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[Position Filled] Actors/Extras needed for action scene



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Old May 28th, 2005, 22:33   #16
Crystal Insight
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
Even worse than Stargate SG-1?

Jokes aside, I will tell you that I am a military/airsoft enthusiast and have been for a few years now. Even if its only for my sake, I wish to keep the integrity of the military and airsoft in tact, in this movie. I am a perfectionist and won't rest until everthing IS perfect. I hope that puts some of your fears to rest...

[Edit: I understand what your fears let me state that we are looking for serious airsofters only. We want the scenes to be as R-E-A-L as possible. So if that means denying casting to trigger happy 13/14 or 15 year olds, so be long as the integrity of what we're trying to portray is as close to the real thing as possible. No offense to 13/14 or 15 year olds.]
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Old May 28th, 2005, 23:09   #17
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Yeah, asking a bunch of airsofters to wear miscellaneous kit with any gun will really make it PERFECT.

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Old May 28th, 2005, 23:13   #18
Crystal Insight
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Point noted, I hope the corrections i made in the original post will clear things up a bit
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Old May 28th, 2005, 23:19   #19
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How many extra's are you looking for exactly?

Enough to fill in as background army units. Or a few guys to act as a "squad".

Also, aren't you looking for a certain Physique. I'm pretty sure you don't want someone that looks like Michael Crooks acting out one of the roles.

(No offence to anyone that looks like Michael Crooks, except Crooks himself.)
Originally Posted by Sydney J. Harris
"Terrorism" is the violence of the weak, and we condem it; "war" is the violence of the strong, and we glorify it.
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The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 23:33   #20
Crystal Insight
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Good questions Shugart, all the way from Mississauga...

We are looking for 3-4 extras that will make up a "squad". In regards to physique, we are looking for people that look like they ARE in the military. Ya know, fit.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 23:47   #21
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have you tried the BCAC forums?

BCAC has a lot of current and former military guys. I've also played with them and can vouch for them being fit..
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Old May 28th, 2005, 23:50   #22
Join Date: Nov 2002
I'll do it I have all the gear....I am free.......I like cheese sandwiches too
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Old May 29th, 2005, 00:08   #23
Crystal Insight
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Cheese sandwiches WILL be on set!
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Old May 29th, 2005, 00:40   #24
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Just a suggestion,... you might be better off trying for a pure black uniform requirement, cause I can't see all that many worth while ppl who would suit the role having full urban marpat uniforms yet seeing as how it's a pretty new camo type.
From the sounds of it you're looking for a smaller squad based senario being that specific.
If so and you realy want it to be authentic looking you'd better start doing your home work on marine tactics and movement procedures, and be prepared to spend alot of time getting it out of whoever shows up.
Throwing a bunch of guys who probably don't know each other or what you want from the scenes together, and telling them to just go at it just won't cut it as anything usefull for any kind of movie.
"Death in the tall grass"
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Old May 29th, 2005, 01:03   #25
Crystal Insight
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Point taken. I can say that i've worked under these conditions before, taken random airsofters and put them together in a movie, and I must say, it worked out real well. Everyone wanted to have fun but be professional at the same time. I didnt have to explain any techno babble or teach them tactics. I hope by now that if someone is into airsoft, then they'd know their tactics too. But, we'll see, we'll have dry runs to practie first.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 02:33   #26
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good luck with it all, hope it works out for ya.
It'd be cool if you can post some of the vid some time too even if it's after the movies done.
I know I wouldn't mind seeing how it turns out.
"Death in the tall grass"
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Old May 29th, 2005, 02:37   #27
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Well I'm a fit 22year old and a full set of CADPAT w/ a M4A1/M203 and Glock 19 sidearm if that works for you... I'm living in Tofino vancouver Island but if you need me give me a shout at
I also got photos of all my gear if needed.

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Old May 29th, 2005, 03:44   #28
Crystal Insight
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we've been contacted by a team from Kelowna that have matching Multicam dress so we've chosen to go with them. CADPAT we've found was too light for the camera. Thanks or the interest though, I'll make sure to let you know if we have any future projects that could possibly benefit from your help. In the meantime, we'll try and keep the website updated so you can check the progress. Thanks again!
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Old May 29th, 2005, 05:09   #29
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I live in Surrey, Full CADPAT uniform and M4 Commando (m733).

Have been thinking about getting marpat for a second uniform and will most likely have a pistol by that time. I have a feeling you would be more successfull look wise if you use an all CADPAT squad. Unless you HAVE to use american military units in your film.

Anyways I have a question: Do you have an example of your work that we can see that will give us an idea of your professionalism in the movie making industry?

One more: What garantee do we have that we will be protected by law to use our AEG's on your movie set and what attention would be taken to ensure that all owners of airsoft will be using them in a safe manner?

I hope you came expecting a few disbelievers, we feel very protective about our sport and the publicity it recieves. All we require is a little bit more info.

if you need me, contact me at
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Old May 29th, 2005, 05:39   #30
Crystal Insight
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
We have discussed which type of camo we would like to use and have found that CADPAT is too green. In some cases the green looks almost neon. MARPAT is newer and has duller colours. Also, we have been contact by a group that has access to MULTICAM and well...its MULTICAM!!

For examples of our work, you can check out the
"SPANK" is our first short film that has screend in over 20 film festivals, received 16 awards and is the 6th indie-film in Canadian history to 'out-gross' it's budget (that means we actually got to pay the cast!)

Information on THIS feature film, can be found at:

The only guarantee we can give you is that our location is on private property, OUT of view from the public, is notorious for having films being filmed there AND we have all filming permits. This is not the first time we've filmed a movie, its also not the first time we've used airsoft, and i dont think it will be the last.

Thanks for the input and interest...keep 'em coming!
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