WP's previous UN game. Was hooked ever since...but how could you not be after running the field with WP and Black Bear...couldn't ask for a better introduction.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:42   #26
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Nearly a decade ago in an effort for Aquamarine and myself to expand the topics of discussions and our friendship past the common interested in sex toys and adult novelties, I elected to to discuss his interests in Japan which lead to learning about airsoft. Eventually discussions debilitated into situations on how to incorporate sex toys and airsoft, which many of you to this date have seen documented in either hilarious videos or photos.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:42   #27
a.k.a. Egria
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As I recall, my brother saw me playing with a crappy 1911 springer and he said that when he was younger he wanted to play airsoft. He showed me what the hell airsoft was and I was like cool. So we went to pmall and we saw some people selling airsoft guns and that's when we both bought our first AEGs. I can't remember if he turned me to ASC or not.


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Old February 12th, 2010, 13:57   #28
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I was with Ronan in the Special Forces back in 95 and everybody in there was saying how airsoft was the shit and how it was more exciting than Special Operations so we made the change
at first Ronan was disappointed because of the lack of close combat and bare-hand killing and maiming.

And then T7 invented tactical lingerie.

Last edited by Jimski; February 12th, 2010 at 13:59..
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Old February 12th, 2010, 14:01   #29
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My buddy was one of those dudes that had a friend that had "private property to play on" and invited me out to some games. I never went, but thats what sparked my interest in airsoft. Plus I was looking for something more realistic than paintball. That got me researching on the interwebs, and I found ASC.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 14:14   #30
Likes it BOLD attention whore MAXIMUS!
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I have had an affinity for guns of all shapes and sizes since I was a little boy, but when an australian co worker buddy of mine at showed me a picture of an airsoft Assault Rifle in 2006, I instantly fell in love, started hardcore chairsofting thanks to DoubleEdge Airsoft, Anderson Airsoft, Specarms ...

Then in the summer of 2008 Jackster officially introduced me to my first all out game at DOW's last game at Rawdon.
Been active in the montreal area and some ottawa games since...

As for ASC, Jakster told me go on and register, Testube got me AVd at my first game, and Illusion got my all my $$$$

I just got CAPS certified in T.O a few months of the first montrealers to do so....

I have met some really cool people in this community and continue to do so with each game, event or even private sale...

After all this I'm about 15 grand lighter...

Looking forward to 2010.

Last edited by Invasian; February 12th, 2010 at 14:27..
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