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Regarding "Teams"


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Old June 8th, 2012, 19:49   #1
Bois Brule
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Alberta
Regarding "Teams"

I have lots of questions regarding the airsoft community itself, mostly due the fact that I'm a crusty old guy and set in my ways, and learning the secret handshakes as I go is not all that appealing to me. I like to learn as much as I can before leaping in headfirst.

My buddies and I have access to a field (privately owned) lots of outbuildings, treed areas, and a large, structurally sound, abandoned house. It's where we're cutting our teeth on airsoft. Following all the conventions... Kill rags, mercy kills etc.

Now, it stands to reason that we would like to play together.

So, I have questions regarding teams.

What is the general opinion regarding "non military themed teams"? As in, not portraying an actual military squad? Obviously this wouldn't fly in a Milsim, or a themed game requiring certain gear of course, but if safety comes first, and rules are being followed and sportsmanship is paramount... Is it an issue to theme a team in a non- conventional way?

As an example ( and no... This isn't what we're considering) but if a team showed up in pinstripe suits carrying Tommy guns (all safety requirements met) and called themselves the Rumrunners, would anyone care? Would it be seen as some sort insult to the game, or would it be a welcome fun addition? After all, an opponent is an opponent, right?

Would this be seen as an affront to the sensibilities of more "military themed" teams? We want to play, we want to ensure we're a welcome part of the community... But we also want to do our thing in our way, and ensure that others still want to play with us.
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Old June 8th, 2012, 20:50   #2
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Meh. IMO during regular skirmish days anything goes (within reason obviously). In fact I think we were thinking of/planning a "Suit Up" day/themed game here locally in October ourselves. In regards to having a pinstriped team, you have to consider how you're going to be placed in the grand scheme of things, like green vs tan, or solids ("PMC's") vs camo, or digital vs analogue. Also it might be a good idea to let the organizer know ahead of time that you'll be wearing and playing in pinstriped suits.

Milsims however are obviously fairly strictly themed.
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Old June 8th, 2012, 21:09   #3
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I for one would love to play against any team that did that LOL as long as they are honest players
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Old June 8th, 2012, 21:17   #4
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IMHO it's pretty much wide-open as to your err... taste in dress for skirmishes. You could dress up in a pink tutu and tights, and all people would likely remark upon is that you make an exceptionally good target for them. On second thought, don't do that, not that there is anything wrong with it.. i just don't think you want to start out your airsoft hobby as the 'weird sisters', or something.

Skirmishes are generally for fun, have fun with whatever theme you'd like to portray.. within moderation (no tutu's please, seriously!) - Milsim's are definitely more realism oriented. I'd suggest looking into picking up a cheap set of OD vintage combats, as an alternative to your "Bois' Mobster crew" theme - and then you could passably pimp out those Thompson's on a WW2 themed event for a little more variety...
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Old June 8th, 2012, 21:20   #5
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Bois, generally acceptable is different types of 'camouflage'. However, what is 'Camouflage'? If you're in, say, (using your pinstripe suite idea) prohibition era chicago, the best camo would be whatever helps you bend in with everyone else....right?

like Latency said, as long as you fit in 'somewhere' in the team distinction (green v. tan, solid v. patterns, military v. insurgents)

Obviously, if you show up alone for a game wearing something right out of left field, you won't fit in, but if 10 of you show up all dressed like tinkerbell, as long as you can be classified on team A or B, you're good.

We have had teams (such as Freedom Fighters in Ontario) that theme themselves as a 'bad guy' team. They wore khakis, older webbing, and shemaghs.

It is up to you and your team. Remember, it's about YOUR enjoyment of the game, wear what you want.

Message me on EAR if you want to get the ball rolling on the local forum in regards to setting up a team area etc.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old June 10th, 2012, 12:52   #6
Bois Brule
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Alberta
Thanks. Pretty much exactly what I was looking for.

No worries. It won't be pink tutus.
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Old June 10th, 2012, 13:43   #7
5kull's Avatar
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If you have a common theme that is easy to identify, I don't see any problem with playing with or against your team. It's not any worse then playing in camo against a bunch of guy's in black SWAT uniforms. If you like your look and your fun to play against, I'm all for it.
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