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Army Kimber R28 1911 Future Upgrade list options


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Old September 26th, 2013, 13:02   #1
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Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Army Kimber R28 1911 Future Upgrade list options

okay guys, now that I got the gun time to list some upgrades (potentially) that I can use. It's mostly Tokyo Marui compatible, so I know I can get SOME stuff working in there, but I had a few thoughts before I go too far, and was hoping for some feedback:

1: If need be, can I simply swap the slide entirely for a metal TM 1911 slide? or a clone that has good internals? That was instead of swapping individual parts the whole slide which contains all the important parts gets upgraded. I'm going to be using Tokyo Marui magazines, so I want to stay Tm compatible as much as possible. In my review, it was mentioned that the blow back unit is proprietary, and gets damaged extremely quickly. One of the reasons I thought of just swapping the whole slide entirely for a better one. If not then what can be done about this? I don't want damaged parts inside the gun in case it causes further damage and failure. Swapping the slide would also be nice if I could get one that had threads for either a silencer or the ability to mount a compensator (not sure which I'd go with yet just thought about it last night)

2: If not, I read on another post about the R27 that the owner put a PDI winter piston head. It's about $12 bucks US so it's not BAD, but if I'm going to be swapping internals I kind of want to use stuff that is good quality and will make it better.

Anything you guys can suggest would be great
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Old September 26th, 2013, 13:28   #2
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Use it until it breaks, then worry about fixing it. For all you know, the few proprietary parts might not break. If the proprietary parts do break, only then should you think about investing in another slide or modifying the original slide to fit standard parts.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 14:08   #3
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might be time for you to talk to a gun doc.

I wouldn't outright recommend the PDI head I used, because it was literally what I had lying around. the nine ball dyna head is much more popular.

slides will be hit and miss because the whole thing is so off spec. just run it till something fails.
too busy tinkering to play.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 14:48   #4
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From my experiences upgrading off-spec guns (KJW, Army, WE) is that you should not hold up hopes of things working like they should. Remember, these parts were designed for a TM pistol, to their tolerances and measurements, and a lot of these offshoots/redesigns simply don't hold up. Each seem to have their differences in one way or another.

So as said above, use it 'til it breaks, and hope to hell the parts you're putting in to fix it will work.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 17:38   #5
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Honestly, if you're going to be upgrading a gun like this, you might as well just sell it and buy a Tokyo Marui. The performance increase with that simple "upgrade" will be DRAMATIC.

Otherwise, just use this gun till parts start breaking, and replace them as they break as mentioned above.

For what it's worth, I'd recently heavily upgraded an Army Kimber Warrior for someone. It wasn't cheap, but a huge host of parts were internally upgraded and it actually shoots really nice now. The gas consumption is still relatively high compared to a Marui, but at least the groupings were tightened up a great deal, the trigger response increased, lightened and shortened trigger pull, reinforced hammer/sear/strut/knocker for better trigger feel and faster lock up times, and the range increased dramatically (new inner barrel, hop up rubber & chamber.) And as I'd mentioned in your other thread, the wobble was reduced throughout the gun.

I still relate the process of upgrading low end guns like this to souping up a Toyota Corolla... but to each, his own. Some people have a serious sentimental attachment to a particular gun.

Here's a new one: Upgrading a craptastic gun is like making an ugly girl look better by upgrading her with a few pints of beer...

Last edited by ILLusion; September 26th, 2013 at 17:42..
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Old September 26th, 2013, 18:07   #6
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Well first thing is those magazines. If the gun breaks to the point where it's not worth it I'll switch to another 1911 that can take the same magazines. Guess first step is to see how it works as is lol I'll place that order very soon ILLusion
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Old September 26th, 2013, 18:24   #7
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Honestly, if you're going to be upgrading a gun like this, you might as well just sell it and buy a Tokyo Marui. The performance increase with that simple "upgrade" will be DRAMATIC.

Otherwise, just use this gun till parts start breaking, and replace them as they break as mentioned above.

For what it's worth, I'd recently heavily upgraded an Army Kimber Warrior for someone. It wasn't cheap, but a huge host of parts were internally upgraded and it actually shoots really nice now. The gas consumption is still relatively high compared to a Marui, but at least the groupings were tightened up a great deal, the trigger response increased, lightened and shortened trigger pull, reinforced hammer/sear/strut/knocker for better trigger feel and faster lock up times, and the range increased dramatically (new inner barrel, hop up rubber & chamber.) And as I'd mentioned in your other thread, the wobble was reduced throughout the gun.

I still relate the process of upgrading low end guns like this to souping up a Toyota Corolla... but to each, his own. Some people have a serious sentimental attachment to a particular gun.

Here's a new one: Upgrading a craptastic gun is like making an ugly girl look better by upgrading her with a few pints of beer...
Post of the year.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 18:37   #8
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the R28 isn't that bad is it?...
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Old September 26th, 2013, 18:49   #9
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
the R28 isn't that bad is it?...
not if you plan to use it like a $500 car. make a conscious effort to spend as little money as possible and run the thing into the ground.

dude, chill. it'll be great. abuse the crap out of it, and save up for a custom built piece of art to baby around and leave on your wall.
too busy tinkering to play.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 18:51   #10
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already thinking of trying to get a Tokyo Marui MEU or something... but holy SHIT Milsig 500 bucks for a gun thats worth like 300 anywhere else?... over priced much? christ their 40rnd long tm mags are almost 100 bucks ILLusion sells them for almost half that...
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Old September 26th, 2013, 19:00   #11
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Get A/V'd and maybe you'll find better prices for TM guns.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 19:04   #12
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Been trying since I first made an account. Will be sending out a third request to the last two AV's near me again....

Originally Posted by RaisinBran View Post
Get A/V'd and maybe you'll find better prices for TM guns.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 19:39   #13
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Might consider just doing a custom 1911 Tm build im not sure but I'll use the R28 for now, but I wan't something that's gunna last me a few years was hoping I could just swap better parts into it seeing as it was TM compatible.
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Old September 26th, 2013, 19:40   #14
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You can get a TM 1911 for 280$ from a great retailer in the age verified section.

Also, the only part worth upgrading on this gun right now is the hop-up rubber. Get a Firefly soft, A+ Reaps or PDI W hop and you will get a HUGE increase in accuracy and range. Upgrading the barrel might be an option if after the hop up rubber upgrade you still have crap accuracy, but generally, a new barrel doesn't give you much bang for your money compared to other possible upgrade parts, unless the gun had a really bad or defective barrel to start with. If the number of BBs you can shoot per mag fill is low, say, under 15 for a full metal 1911, you might want to change the piston head.

But if it works well out of the box, all you need really is a hop-up rubber upgrade.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old September 26th, 2013, 19:43   #15
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I was planning to swap the hop up rubber initially. Reason i thought about swapping the whole slide was for tm parts lol but first off I need to test the gun and see how it performs initially and go from there.

EDIT: stupid question, does it matter if the rubber is meant for an aeg or can it be used in a pistol anyway? This is what I'm lookin at:

Last edited by Reaver_RRTS; September 26th, 2013 at 19:56..
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