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Tornado Grenade by Airsoft Inovations - Google search Pic's included



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Old September 24th, 2013, 22:12   #16
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Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
Considering the multitude of reviews of the AI Tornadoes online I don't think it was necessary to go to the product page on as well as several others to copy and paste photos and tid bits about what they do.

If this thread was intended as a troll, you have won.
I believe it's informative enough for someone who hasn't seen or heard of Tornado grenades yet, and not providing a link to their website was a mere oversight. I love my AI Tornado's, and try to promote their use when ever possible (hence why I wrote the review in the first place). Maybe you could show me your own written review's that are far superior to my mine.

It sounds to me like it is you who is trolling
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Last edited by JadedKommando; September 24th, 2013 at 22:40..
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Old September 24th, 2013, 22:17   #17
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Originally Posted by DaRkCoMmAnDo View Post
Also, what attachment parts broke... I've used my with a spoon kit for awhile, lots of tosses there. No breakages. Where did you get that info?
The black cover on the bottom of the grenade. I used them indoor's and 2 of those covers broke at the threading. I did have spares from the maintenace kit I bought
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Old September 24th, 2013, 22:36   #18
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You should contact their support through email if you have any problems, their customer service is some of the best i've encountered.

Also, I haven't personally found any airsoft grenade that has the bb capacity or coverage that it offers. If you want to compare it to a sound emitting grenade their dd kit does a bang up job. (pun intended).

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Old September 24th, 2013, 22:46   #19
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Originally Posted by Manvil View Post
You should contact their support through email if you have any problems, their customer service is some of the best i've encountered.

Also, I haven't personally found any airsoft grenade that has the bb capacity or coverage that it offers. If you want to compare it to a sound emitting grenade their dd kit does a bang up job. (pun intended).
TY, good to know they have bang on customer service.
I have their "thunder b" style kit, it's kind of a pain to reload. But it nulls the need to carry sound bangers and grenades.
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Old September 24th, 2013, 23:13   #20
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by JadedKommando View Post
I believe it's informative enough for someone who hasn't seen or heard of Tornado grenades yet, and not providing a link to their website was a mere oversight. I love my AI Tornado's, and try to promote their use when ever possible (hence why I wrote the review in the first place). Maybe you could show me your own written review's that are far superior to my mine.

It sounds to me like it is you who is trolling
I have several reviews on YouTube actually, go find them.

Hmm. Ooookay.
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Old September 24th, 2013, 23:26   #21
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Originally Posted by JadedKommando View Post
TY, good to know they have bang on customer service.
I have their "thunder b" style kit, it's kind of a pain to reload. But it nulls the need to carry sound bangers and grenades.
No they have exceptional service; the internal piston of one my timer grenade broke after I used it last year at the terminator game, I emailed them to purchase the part. They said no need and 2 days later I had TWO pistons and a maintenance kit delivered to me by UPS. Awesome company. I bought 2 other AI timer grenades after that.
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Old September 24th, 2013, 23:32   #22
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Originally Posted by Borealis View Post
No they have exceptional service; the internal piston of one my timer grenade broke after I used it last year at the terminator game, I emailed them to purchase the part. They said no need and 2 days later I had TWO pistons and a maintenance kit delivered to me by UPS. Awesome company. I bought 2 other AI timer grenades after that.
Now that damn good costmer support

Nice to hear for if I ever buy one
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Old September 25th, 2013, 00:00   #23
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Originally Posted by JadedKommando View Post
Sorry how did I type their name wrong? I can use their photo's under the fair use law, as I am not profiting from this review.

All I was saying is they could sell their Canadian made product for much less so more people can afford their product
They are not Airsoft Industries, they are Airsoft Innovations

Most people when they do a review take their own photos to show what they like and do not like, they do not recycle company photographs that everyone has already seen.

There is many reviews out there on the Tornado's including ones showing them being run over by vehicles and still usable afterwards.

Typically if something breaks on them its from misuse or not following the instructions on them properly.

$100 for a re usable, hard to break, easy/cheap to fix, easy/cheap to maintain product is actually a very very reasonable price. Especially for a home grown, designed and built item. Considering these are selling world wide for the same price speaks for itself. The price is right.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 01:41   #24
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Originally Posted by JadedKommando View Post
All I was saying is they could sell their Canadian made product for much less so more people can afford their product
I never took Econ 101, but I'm sure this is covered somewhere...
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Old September 25th, 2013, 01:47   #25
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Sure, there are cheaper versions available out there... they're knock off clones made by Chinese companies, but they weren't able to clone the patented timer mechanism (not just because the patent was stopping them, but because they couldn't figure out the ingenious design), and so you would get detonations that would occur the moment you let go of the grenade, or could take 30 seconds... or would just plain NEVER detonate. They are too unpredictable.

But, as the OP stated, more people can afford them... so then why don't people buy them? Because they're crap!

You get what you pay for, and apparently, people are willing to shell out $100 a pop for these bad boys...
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Old September 25th, 2013, 02:04   #26
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Old September 25th, 2013, 06:18   #27
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Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
They are not Airsoft Industries, they are Airsoft Innovations
I am embarrassed that I wrote Airsoft Industries and not Innovations. Thanks for the correction.

Jack the Ripper, what is your channel name on you tube so I can watch your reviews?
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Old September 25th, 2013, 08:50   #28
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Yeah never had ANY problems with Airsoft Innovations grenades breaking during use. Had your typical o-ring issues from letting them dry out in the past but never any mechanical problem from something I did during use.

One deployment involved hurling a grenade as hard as I possibly could at an outdoor game towards and enemy position. In hindsight it was a bad idea as it could have hurt someone if I hit anyone in the head with it but fortunately it smacked into concrete instead. The grenade still functioned 100% fine afterwards, just some scuffing to it from the impact. How did you actually manage to break part of it?

The only issues I've had with AI grenades have been problems I've created for myself, such as losing the grenade pins, wiping the grease off the threading accidentally on one grenade and having to un-seize the screw-on cap from the grenade body and letting an o-ring or two dry out which fixable by purchasing an o-ring replacement kit or just not being negligent with your gear and keeping it correctly oiled when stored.

Take care of your new grenades there and you'll get hundreds of deployments and years of use out of them. Pick up one or two of the o-ring replacement kits as that's the component that appears to degrade and fail over time. At one point I owned nine AI grenades, 6 impacts and 3 timers, and only had to do 3 partial o-ring replacements whilst they were under my care.

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Old September 25th, 2013, 09:16   #29
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The part that broke was the threaded cap at the bottom of the grenade to cover the propane filler port. I'm not sure how they broke (it happened twice on the same day), I think they hit the bottom of the grenade on the concrete floor. When I tossed the grenade it functioned as per normal, when I was able to retrieve the grenade the bottom cover was off the grenade and it had snapped at the threads. I had replacement parts from my maintenance kit so it was a quick fix.
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Old September 25th, 2013, 10:15   #30
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by JadedKommando View Post
The part that broke was the threaded cap at the bottom of the grenade to cover the propane filler port. I'm not sure how they broke (it happened twice on the same day), I think they hit the bottom of the grenade on the concrete floor. When I tossed the grenade it functioned as per normal, when I was able to retrieve the grenade the bottom cover was off the grenade and it had snapped at the threads. I had replacement parts from my maintenance kit so it was a quick fix.
This part is considered "consumable" and inexpensive to replace. I have about 20 of these grenades, from the earliest model to the latest.

They are game changers in a CQB environment.

Every player needs one, for those " I wish I had a grenade" moments

Yes $100 is not inexpensive .. but if you work it out over cost per use. considering 100s of deployments are possible before any parts need replacing they are quite cost effective.

I look forward to seeing more innovative grenade products from Airsoft Innovations.
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