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Magazine seating/Mag loose


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Old October 15th, 2010, 14:55   #1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: FL, USA
Magazine seating/Mag loose

I apologize in advance because I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I can't find any information on it using search.

My aeg has an issue where when the mags are loaded into the lower receiver there is a lot of movement causing the mag not to seat properly. This in turn causes several missfires. I've been told to use felt on the mags to eliminate play in the mag well and I have even tried taping the inner part of the mag well keeping the mag snuggly inside the rifle. This works for the most part, but makes it so snug it causes the some damage to mags when removed and also makes reloading a pain in the butt. It's only a temporary fix as well so I need somthing more long term. I know a lot of people will say replace the rifle with somthing better, but its perfectly good when its cycling bb's so no I wont. Does anyone have a real solution? Or is there a superior magazine that eliminates this issue. Any help is appreciated!
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Old October 15th, 2010, 14:59   #2
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What kind of magazines are you using? Try a different brand, as they all have very minute differences in size, which can make a difference. Also, what brand is the gun?
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Old October 15th, 2010, 15:06   #3
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Put a small piece of the loop material from velcro in the mag well. It will keep the mag snug without damaging it. I've seen lots of guys do this with good results.
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Old October 15th, 2010, 16:24   #4
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It's a DBOYS M4 RIS with a DBOYs magazine and an aftermarket magazine (unknown brand) sent to me as a replacement by I have tried JG mags with success, but only fired a few shots through them and didn't have enough data to form a conclusive test result. If magazines truely can make all of the difference what is the best brand to purchase? I just don't want to spend money on extra mags if the problem is truely the rifle itself. Ill also try to soft side of the hook and loop to see if it helps. Thanks guys.
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Old October 15th, 2010, 16:31   #5
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
Put a small piece of the loop material from velcro in the mag well. It will keep the mag snug without damaging it. I've seen lots of guys do this with good results.
+1 on this, I have done it and it works great
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Old October 15th, 2010, 16:57   #6
Frozen Tex
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I use pieces of sticky-backed felt, like you put on the bottom of couch or table legs on a hardwood floor. trim the sides off a round piece so it sits at the back of the magwell, near the bottom. and shave off about 1/3 to half of the felt to find the "sweet spot" thickness that holds the mags in place without getting them stuck.

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Old October 15th, 2010, 18:39   #7
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Is this a winding magazine or a low or high cap?

Sometimes if the mag hangs too low the feed tube won't hit the button and release the BBs. You'll get the first hit from when you slam in it but nothing more unless you tap it up again.

For this you just need to trim a bit off the catch so it feeds when it's hung it the lowest point.

Highcaps will avoid this because they'll force the ammo up, but no one here wants to encourage you to use those.
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Old October 15th, 2010, 21:10   #8
aka GhillieSnipes
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All of my mags are the same. I have 3 G&G mid caps, 4 king arms mid caps, a d-boys hi-cap, and a G&G hi-cap, and I wrapped enough Hockey tape to go around the mag about half an inch from the top. I did the same with electrical tape around some and the all work perfectly.
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