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ARGG!!! PTW VS bolt action? Fair battle?...(Rant)



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Old April 15th, 2011, 02:31   #31
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This thread is the poster child for "reasons why not to get a sniper rifle if you're new to airsoft"
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Old April 15th, 2011, 03:31   #32
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I've engaged riflemen from 60 feet away, ambushed pairs of riflemen, gone toe to toe with SAW's within 120feet, and taken on countless people in marksmen battles.
I have people cower in fear behind cover because they can't shoot out of a 2" wide crack because I have them pinned from 100 feet away.
I make people RUN into the field from respawn at our CQB area because I can tag them from 200 feet away.
And I've had people RUN from my bolt action rifle in an ambush.
It's gone wrong for me plenty of times too.

There's nothing wrong with the rifle or the role, you just need to get better at it!
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Old April 15th, 2011, 04:46   #33
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The ba role is not for everyone that's for sure. Personally I love it and get plenty of kills doing so.

Also keep in mind the field you play on. If there is little to no places to set up and it's more like a speedball field it will be hard to get a good tactical advantage point.

As for the user that said go lighter on your bb's....... Well I would have to disagree. I get the best resaults in my ba rifles with 36,40 and 43 bb's ( depending on the rifle I am using that game)
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Old April 15th, 2011, 06:36   #34
AKA ExtraExtra
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I think the OP is about being outgunned. I think it plays a large factor if your opponent has an automatic rifle and you BA.
What you want and what you can get are 2 different things...
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Old April 15th, 2011, 10:18   #35
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I don't want to sound elitist or snobby or whatever...but here goes...

It's not that the PTW is THE longest shooting, most accurate platform out there...there are certainly all types of other airsoft weapons out there that can be tweaked/tuned/modded to shoot as far/accurately.

It's not that the PTW is out of the box a solid, reliable, accurate, etc...platform. Because truth be told it isn't (IMHO)...each one needs some due dilligence to get it working to it's utmost potential.

It's not that the PTW is a cheap (as in doesn't cost a lot of $$$$ and/or parts don't cost $$$) certainly comes with a pretty stiff price tag. Electronics, motors, parts, EVERYTHING about it seemingly costs more relative to other AEG parts.

But rather...the PTW platform is one such that it does readily lend itself to being:
1. Very quickly customizable for FPS and various uppers/barrels/etc
2. Solid, repeatable setup with consistent airseal/firing timing/etc...which leads to good accuracy
3. Hopup system...when the roller cage is modded (not all that hard) it is capable of applying very consistent and effective amounts of hopup to BBs. Personall...mine tends to prefer 0.28's...and will over hop lighter BBs...but it will send all weights of QUALITY BBs out straight and true. It is one of the most shot to shot to 1000th shot consistent hopup systems I've seen....for what amounts to very little work. * this and the consistent air seal is what makes the PTW seem to hit longer and more accurately than other platforms*
4. The trigger response is a little "fake" in that it feels like a push button on a game controller...but the "lag time" between triggering the shot and the shot leaving your muzzle is extremely short...and always consistent...and that leads to top tier accuracy.

The platform can be made to easily do all the above...and once it's running well it tends to do it for a good long time with little to no maintenance/tuning/tweaking/etc...

So...does this make you outgunned? Not in the least. I get zapped all the time

If you're feeling down about being outgunned...or are disappointed in putting $$$$ into a BA or whatever and not being the world beater hoard slayer that you thought you'd be........well the issue isn't your gun or someone elses gun.

PS... Truth be told...although it's probably technically "the best" one I've got for accuracy, range, PTW takes a backseat to both my gas rifles (which DO NOT shoot as far or accurately) and my KA Galil (which sprays a beautiful random pattern of BBs...but is just too much fun to use). I prefer both of those for the action and fun factor...and all in all I probably get and take as many hits with either of them as I do with the PTW.

Last edited by m102404; April 15th, 2011 at 10:22..
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Old April 16th, 2011, 05:19   #36
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by VooDooPeteK View Post
As for the user that said go lighter on your bb's....... Well I would have to disagree. I get the best resaults in my ba rifles with 36,40 and 43 bb's ( depending on the rifle I am using that game)
Depends on your FPS, every weight class of BB has an optimal relative velocity.
For example, I run 430fps and get better range and accuracy out of .28s and .30s than I do at 470fps.
But at 470fps, using .36s makes a HUGE difference over using the less accurate .30s

Like if your using .36g BBs on a stock rifle at around 320fps, you don't have the velocity to get enough spin on the BB, so it's just going to drop really short compared to a .25
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Old April 16th, 2011, 19:33   #37
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Well I think the fact you were running around in jeans and a blue sweater gave your tactical position away...
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Old April 17th, 2011, 18:55   #38
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Old April 17th, 2011, 21:01   #39
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I have seen guys with $200 Cyberguns rock the field because they knew what they are doing so if you think it is the gun that is limiting your in da wrong sport there fella........
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Old April 17th, 2011, 23:22   #40
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it takes more than expensive parts to get your bolt action to run well (unless you're lucky). In my experience, people have pretty weird expectations of their guns compared to what they will tolerate when using them. For instance, you'll see people horribly dissatisfied with the range they get from a stock gun, do some expensive upgrades and then be completely content running their aeg without tuning their hop, just 412fps rainbow catapult. That said, there's also a lot of amateur upgrades. Using incompatible parts, installing things backwards, damaging hop rubbers, dangly bouncin around barrels, egg bb's, magazines that move hop units around all over the place... list goes on.

I can tell you for sure though, if you run a properly upgraded boltie (or even a stock marui, you'd be surprised how many kills you could get in the same situation with lower fps) for long enough, you'll have an awareness of how to acquire targets quickly and peg them precisely at long range. That coupled with enough experience fooling people and using cover properly and you can use the extra range to take on teams of multiple guys head on.

In short, you need both a properly shooting gun and loads of experience that can be frustrating to acquire to start getting in the positive k/d's but that's the main draw of bolt actions for most people. It's all about the challenge and once you get good enough you'll not only hold your own but become a serious asset. Last game I had the drop on 6 guys, took them all out before they could spot me in the open with 6 quick shots. Could I have taken them out with an AEG? Yep. Did I get a bigger battleboner doing it this way? Fuckin a right I did.
experienced toronto gun doctor, hundreds of guns serviced
manchovie gun doc thread!

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Old April 18th, 2011, 09:39   #41
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I was at this game as well but I was probably using the worst gun on site (Kraken) and still did pretty good. I filmed a little at that game as well, so here's just some action mixed together with PTW's, the BA and other high end guns.
YouTube - Extra Footage from April 9th 2011 game at Warpaint
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Old April 19th, 2011, 01:36   #42
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Damn green board, that's where I was pinned till one started suppressive fire while the other ran around and took me out, but I got him as well. In the end, I kept 3 guys from advancing. Pretty sucessful if you ask me.

As for blue jeans and shirt, it got too hot for snow pants so I decided to change into something more comforting.

Ya, tossing all that cash into my BA didn't seem like a good idea at first considering with the same amount I could have gotten a pretty decent AEG. Now that I think back to that game, I can honestly say I'm very impress with my BA. It's the few moment that got me down, but what I did with it really cheered me up.

Looking forward to the next game... Hopefully I'll have a camo ready.
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Old April 19th, 2011, 03:41   #43
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played with my vsr yesterday. I've had problems in the past, which I finally found out was due to my inability to track clear bb's... Switched to whites and it made a world of difference and I ended up getting a random headshot (I didn't think it would hit anyways, and the head was the only thing showing. Also, it skimmed the top, so it didn't hurt too much). Crazy stuff began to happen, like when the bb would go over the river, it took a hard left, and random turbulent spots on the way to the target. I re-fell in love with b/a's
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