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Old May 10th, 2010, 18:52   #76
Join Date: May 2010
Where to acquire an MP44?

[QUOTE=memel;980925]Post up some pics of your beauties!!

Here's mine shortly after getting it.


I have only become interested in Airsoft when I discovered that the MP44 was available. Using internet search I was able to find several US retailers all unwilling to ship to Canada (thank you CBSA!), but no Canadian retailers.

As you have one, your own search process has been much more thorough than my own. Could you direct me to a Canadian retailer?


Brian Amiralt
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Old May 10th, 2010, 20:46   #77
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Originally Posted by memel View Post
Post up some pics of your beauties!!

Here's mine shortly after getting it.


I have only become interested in Airsoft when I discovered that the MP44 was available. Using internet search I was able to find several US retailers all unwilling to ship to Canada (thank you CBSA!), but no Canadian retailers.

As you have one, your own search process has been much more thorough than my own. Could you direct me to a Canadian retailer?


Brian Amiralt
Hey Brian,

If memory serves me correct, I got mine from a private seller in the ASC buy/sell. I'm also out of the loop as to whats available from Cdn retailers. Sorry, not much of a help.

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Old May 11th, 2010, 09:36   #78
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Get Age Verified. After that you can check out the ASC retailers.

STG-44's are being sold by a retailer.

That's where I got mine.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 20:22   #79
Andrew H
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Originally Posted by memel View Post
Post up some pics of your beauties!!

Here's mine shortly after getting it.


I have only become interested in Airsoft when I discovered that the MP44 was available. Using internet search I was able to find several US retailers all unwilling to ship to Canada (thank you CBSA!), but no Canadian retailers.

As you have one, your own search process has been much more thorough than my own. Could you direct me to a Canadian retailer?


Brian Amiralt
I also only became interested in airsoft when I discovered I could get an MP44. What's that make us......a couple of weirdos or what?

Here's where I got mine:

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Old May 13th, 2010, 22:38   #80
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[quote=Andrew H;1233957]
Originally Posted by amiraults View Post

I also only became interested in airsoft when I discovered I could get an MP44. What's that make us......a couple of weirdos or what?

Here's where I got mine:

Actually I suppose it make us 'or whats'. I am decades past the age of majority, but have had an abiding interest in this particular weapon since a lad consuming all the texts I could find on WWII German military. This led me to a few years associated with the Canadian military (armor) before moving on to other pursuits. Now semi retired, I am in a position to indulge the odd whim and this is one of them.

As posts made to me and by me recently have been removed, I suspect that I am expected to make no detailed mention of how my efforts have gone. I will say that a site referred to me here by 'leecas' has proven able to supply me with an example, and I have been emailed that this has now been shipped and I am awaiting delivery by Canada Post.

As the supplier does not have biodegradable BBs in stock I will again ask the experts here while I have your attention.

Can you recommend a better brand of B-D BBs that will perform to expectation while not contributing to a failure of the MP44?

Can you recommend a Canadian mail order supplier; or better yet a brick and mortar store in the Ottawa area?

I am considering the use of .25 weight BBs. Given the performance characteristics of the MP44, is this an appropriate weight for the optimum balance of accuracy/distance, or would a different weight offer a better balance?


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Old May 13th, 2010, 22:46   #81
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IMO, I would avoid Bio BB's.

BB Bastard is one of the best brands out there that many swear by.
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Old May 13th, 2010, 23:08   #82
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While I am not at all familiar with brick and motor stores in the Ottawa area selling bio bb's I can say that they are easily available on the web.

From what I understand it doesn't sound as if you'll be gaming with your STG-44. My hunch is you're just going to plink. The big issue with bio bb's is their ballistic properties. Some players game with mesh airsoft masks at certain fields. Bio bb's can shatter on contact with these mesh googles causing possible eye damage.

Bio bb's should be fine to use with your STG-44. This AEG shoots >400 fps and < 450 fps with .20 g bb's out of the box. The stock hop up is nothing special and consideration should betaken to replace it. Try using both .25's and .28's. Maybe even .30's. I have used both .25's and .28's and was pleased with the results.

When you receive your STG-44 you may be disappointed about the colour and appearance of the wooden stock. The stock can be wobbly but that is easily fixed. You'll also see a body pin close to the magwell that is very loose and can easily fall out and be lost. Lastly, there 's good chance that the selector will not go to "safe" which is also fixable. Lastly, do not drop this AEG on concrete. It's made of some shoddy metal.

You got to love the workmanship chinese guns.

If you ever get a lead on mid cap or low cap magazines for the STG-44 you must post in this thread!


Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.
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Old May 14th, 2010, 08:46   #83
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post

From what I understand it doesn't sound as if you'll be gaming with your STG-44. My hunch is you're just going to plink.

I have used both .25's and .28's and was pleased with the results.

When you receive your STG-44 you may be disappointed about the colour and appearance of the wooden stock. The stock can be wobbly but that is easily fixed. You'll also see a body pin close to the magwell that is very loose and can easily fall out and be lost. Lastly, there 's good chance that the selector will not go to "safe" which is also fixable. Lastly, do not drop this AEG on concrete. It's made of some shoddy metal.

Mike and all:

Plink. Not a work I commonly use, but it is an accurate description of my intentions. Bio BBs are the way I need to go as I don't want the detritus from my plinking to remain on the lawns. Thus I will have to eat any performance penalty involved. Life is an ongoing compromise. I will search out .28 weight Bios as a start.

As to the condition I can expect the piece to be in on arrival; thank you for the heads up. I am already disappointed with the stock colour, but as I dabble in woodworking I already have a collection of wood stains and the intention to alter the appearance of the stock for the better. I know that this will be a satisfying project as posters have already pictured remarkable results.

My assumption is that the wobble in the stock can be eliminated either by the tightening of existing screws or their replacement. I am more concerned with the pin "that is very loose and can easily fall out and be lost". Is there a solution to this?

I have minor mechanical ability, so if there is a selector problem, I expect that this can be corrected by stripping the action and correcting whatever si preventing smooth movement of the switch.

Don't drop it? Actually a better tip than one might imagine. Having spent years using military weapons I know from experience that dropping one on a parade square is more damaging to the operator than to the weapon. I needed to be reminded that the build quality is deficient.


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Old May 14th, 2010, 15:16   #84
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Originally Posted by amiraults View Post
As posts made to me and by me recently have been removed, I suspect that I am expected to make no detailed mention of how my efforts have gone. I will say that a site referred to me here by 'leecas' has proven able to supply me with an example, and I have been emailed that this has now been shipped and I am awaiting delivery by Canada Post.
Hey just noticed that my post was removed. First time I have ever been censored. If I broke a rule it would be nice if a Mod would let me know so that I don't do that again.

Brian, let know how the transaction went so I can note it on the Ontario Airsoft WWII Re-enactor's web site.
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Old May 17th, 2010, 18:10   #85
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Brian, let know how the transaction went so I can note it on the Ontario Airsoft WWII Re-enactor's web site.[/QUOTE]


I have sent yo a message directly in response to this request. please confirm when received.

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Old June 12th, 2010, 10:04   #86
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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has anybody tried fitting a madbull hopup chamber in one of these? the stock hopup sucks, becomes unadjusted in like 20 shots

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 10:29   #87
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I haven't gotten mine yet. But what kind of a muzzle nut does the AGM version have? Is it like the thompson where it can be popped off or is it a permanent one? Just wondering before I order. There's a new company now making parts for the STG and gun parts in general and I finally found some stg muzzle nuts:
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 15:19   #88
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regarding BioBBs, BBbastard produce the only good quality Bio BB (available in 0.25g and 0.28g) - they have been tested by an independent ASC member for accuracy and consistency - They are equivalent to regular BB bastard as long as they are sealed in an airtight bag (they decompose in the presence of water and CO2) during storage.

I tried them and did my own testing (I can supply my experimental protocol and my statistical analysis to anyone interested) . My conclusion were that a statistically significant decrease in accuracy (full auto burst shot and semi auto shot grouping at 30, 40 and 50 yards became less consistent by about 10% ) was observed only after 24H spend in a loaded magazine.

Last edited by BoGrain; October 2nd, 2010 at 15:28..
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 15:49   #89
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Originally Posted by timberwolf61 View Post
I haven't gotten mine yet. But what kind of a muzzle nut does the AGM version have? Is it like the thompson where it can be popped off or is it a permanent one? Just wondering before I order. There's a new company now making parts for the STG and gun parts in general and I finally found some stg muzzle nuts:
Mine was an orange plastic nut. Screwed on, left-end thread.

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Old October 4th, 2010, 00:44   #90
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mine was a crappy orange plastic POS that is actually off a MP40, not the MP44. The one on the aurora site looks like the real MP44 nut(the STG44 didnt have this peice). Gonna hafta order one and see if it fits.
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