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the "I ACTUALLY own a PTW and CTW" discussion


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Old December 11th, 2010, 18:32   #1
rustysniper's Avatar
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the "I ACTUALLY own a PTW and CTW" discussion

Anyway, as the title states I DO own a CTW and PTW so I thought I would sound off and say that contrary to what the PTW crowd would have you believe the CTWs are not half bad. The only issues I have had with the CTW have been user "issues" and not gun issues. LOL...I fell full weight on my CTW and broke the tail of the lower receiver off. My guess is I would have broken a PTW lower as well....but that is only speculation.

Anyway...the newest version of the CTW(MX2) I will put on par with the PTWs...but for half the price. Now I will quantify things a bit......the CTW furniture is a little lower quality.....and the receiver may be of slightly higher alloy content then a PTW. The outer barrel is definitely lighter then the PTW. But...I put everything else on par with the PTWs at half the price. And...for the average user who is considering something a step up from an AEG and can't spring for a PTW...then the CTW may be a reasonable solution.

This is my subjective opinion only. But..keep in mind that I actually OWN 2 CTWs as well as a PTW or 2... doubt that a CTW is NOT a PTW......but I believe they are good value with many of the same features and benefits of a PTW. all of the CTW bashers out there...until you actually own one or have had the opportunity to use one extensively...then maybe consider the words of one who has.....

Just my 2 cents worth.....
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Last edited by rustysniper; December 11th, 2010 at 20:21..
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Old December 11th, 2010, 18:55   #2
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I think it is fair to say that I have worked on more PTWs than anyone in Canada, bar none. I have modified, repaired and upgraded pretty much everything that it is possible to do to them. I have never seen a CTW, but if I had one on my bench, I could tell you right away what is going to be different/better/worse between the two.

The real issue is compatibility. The PTW had virtually no aftermarket parts for it 3 years ago. Now, you can replace all externals, and many internals as well. Parts meant for the PTW need to be comaptible with the CTW, otherwise, it is a waste of time and money as mechanical components (and electrical ones too) can and will fail for a variety of reasons.

Now, there are quite a few guys out there with both guns (not in Canada though), and the geberal consensus has been that the CTW is a step up from a G&G or ICS or Marui, but it is still not on par with the PTW.
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Old December 11th, 2010, 20:00   #3
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And if you read my statements...>I did not suggest that the CTW is an equal as a PTW....
But you are wrong in one regard....any parts that are out there for a PTW fit a CTW.. could you say what is better/worse etc if you have never seen one. I have seen both and I pointed out what was different. for can you comment when you have never even seen one. Big surprise that the PTW forums bash CTW's.

And FYI....I built a hybrid PTW CTW to the extent that I mixed and matched gearbox and ECU parts.....ran flawlessly...............

So much like years ago when Marui was the not so...the clones have caught up and surpassed to for the most part.

PTW's are still King no doubt....but CTW's are a poor man's alternative.
Anyway one is doubting you are King of the PTW's.....but why comment on things you have no DIRECT experience with? I would NEVER doubt ANYTHING you had to say on PTWs and I go on record as saying I have sought your expertise on the But it seems anything you might have to say on CTWs is speculation to say the least......correct?
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Last edited by rustysniper; December 11th, 2010 at 20:22..
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Old December 11th, 2010, 22:35   #4
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Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
And if you read my statements...>I did not suggest that the CTW is an equal as a PTW....
But you are wrong in one regard....any parts that are out there for a PTW fit a CTW..
The first batch of CTWs used a clone of the Gen 3 electronics and were released fully 2 years after the PTW came out in Gen 4. The parts were not compatible, this is not really even disputable.

Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post could you say what is better/worse etc if you have never seen one. I have seen both and I pointed out what was different. for can you comment when you have never even seen one. Big surprise that the PTW forums bash CTW's.
Like I said, I have never seen one, but put one on my bench and I'll tell you in five minutes. Try reading my post again.

Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
And FYI....I built a hybrid PTW CTW to the extent that I mixed and matched gearbox and ECU parts.....ran flawlessly...............
The real question is for how long, and what are the performance changes bewteen components. I can tell you everything I've seen in a PTW, and I can tell by the sound and the feel how it is going to perform, and by the performance what is lacking and how to correct it. You build enough of them, you have enough of them cross your bench with shit done by every kind of yahoo, you get the idea.

Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
So much like years ago when Marui was the not so...the clones have caught up and surpassed to for the most part.
But it took a few years and alot of clones of a common item. The PTW has only one clone, and neither are common.

Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
PTW's are still King no doubt....but CTW's are a poor man's alternative.
Anyway one is doubting you are King of the PTW's.....but why comment on things you have no DIRECT experience with? I would NEVER doubt ANYTHING you had to say on PTWs and I go on record as saying I have sought your expertise on the But it seems anything you might have to say on CTWs is speculation to say the least......correct?
For the most part, yes. However, I have consulted with the best PTW guys in the world, many times on may things, and I'll defer to their word. Put your CTW on my bench if you want to know the ultimate comparison.

I still have that motor for you.
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Old December 11th, 2010, 23:03   #5
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OK...I gotta say what is really on my mind. It is like the PTW thing is some sort of exclusive club or prestige thing. ALl I know is that for less then half the price I got a CTW which performed EVERY BIT as GOOD as a PTW which I owned.

So...for all of the NAY saying from the PTW set for most of whom has NEVER even seen a just baffles me why all of the negative poop? So Airsoft this is
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Old December 11th, 2010, 23:16   #6
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where did u get a CTW? All i see are PTW's around here.
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Old December 11th, 2010, 23:27   #7
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well...I have legally imported a few for my own use....
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Old December 11th, 2010, 23:33   #8
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Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
well...I have legally imported a few for my own use....
lol nice. How is the compatibility between the CTW and PTW? I've thought of the CTW before but hearing some hearing some bad things about them made me want to save up instead for a PTW but... is a PTW worth that amount? Will a CTW fill my needs for a PTW?

Last edited by spartan117; December 11th, 2010 at 23:37..
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Old December 12th, 2010, 00:16   #9
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IMO..yes...for the average airsofter they are a great deal.....
no disappointments on my end
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Old December 13th, 2010, 23:41   #10
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Whereabouts do you go to legally import these CTWs for personal use?

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Old December 13th, 2010, 23:45   #11
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
Whereabouts do you go to legally import these CTWs for personal use?
Get a retailer to do it, or you can legally imported yourself. CTW is not hard to meet the definition of Uncontrolled Firearms. The age of AEG is going to start dying as GBBR are so easy to meet that kinetic energy requirement while PTW system w/ M150 is basically a importable since long time ago.
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Old December 13th, 2010, 23:53   #12
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Get a retailer to do it, or you can legally imported yourself. CTW is not hard to meet the definition of Uncontrolled Firearms. The age of AEG is going to start dying as GBBR are so easy to meet that kinetic energy requirement while PTW system w/ M150 is basically a importable since long time ago.
How would you go about importing a ptw yourself?
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Old December 13th, 2010, 23:56   #13
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Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
OK...I gotta say what is really on my mind. It is like the PTW thing is some sort of exclusive club or prestige thing. ALl I know is that for less then half the price I got a CTW which performed EVERY BIT as GOOD as a PTW which I owned.

So...for all of the NAY saying from the PTW set for most of whom has NEVER even seen a just baffles me why all of the negative poop? So Airsoft this is
This sort of thing happens from time to time in airsoft.

It's comparable to when JG guns first started becoming available. There was a rather violent opposition to them by veteran users of more traditional CA/TM/ICS AEG's.

In the future don't be suprised when you tell people you have a X-Hundred dollar toy that is comparable to their X-Thousand dollar toy.

They don't wanna hear it; and I don't blame them... Let them have their prestige to make up for all the money they no longer have lol.
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Old December 14th, 2010, 17:09   #14
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Originally Posted by ArcticFox1984 View Post

They don't wanna hear it; and I don't blame them... Let them have their prestige to make up for all the money they no longer have lol.
All the money they no longer have? That's kind of a silly remark. I bought a PTW, and I still have money. I guarantee I saved more money in the long run than most airsofter's out there. Over two years, plenty of games and she's still running sweet. The only cost that I've had to put into it was a little motor fix, a cheap hopup mod and of course the ADD in changing my set up. If that makes people think that I think I'm better than them for owning one, not at all. I just want the best performing gun out there and encourage all to have the same, and if anyone comes on here and says it's not, you're straight up ignorant and most likely have never gamed one.

I will say nothing good or bad about CTW's because I have not experienced one, just the aftermath of your tumble. Let time see what comes of these.

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